Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 392 No need to explain, I believe you

"Sit here, I'll answer the phone."

In the process of answering the phone, Li Jingchen kept staring at Lu Wanwan with his phoenix eyes, for fear that she would disappear out of thin air.

As a result, he didn't hear what the other party said. After a perfunctory "um", Li Jingchen put down the microphone.

Li Jingchen.Lu Wanwan said a little annoyed, "Give me Li Xuyang's number, and I'll rush him."

Li Jingchen ruthlessly refused, "No."

Li Xuyang already had plans for her, how could he give her a number?

Then I will go find An An elsewhere.Lu Wanwan straightened up.

In the end, Li Jingchen said sharply, "If you are recognized while walking in the company, aren't you afraid of causing trouble to An An?"

Lu Wanwan's nerves tensed up.

Li Jingchen approached her, and said with floating lips, "I don't care, I just don't know what Fu Shuo will think."

He was probing all the time, what was the relationship between her and Fu Shuo.

Just at this moment, Lu Wanwan's cell phone rang.

She took it out and took a look, only to see the words "Fu Shuo" imprinted in the eyes of her and Li Jingchen behind her at the same time.

After we separated for a while, we got in touch?

Li Jingchen watched her slide down the answer button naturally, and suddenly wanted to squeeze her.

no need to explain i believe you

"Hello, Fu Shuo."

Her gentle voice made him even more angry.

Fu Shuo asked Wanwan, where have you been? "

Before Lu Wanwan could answer, the phone was pulled away by the man behind her."

She is here with me.

Lu Wanwan looked back, stared at him and said, "Li Jingchen, give me back the phone!"

Li Jingchen stretched out a hand to rest on her shoulder, not letting her approach.

At the same time, Fu Shuo's voice came, "Mr. Li, I allowed you to pick up An'an, but I didn't let you go any further."

Li Jingchen deliberately said that Wanwan found me by himself. "

Fu Shuo said calmly, "Wan Wan went to find you to get An An back, right? That means she doesn't trust you enough."

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes, "Then why didn't she tell you in advance when she came to see me?"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but stood on tiptoe and shouted into the phone, "Fu Shuo, don't listen to him, I'm here to pick up An An because I sent Mr. Shi to the door!"

Fu Shuo chuckled, "You don't need to explain, I believe you."

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the provocation was unsuccessful, Li Jingchen simply hung up the phone and asked like a jealous husband, "Mr. Shi, who is it again?

She hasn't seen each other in six years, besides Fu Shuo, who else does she know by her side?

Lu Wanwan snatched back her mobile phone and said coldly, "You have no position to intervene."

"I have no position? I, the one who let you give birth to An An, am I sure I have no position?" Li Jingchen asked while imprisoning her in front of him.

no need to explain i believe you

"Don't touch me, disgusting! If Fu Shuo didn't understand her, how would she explain it when she went back? This man is just trying to please himself!

Li Jingchen's expression suddenly changed when the word "disgusting" hit.

The next second, he pinched her chin violently and kissed her down!

Disgusting isn't it?Afraid of being misunderstood by Fu Shuo?Then he wanted to leave his mark on her!

At this moment, the office door was pushed open by the secretary, revealing Lan Qin's figure.

"The scene in front of me made the secretary completely dumbfounded!

Since Lu Wanwan's back was facing their relationship, the secretary and Lan Qin could only see her back, and the back of Li Jingchen's hand, which was so hard to hug her that the veins appeared.

It can be seen how much he wants to lock the woman in front of him!

Regarding this, Lan Qin asked in shock and embarrassment, "Did I come at the wrong time?"

The voice from the door brought Li Jingchen back to his senses, and then looked at them with the gloom and dissatisfaction of being interrupted by Lu Wanwan.

Seeing this, the secretary quickly explained, Mr. Li, I have called you for instructions just now, and it was your consent that I brought Dr. Lan up here. "

Unexpectedly, I saw such an explosive scene!

No wonder when I called Mr. Li just now, Mr. Li answered absent-mindedly. It turns out that there is a beauty in his arms, the secretary couldn't help thinking.

And Lan Qin finally understood the reason why the female manager stopped her just now, if she had known she would not have asked the secretary to help her up.

Li Jingchen's eyes fell on Lan Qin, and he asked quietly, "What are you doing here?"

Lan Qin saw that he wasn't welcome, but still bit the bullet and said, "I'll come and see you, no need to explain, I believe you."

Your status on _ is not very good, I'm a little worried. "

You must know that he is still immersed in the hallucinations of his dead wife, even to the point where he needs to use synthesized voices to make him fall asleep.

After that day, she was worried that he would not come to the clinic for treatment after he took away her USB flash drive, so she took the initiative to come here.

"Oh? You're worried about me." Li Jingchen replied, but his eyes were fixed on Lu Wanwan.

He wanted to see how she would react when she heard that someone of the opposite sex cared about him, but what she saw was indifference.

"This lady, is your girlfriend?"

Apart from this possibility, Lan Qin couldn't think of anything else.

However, "The title girlfriend is an insult to Lu Wanwan's identity.

Li Jingchen said "No" with a cold face, she is my wife.

But at this moment, Lu Wanwan said softly, "Li Jingchen, can you let me go?"

Hearing this, the secretary and Lan Qin trembled, not because of anything else but because of the voice.It is exactly the same as the falsetto they have worked so hard to synthesize! !

My Wanwan, not jealous, not envious, really good. "Looking at her always cold face, Li Jingchen smiled uglier than crying.

He was not afraid of her losing her temper, but only afraid that she would not care.

Six years ago, Lu Wanwan knew that this man only said he was affectionate, but in fact he was never soft when it was time to abandon her.

Therefore, she is not surprised to see other women around him now, and even has a sense of gloating that as long as it is not Bai Qingluo.

no need to explain i believe you

When he let go, Lu Wanwan immediately put on the mask and sunglasses, turned around, and heard the secretary excitedly say, Madam, is that you? !You are alive! ! "

Of course, Lu Wanwan would not admit it. When she passed by Lan Qin, she glanced at him and found that she was a very beautiful woman, and she was right with Li Jingchen.

And when she came to the elevator, she happened to see Li Xuyang leading An An out.

Mommy?Although Lu Wanwan covered her face, An An recognized her at a glance, and immediately lowered her head with guilt.

Li Xuyang's eyes lit up, and he knew how Li Jingchen could be so kind to let An An be brought to him, so he walked halfway and decided to bring An An back to find out.

"I'll punish you when I go back. Lu Wanwan rarely finished speaking seriously, took An An's little hand and said, "Let's go. "

After Li Xuyang glanced at Lan Qin, he said to Lu Wanwan attentively, "I'll see you off!"

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