I just heard Ning Xin say loudly, "Everyone bids fairly, why does that designer decide on his own? Does it mean that our Ning family doesn't have enough money?"

The auctioneer said, "You misunderstood Miss Ning. The designer of this brooch said that the bidding price of Mr. Li and Mr. Ning has far exceeded the value of the brooch itself. She can't afford it. Why don't you give it to the first one who is destined?" The person who took the photo was Mr. Li, since he caught the eye, he must really like it, so he will naturally treat this brooch well."

The auctioneer's words are already obvious. Ning Bai only bid later, and it is inevitable that there is an element of competitive anger, which is not as pure as Li Jingchen who was the first to bid.

Ning Xin said angrily, "Who is the designer? You let her come out and reason with me!"

"Enough Xin'er! Without this, there will be better ones!" Ning Bai reached out and pulled her back to the seat forcibly.

"Brother, you don't understand!" Ning Xin couldn't figure out why she lost even a brooch to Lu Wanwan? Lu Weiwei, who had a panoramic view of this scene, said quietly, "Mom, look how beautiful Wanwan is now, then The brooch was originally only worth one thousand, but as long as she took a fancy to it, Li Jingchen would give it to her for one million yuan.

Liang Zhen patted her hand, "Don't be discouraged, whatever you see later, Mom will give it to you even if you spend all your money.

Soon, auction item No. 3 came into everyone's sight. It was a luminous pearl the size of an adult's fist. It was said that it was a funeral object of a certain queen in ancient times, and it immediately aroused people's frantic snatching.

Lu Weiwei couldn't help but excitedly said, "Mom, look at that!"

I love her, but the starting price is 200 million. How can Liang Zhen have so much money? "My dear daughter, let's take a look."

Oh. "

Lu Weiwei suddenly felt a great sense of loss. What Lu Wanwan had at her fingertips, it was hard for her to reach the sky.

Just like that, one auction item after another was auctioned off, but Lu Weiwei couldn't wait for Liang Zhen's bid. She couldn't help but sneered in her heart. Liang Zhen's love for her was nothing more than that! At this moment, the last auction item The product was pushed onto the booth, but it was just a South China Sea pearl, which was said to have been taken out of a clam that had lived for 20 years, and the starting price was [-].

Seeing that no bid was made, Liang Zhen hurriedly raised a placard, "I'll offer [-]!"

Lu Weiwei was stunned, "Mom?"

Liang Zhen said, "The big ones can't be photographed, but the small ones are in the head office?"

Lu Weiwei couldn't help laughing, what's the use of such a gadget? Was it crushed and used as pearl powder? Lu Hongye even said bluntly, "What do you do with such useless things?"

Liang Zhen said, "I use my own money, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, don't let me take care of it!" Lu Hongye said, then turned his head and looked away.

And just when Liang Zhen was sure of it, Li Jingchen suddenly raised his placard and said, "I'll offer [-].

One hundred thousand! He actually bid one hundred thousand for a single pearl?! Liang Zhen felt a pang in her throat, but she had to increase the price accordingly, because she knew that this was the only thing she could photograph! Love for her, but so the most The most important thing is that she still counts on Weiwei to persuade Lu Hongye to give up the idea of ​​divorce, so she must not break her promise to Weiwei now! "I, I will pay 12."

After Liang Zhen finished speaking, Li Jingchen said, "I will pay 20 yuan."

Liang Zhen closed her eyes and continued to cut and bleed. I paid 21 yuan. Li Jingchen heard Liang Zhen's vibrato like a broken brocade, and knew that it was almost done, so he stopped raising the placard.

So, Liang Zhen used 21 yuan to take pictures of this mediocre South China Sea pearl, and Lu Hongye was so angry that she called her "confused" on the spot! Lu Weiwei felt happy, she finally won Lu Wanwanyi! At least mom loves her, wins! I love Lu Wanwan! On the other side, Lu Wanwan is asking, "Mr. Li, did you do it on purpose?"

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes, "What am I doing on purpose?"

Lu Wanwan asked, "You deliberately induced my mother to increase the price, but in fact, you have no interest in this pearl at all, right?"

Li Jingchen smiled but said nothing.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but shook her head, "You are really bad."

Li Jingchen snorted, "She is willing to be taken advantage of for Lu Weiwei, why do you feel sorry for her?"

Lu Wanwan nodded, "That's right, if my mother doesn't want to, no one can force her."

At the same time, seeing that everyone was about to move, the auctioneer made a gesture of "be careful and don't be impatient" and so on, and the last item was given by the person in charge of this charity auction night's love for her, but it was presented by Ms. Jiang .”

When everyone heard this, they felt very novel, "Gift it?"

The auctioneer nodded, "Yes, Ms. Jiang is invited to appear now!"

Everyone looked together, only to see a middle-aged woman with outstanding temperament in a cheongsam walking out from the backstage.

And behind her is a staff member holding a gift box, presumably this is what is about to be given away.

Before and after coming to the microphone, Ms. Jiang said generously, "Good evening everyone, thank you for your generosity. We will donate all the money we get tonight to poor mountainous areas, and list the details on the official channel so that everyone can supervise together .”

After a meal, she continued, "However, I also have a small selfish intention tonight, and want to give this gift of mine to my goddaughter."

Everyone couldn't help whispering-"This Ms. Jiang looks familiar."

"This conversation is not ordinary. 039;" I remembered, I saw her in a place three years ago!"


"The mayor's house!"

At this time, Ms. Jiang's gentle eyes fell on Lu Wanwan's face, "Wanwan, can you please come up here?"

Lu Wanwan didn't expect that the melon would fall on her head, so she couldn't help but widen her almond eyes.

Li Jingchen reminded, "Mrs. Li, if you don't go up, Ms. Jiang won't be able to come down."

The love for her, but so Lu Wanwan can only bite the bullet and go on.

Seeing this, Ning Xin almost gritted her silver teeth, "Brother, this is impossible! How could the mayor's wife recognize her as her daughter?"

Ning Bai pondered for a moment, and said, "Mayor Zhou has always valued Brother Li and the Li Group, so it's not surprising that he made such a decision.

Ning Xin's complexion was extremely ugly, "But Lu Wanwan was born in a small family after all, so the mayor's wife doesn't think it's worth it?" Ning Bai frowned, "So she is the mayor's wife, how can her bearing and foresight be yours?" Can this kind of little girl see through?"

On the other side, Liang Zhen, who also heard that Ms. Jiang was the mayor's wife, collapsed on the seat in a daze. The voice was so familiar! Lu Weiwei couldn't help asking, "Mom, what are you shaking?"

After a while, Liang Zhen squeezed out in a panic, "The woman on the phone is actually her?!"

"Who?" Lu Weiwei wondered.

"No, I have to leave here immediately!" Liang Zhen didn't dare to watch Lu Wanwan's "coronation" at all, she got up and wanted to leave.

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