Li house.

After Li Jingchen took Li Qingling from Lin Yue's arms, he suddenly stopped Lin Yue,

You haven't touched Qingling yet?"

Lin Yue paused as he was about to get into the car, then turned around and asked, "I haven't touched her before, why did you

Do you seem disappointed?"

Li Jingchen asked blankly, "My sister is so good and beautiful, what makes her unworthy?"

Up to you? Lin Yue, you can't do it, can you?"

Lin Yue retorted, "Li Jingchen, you should worry more about yourself, six

I haven't had a woman for a year, so I should have something wrong with it? 039;

Vomit!" The tit-for-tat confrontation between the two men ended with Li Qingling vomiting.

At the same time, Mingyuan.

When Lu Wanwan opened the door and saw the person next to Lu Zeyu, she couldn't help calling out "


"My Wanwan, let Dad take a good look!!

Lu Hongye took Lu Wanwan's hand and looked left and right, feeling terribly excited.

Although he already knew that his little daughter was still alive, he couldn't compare to seeing it with his own eyes.

Shocked by what I saw!

After a while, Lu Hongye noticed that a small group was staring at him, and couldn't help but change his mind.

Jia excitedly asked Wanwan, is this you, your son?!"

welcome back

Lu Wanwan hurriedly said to An An, "An An, this is your grandfather and uncle.

Not only Lu Hongye, but Lu Zeyu also looked at An An appreciatively.

For this child, Lu Zeyu- was annoying at first, because this is Li Jing after all

Chen's son, the flesh and blood of the murderer who nearly killed his sister!

But I can't stand the child's good looks, and the round face looks very innocent

Harmful, people can't associate with Li Jingchen at all.

For a while, the hatred for Li Jingchen and the love for An'an's appearance made Lu Zeyu whole

The individual froze there, not knowing how to react.

As for Lu Hongye, he has already hugged An An with a smile on his face.

"An'an, I'm your grandfather, dear!"

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan hurriedly said, Dad, you have a bad heart, so don't hug An'an. 039;

"No, Wanwan, Dad is happy today, nothing will happen. Lu Hongye said, change

Cheng hugged An'an with one arm, and opened the other arm towards Lu Wanwan, Wanwan, you come too,

Give dad a hug.

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan walked over to hug him, and silently helped him share An An's weight.

"Dad hasn't hugged you like this for a long time!" Lu Hongye was very grateful now that he was here

I have already cried before, otherwise I would be ashamed in front of my grandson!

At this time, An An's childish voice sounded, "Are you really my grandfather? My mommy's father!"


After Lu Hongye blinked his moist eyes, he looked at Xiaotuanzi and said, "Yes, no


An An tilted her head and asked politely, "Then why have I never seen you?"

Have you passed?"

Lu Hongye coughed lightly, and when he said it, he thought of an excuse, "It's because grandpa is not good.

Your mommy is angry, that's why she didn't bring you back for so long. "

"So, City S is actually my mommy's hometown, right?"

And An An finally understood, why every adult who learned of his life experience was so angry.

Crying and laughing, it turned out that they saw his mommy through him.

Lu Hongye said with a smile, "Yes, S City is your mother's root, An An,

Welcome home!"

An An also smiled, like a sweet bun, "Then I will stay with Mommy in the future."

It feels good to study in my hometown!"

Lu Hongye couldn't help being stunned, Wanwan, what does An An mean?"

Lu Wanwan said, "Dad, brother, let's talk about it first. Tonight, Fu Shuo will personally

Cooking for everyone, it is estimated that it will be ready soon.

Hearing this, Lu Hongye and Lu Zeyu walked in.

Seeing that Lu Hongye was about to take off his shoes and it was inconvenient to hold An An, Lu Wanwan said, "Dad, put the

An An put it down. "

clinker, but Lu Hongye handed An An to the eldest son who had already taken off his shoes, and said, "

Zeyu, come and hug An'an. "

Lu Zeyu froze for two seconds before reaching out to hug An An.

How does Lu Hongye not know the big jerk's heart knot? The so-called "hate the house and the black", probably can

Describe Lu Zeyu's state of mind at the moment.

