Seeing that Lu Zeyu was motionless, An An couldn't help asking, "Uncle, don't you like eating yellow peaches?"

"No." Seeing Xiaotuanzi's disappointed look, Lu Zeyu had no choice but to eat the piece of yellow peach with the small fork he handed over.

An An asked expectantly, "Uncle, is it sweet?"

Lu Zeyu nodded, "Sweet.

"That's good~" An An felt relieved and continued to eat.

This kid, could it be that he saw that he didn't like him, so he was trying to curry favor with him?

Lu Zeyu thought to himself.

On the other side, Lu Hongye was asking Wanwan, I just heard An An say that he will study in City S in the future, is this true? "

Hearing this, Fu Shuo took over the words and said, "Yes, Dad, it's all because of me. I want to shift the focus of future development to S City, so I hope that mother and son can stay here with me every night."

That's it.

It will be much more convenient for the daughter and grandson to stay in city S, but it's just that the Li family will not let it go.

"Fu Shuo, do you know that the road ahead is not easy.

"Dad, I'm already mentally prepared. No matter what the result is, I will respect the choice of Wan Wan's mother and son."

"Lu Hongye didn't know what to say for a moment, he had never seen such a broad-minded man.

Maybe Fu Shuo is the best destination for Wanwan!

The road ahead is not easy

Thinking of this, Lu Hongye couldn't help but say, "Fu Shuo, Dad supports you."

Hearing this, Fu Shuo smiled slightly, "Thank you Dad."

After drinking for three rounds, when Lu Zeyu helped Lu Hongye to go home, he only heard Lu Hongye say that it is late, if you have nothing to do, bring An An to the house to play, otherwise Dad will be idle when he is alone, and it is good to take care of the children for you.

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "Okay, Dad.

An An also tugged at the corner of Lu Zeyu's clothes at this time, and said, "Uncle, remember to visit me more often!

Lu Zeyu's eyes fell on Lu Wanwan, so he answered casually, "I will."

An An pursed her lips invisibly, and then said to Lu Zeyu, "Uncle, you have something on your face."

Hearing this, Lu Zeyu looked at him, "Where is it?"

An Anyi-seriously said, "You are too tall, you have to squat down, so I can clean it for you."

Lu Zeyu bent down without thinking.

Seeing Xiaotuanzi approaching, "paw-" and kissed him on the face.

Lu Zeyu slightly widened his eyes.

An An smiled triumphantly.

This kid really knows that he doesn't like him, but he still tries to get close to him!

In the next second, Xiaotuanzi complained in his ear, "Because you are my mommy's elder brother, I am flattering you so much. If I were any other adult, I would not care about him. The future will be difficult."

What. "

Hearing this, Lu Zeyu straightened up in a complicated manner, saying that he is a villain. "

At this moment, Lu Wanwan cast her eyes on An An, what are you whispering to your uncle? "

An An put her hands behind her back, and said a little shyly, "I just gave my uncle a farewell kiss, and my uncle is praising me for being sensible, oh, uncle?"

In order to avoid getting upset at night, Lu Zeyu could only follow what he said, yes, that's it. "

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but comforted, "It seems that you get along well."

The next second, An An was picked up by Fu Shuo, Wan Wan, who sent my father and elder brother off for me. I will take An An to take a bath first. "

it is good.Lu Wanwan knew that Fu Shuo was giving them room to speak.

After Fu Shuo walked away with An An in his arms, it was too late for Lu Hongye to say, I think this man is good, he can do housework, he respects you, and he treats An An well, so you can live with him in peace. "

Lu Wanwan lowered her eyes, Dao Dad, I want to live a peaceful life with him. "

But Fu Shuo has his pride, he would rather not have true love.

Wanwan, if the Li family dares to pester you, just tell me. "Today's Lu Zeyu is no longer what it used to be.

"Also, Lu Weiwei and Bai Qingluo are still living in this city, Wan--if you see them someday, will you be able to control yourself?"

When Lu Wanwan heard "Bai Qingluo's name, her eyes turned cold, and she said, brother, I've even seen Li Jingchen, are you still afraid of seeing them?"

The road ahead is not easy

"That's good." Lu Zeyu said firmly, "No matter what, Big Brother won't let anyone bully you again!" "

Lu Wanwan smiled sincerely, "Thank you, brother."

The next morning.

When Lu Wanwan drove An An out for a drive, he saw a Rolls Royce parked in front of the villa.

Lu Wanwan scanned the license plate and knew it was Li Jingchen's car.

She went around him, only to find that the Rolls-Royce turned around immediately and followed her car.

Lu Wanwan simply stopped the car, turned her head to An'an in the back seat, said An'an, you stay in the car first, and Mommy goes down to deal with something. "

"Okay, Mommy!" An An obediently responded.

Lu Wanwan immediately got out of the car, came to the Rolls Royce, and knocked on the window expressionlessly.

She knocked open the car window quickly, revealing Li Jingchen's handsome face.

Lu Wanwan folded her arms around her chest, and her words showed displeasure, Mr. Li, why did you rush to my house this early in the morning to make things difficult for me? "

Li Jingchen put his hand lightly on the steering wheel, smiled at her and said before going to work, come to see you.

Lu Wanwan said coldly, "Now that I see it, can I go?"

Li Jingchen asked, "An'an is in your car?"

Lu Wanwan's complexion suddenly changed, "You are not allowed to think about An An again!

"Don't be nervous, I'm here today to deliver materials to you."

The road ahead is not easy

Li Jingchen said, and handed her the folder on the passenger seat.

Lu Wanwan didn't answer "What information?"

Li Jingchen explained that the top ten primary schools in S City are all here, and each of these ten primary schools has its own strengths, so you should choose your home carefully so as not to delay An An's study. "

Lu Wanwan sneered and said that Boss Li is really unnecessary, I grew up here, do you know what kind of primary schools are here? "

The city of S is changing with each passing day, I'm afraid you might forget. "Li Jingchen said, and suddenly smiled again, "Also, did you just admit that you are from City S?

Remember how uncomfortable he was when she told them that she was from City Y at the backstage of the banquet?

"Goodbye. Lu Wanwan doesn't want to play tricks with him.

Li Jingchen's voice caught up with her from behind, "Wan Wan, I will never give up."

Lu Wanwan turned her back to him and said, "Whether you let go or not, and whether you accept me or not are two different things. Fu Shuo is very good. My father and elder brother both met him last night and are very satisfied with him."

Li Jingchen tightened his hand on the steering wheel, "They met Fu Shuo once, and they were satisfied with him?"

Lu Wanwan turned her eyes away, her side face was cold, "Because Fu Shuo's cooking is delicious, and he treats them warmly, Li Jingchen, think about it, have you ever invited my dad to Li's house for a meal before?" ?

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