Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 393 I Will Be A Knife In Your Hand

While taking the elevator downstairs, Li Xuyang suddenly coughed lightly, and said to Lu Wanwan, "The woman you saw just now is actually Li Jingchen's psychiatrist."

Logically speaking, this is the best time for him to frame Li Jingchen. It is better to make up nonsense than to clarify for Li Jingchen, but his subconscious is still afraid that she will be sad.

In the end, Lu Wanwan looked indifferent.

Li Xuyang was suddenly at a loss, did she really have no feelings for her eldest brother?

After being dazed, there was panic. If she treated her eldest brother like this, how could she treat him any better?

At this moment, "Ding sound, the elevator door opened.

When the female manager saw her coming out, followed by Li Xuyang, her mind immediately stopped.

Strange, didn't she go up to find President Li?Why did the Fourth Young Master send her out?

"Is she from Mr. Li, or from Fourth Young Master?"

outside the company gate.

Seeing Lu Wanwan took out the car keys, Li Xuyang bravely stopped her car door and asked, "Can we have dinner together? I'll drive."

"Xuyang. Lu Wanwan called him, and immediately Li Xuyang's eyes lit up. If he had a tail behind him, he would have already wagged it.

Lu Wanwan continued, "I don't want to treat you like I treated Li Jingchen, but please stop helping the evildoers."

Hearing this, Li Xuyang said sadly, "Don't you want to know how my past six years have been?"

I would like to turn into a knife in your hand

Listening to his aggrieved voice, Lu Wanwan couldn't connect with his tall stature for a while.

Li Xuyang clenched his fists, and said with some embarrassment, "I just want you to take a good look at me and see if I have grown up."

The brat who once only knew how to cause trouble and bully others has been admitted to the top ten universities in the country.

He also foolishly went to her grave to post the admission certificate, and wept with snot and tears. Now that he finally found out that she was still alive, why is it so difficult to get a compliment from her?

His low mood made An An feel a little unbearable and said, "Brother, don't be sad, Mommy is just angry at me for sneaking out today, so I blame you."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan opened the door of the back seat and said, "An'an, you get in the car first."

An An pleaded softly, can Mommy be nicer to Big Brother?He is already very sad. "

Li Xuyang couldn't help but glance at An An, thinking that he didn't love this kid in vain.

On the contrary, Lu Wanwan was a little depressed. After all, the more harmonious An An and the Li family were, the more unfavorable it would be for her.

Afterwards, An An got into the car.

Lu Wanwan immediately glanced at Li Xuyang, and the two leaned against the front of the car together.

"Xuyang, which university are you studying in now?"

Seeing her asking, he can finally proudly say "University of Science and Technology!"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan subconsciously said, "The Department of Computer Science of the University of Science and Technology is very famous, no wonder you can hack into the security system of Fu's family, but the University of Science and Technology is so far away from S City, I would like to turn into a knife in your hand when you return from vacation

Isn't home very inconvenient? "

I don't want to come back at all.Li Xuyang said hoarsely, "Since you fell into the sea, I have been thinking about moving out of Li's house all the time."

Lu Wanwan's eyebrows ached.

"Remember that six years ago, you told me that no matter what decision Li Jingchen made, you told me not to hate him?"

Following his words, Lu Wanwan couldn't help recalling that night six years ago, when Li Xuyang, who was still young, found her in the courtyard and asked her if Li Jingchen wanted to drive them out of the Li family?

At that time, just as Tang Qiong woke up, Li Xiangchen fled, and Zhuang Jing fell ill. She was Li Xuyang's only spiritual support.

"At that time, I thought that after Li Jingchen and Li Xiangchen broke up, the most they could do was drive us out of the Li family. I decided to listen to you. No matter what he did to us, I would not hate him, but how did he do it? He actually If you choose Bai Qingluo but not you, how do you want me not to hate him?"

Lu Wanwan closed her eyes, even she herself didn't expect this ending.

In the next second, Li Xuyang held up her hand and put it in his palm cherishingly. I'm on your side. As long as you want, I'd like to turn into a knife in your hand and stab into Li Jingchen's chest.

Lu Wanwan's heart trembled, and she withdrew her hand suddenly.

Meanwhile, the President's Office.

The secretary is still immersed in the surprise that Lu Wanwan is most likely still alive, but Lan Qin has already noticed that something is wrong with Li Jingchen.

I saw his hands pressed on the desk, his whole body tensed, eyebrows arched, I would like to become a knife in your hand

As if trying to endure something.

Seeing this, Lan Qin stepped forward and asked softly, "Mr. Li, are you okay?"

Li Jingchen who heard her voice suddenly swept everything off the desk!

Lan Qin couldn't dodge in time, her toe was accidentally hit, and she shivered in pain.

But as a psychiatrist, she can only face the difficulties.

"The lady who just left just sounds like your wife, or is she your wife?"

Li Jingchen said gloomily, "Don't worry about it!

Lan Qin said softly, "As long as you don't recover for a day, you are still my patient, so please don't hide anything from me, okay?"

We all know that her chattering made him feel even worse!

"Who do you think you are, worthy to take care of my affairs?"

Li Jingchen grabbed Lan Qin's neck, with the violence of wanting to kill someone!

On the one hand, he was annoyed that Lan Qin came to disturb him and Wan Wan, on the other hand, he blamed Lan Qin for being useless, there was no way to make his Wan Wan jealous!

Useless people, what are you still doing?

Seeing that he lost control suddenly, the secretary rushed up to push him away, Doctor Daolan, go to the drawer and get the tranquilizer for President Li! "

Cough, after rubbing his neck, Lan Qin hurriedly found medicine for him.

Mr. Li, please calm down, eh! "Before the secretary finished speaking, he was thrown to the ground by the manic Li Jingchen!

The secretary felt bitter, President Li went crazy, and his strength became stronger!

I would like to turn into a knife in your hand

How could he not care about his late night? !The more Li Jingchen thought about it, the more he had a splitting headache.

At this moment, Li Qingling, who wanted to come to see An An after the meeting, saw the scene of Li Jingchen running away!

She didn't have time to ask in detail, so she rushed up and shouted, "Brother, if you look like this, if your sister-in-law sees you, do you think she will still like you?"

There is nothing better than this sentence.

The corners of Li Jingchen's red eyes glowed with clarity, he tried his best to behave like a normal person in front of Wan Wan, didn't he just want her to fall in love with him again?

And Lan Qin finally understood that his wife was really not dead.

Dr. Lan, give me the medicine. "

Li Qingling took the sedative from Lan Qin's hand, then pulled up the secretary who was lying on the ground, and said to them, "I made you suffer, and I apologize to you on behalf of my elder brother. I hope you can keep what happened today a secret."

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