But this child is Wan Wan's son first, and then Li Jingchen's son.

No, Fu Shuo should even be ranked ahead of Li Jingchen.

Therefore, they only need to treat An An as Wanwan's son and pamper them.

Use it to think about Li Jingchen.

And An An, who was held in Lu Zeyu's arms, was taking the initiative to say hello, "You are my uncle!"


"Yes. Lu Zeyu replied somewhat reluctantly.

While observing him, An An said, "No wonder, you and my mommy look alike."

point like.

Lu Zeyu became a little interested, "Where does it look like?"

An An said, "Eyes."

Lu Zeyu smiled happily.

An An was amazed, and then said thoughtfully, "I suddenly found out, Mommy

The uncles and aunts I know all look good. "

From the mayor's house, to Li's house, to Lu's house, and to give him a piece of paper at the banquet.

Hei Jinka's uncles are all handsome men and beautiful women, and all of them are rich and powerful.

"With so many old friends around, I really don't understand why Mommy is willing to leave?"

Facing Xiaotuanzi's question, Lu Zeyu involuntarily looked at Lu Wanwan, his voice low and hoarse.

"She didn't do it voluntarily."

It was abandoned by the Li family headed by Li Jingchen!

An An noticed, "Uncle, your eyes are red."

Lu Zeyu withdrew his gaze and said, "It's sand."

But how can there be sand in the villa?

An An didn't expose him, "Shall I brag for my uncle?"

"Okay. Lu Zeyu lowered his head.

After An An gestured and blew his eyes, he said, "Okay, the sand is gone~"

Lu Zeyu's affection for him rose a little.

At this time, in the kitchen.

Lu Wanwan said to Fu Shuo, thank you for cooking so many dishes. "

Fu Shuo took off his apron and asked, "I heard the doorbell ring just now, isn't it?"

How about taking me out to have a look?”

"Okay. Lu Wanwan then led him to come to Lu Hongye and his son to formally introduce

Said, "This is my dad, this is my elder brother."-

After a pause, she said to Lu Hongye and his son again, Dad, brother, he is Fu

new moon. "

Fu Shuo stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Dad, brother, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me."

After Lu Hongye shook hands with him, he said, "Thank you for taking care of Wan Wan's mother and child!"

After putting An An down, Lu Zeyu told Fu Shuo that he took care of my sister.

"I'm afraid I don't have the right to choose." After Fu Shuo smiled, he invited them to the table to eat

The meals are all home-cooked dishes, I hope you two will not dislike them. "

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!"

While talking, Lu Hongye recalled that after marrying Li Jingchen that night, the Li family

He has never been invited to a meal, let alone Li Jingchen cooks for him himself.

Different from idiots' dreams!

After tasting Fu Shuo's dishes, Lu Hongye couldn't help giving a thumbs up,

It’s delicious! Fu Shuo, you’re such a good cook, we’ll be lucky to follow you every night


Fu Shuo said modestly, "Dad, I'm overwhelmed by the award, because there is a hotel under his banner to operate, so I'm sorry

welcome back

He also knows a thing or two about cooking. "

After Lu Hongye clicked, he said, I heard Zeyu say that for the past six years, I have been following you every night

I learned a lot around me. "

Fu Shuodao, "The main reason is that I am eager to learn at night."

On the other side, Xiaotuanzi stretched out his hand, wanting to get the fruit salad on the opposite side, but

The little buttocks are hanging in the air and they can't get them. Lu Zeyu, who was sitting next to him, subconsciously

Ask "Want to eat?"

An An said "hmm", because daddy and mommy are entertaining grandpa, so

He was ashamed to ask them for help.

So Lu Zeyu brought him a fruit salad.

An An poked a piece of yellow peach with her fork and ate it, then poked another piece and handed it

To Lu Zeyu, "It's so sweet, uncle will try it too."

Lu Zeyu was a little surprised. Usually when children see delicious food, most of them only care about monopolizing it.

How can I have the heart to share it with others, especially with him, the first person I met.

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