Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 506 She Is So Sad And Ridiculous

Being teased by Li Qingling, everyone turned their attention to An An.

An An blinked her eyes staring at the cake, and arrogantly denied: "Aunt Qingling is saying who is greedy? I am not greedy."

Everyone laughed, An An's expression of staring straight at the cake made him want to eat it.

Lu Wanwan nodded the tip of his nose, and said with a helpless smile, "That's it, everyone knows you like sweets."

An An said "hey" twice, and did not deny it when facing her.

But Bai Qingluo couldn't laugh. She saw that the Li family only had Lu Wanwan and her son in their eyes, and she felt incredible. Could it be that Xiu Qi couldn't even compare with Fu?

That is Fu Shuo's son!

Tang Qiong nodded with a smile: "Take it apart."

Li Qingling untied the ribbon on the cake box three times, five times and two times, and then took the box away.

I saw that besides the basic pattern design on the cake, there were three letters made of chocolate, and Li Qingling read it out: "l, a, p? Miss Lu, is there any metaphor for this pinyin abbreviation?"

Will not!How can foreign ones compare to our own?

The old man and the others must have transferred the guilt they felt towards Lu Wanwan back then to Fu Huai'an, that's all.

While Bai Qingluo was comforting herself, Li Qingling said: "Grandma, shall I open the cake?"

Hearing this, the Li family members are a little bit disappointed. To Wanwan now, they are all "nothing special".

An An made amends for her mother: "I know, the letters above are actually the English abbreviation of 'love and peace', which means 'love and peace'!"

Lu Wanwan couldn't help looking at An An, why didn't she know that he was so good at making up nonsense?

Everyone thought about it, and the pinyin abbreviation of Tang Qiong's name is "t, q", which has nothing to do with "l, a, p".

Lu Wanwan's eyes flashed, and she thought this should be the person who returned the birthday cake, the pinyin abbreviation of the name.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, she said lightly: "Nothing special."

But because the size of the cake was not big, and there were not many candles, Li Qingling was in a difficult situation for a while.

Bai Qingluo snorted coldly in her heart, today is Tang Qiong's birthday, so many dignitaries and dignitaries couldn't find a way to come to pay their respects, so Lu Wanwan brought a small cake, which was too casual!

Thinking of this, Bai Qingluo cleared her throat and suggested, "Why don't we let the kitchen roll out the prepared nine-layer cake. Today is grandma's birthday, so it's better to be more solemn."

Although they knew it was fake, the Li family was warmed up by An An's explanation.

"An'an is awesome, Aunt Qingling will give you a big cake later!"

As Li Qingling said, she began to prepare to put candles on the cake.

One candle represents 10 years old, and ten candles means 100 years old. This is the meaning of wishing her a long life!

Tang Qiong laughed from ear to ear, and after a while, she said: "You child, you can really talk!"

As a result, Bai Qingluo's suggestion was naturally ignored by everyone.

After An An glanced at Bai Qing, she suddenly said, "Aunt Qingling, we can also use a candle to represent 10 years old, so the candle is enough."

"Alright." After Li Qingling nodded, he did as he wanted.

An An immediately said sweetly to Tang Qiong: "Grandma Tang, I hope one day your birthday cake will be filled with ten candles~"

After Li Qingling lit the birthday candles, he said to everyone: "Let's sing the birthday song!"

Li Yuanzhong, Li Jingchen, and Lin Yuena were all straight men of steel, and some past experiences made them unable to sing this cheerful song, so they were responsible for applauding and accompaniment.

Lu Wanwan considered herself an outsider and didn't sing much.

This kid is really good at deceiving people!

Bai Qingluo couldn't help but glanced at him, but saw that An An was also sweeping towards her at this moment, a trace of evil flashed across that cute little face like an angel.

He did it on purpose!This realization made Bai Qingluo's heart sink suddenly.

As for An An, he is not afraid of life, so he sings very hard.

Tang Qiong looked at An An clapping her little hands and singing, with that lively and lovely look, the corners of her eyes became wet again.

Not long after, Li Qingling said softly: "Grandma, please make a wish."

Li Xiuqi sang, but it was a mosquito humming.

In this way, Li Qingling sang the loudest.

Because she is so happy today, sister-in-law, An An, and Mr. Lin are all here, it would be great if time could stay at this moment!

No, even saying that he wants to see his great-great-grandson, especially in front of Lu Wanwan, this is slapping Lu Wanwan in the face!Who made her son belong to the Fu family?

As soon as Bai Qingluo said this, the Li family only felt that she was sad and ridiculous. How could Tang Qiong want to see Li Xiuqi's son?He clearly wanted to see An An!

At this moment, An An asked curiously, "Mummy, what does great-great-grandson mean?"

Tang Qiong pressed the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingertips, and said from the bottom of her heart: "I only hope to live longer, so I look forward to my great-great-grandson!"

Hearing this, Bai Qingluo was overjoyed, and hurriedly took Li Xiuqi's little hand and said to Tang Qiong: "Don't worry, grandma, I will definitely find a good wife for Xiuqi in the future, and let him do more for the Li family."

Bai Qingluo thought that Tang Qiong didn't care about Xiu Qi, but it seemed that she was overthinking, Tang Qiong still had high hopes for Xiu Qi.

An An looked at him, wondering: "Don't you like Nian Nian?"

Li Xiuqi blurted out: "I like it, but it's not the kind you think!"

An An asked, "What kind is that?"

Lu Wanwan explained calmly: "It's your classmate Li's future child."

"Oh~ that's it." An An came over clearly and said, "Don't worry, Grandma Tang, I think Xiu Qi and Nian Nian get along so well, maybe they will be together when they grow up, and your great-great-grandson will be settled."

Li Xiuqi blushed, "Fu Huai'an, don't talk nonsense!"

The appearance of the two little guys arguing added some family atmosphere to the place.

Bai Qing replied awkwardly: "...Yes, grandma."

Tang Qiong then got up and blew out the birthday candles.

"Why should I tell you!" Li Xiuqi panicked, and couldn't help but raise his voice.

Bai Qingluo frowned, pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and said, "Xiu Qi, this is your great-grandmother's birthday banquet, you are not allowed to be so presumptuous when you are young."

But Tang Qiong said: "No problem, it's you, don't say a few words."

"Cut the cake!"

In the next second, Li Qingling divided the cake with the plastic knife provided by the store.

The biggest piece was naturally dedicated to Tang Qiong, the birthday star, followed by Li Yuanzhong, and then it was An An's turn.

Looking at the big strawberry candy on the top of the cake, An An, who loves sweets, licked her lips and said restrainedly: "No, Auntie Qingling, I am a child, and I am just a guest, so I am in front of the adults and the master." It is impolite to share food."

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