Liang Zhen held her hand and said softly, "It's okay, as long as you are here, when you get back, please persuade your father to give up the idea of ​​divorcing mom, and it's not in vain that mom loves you so much."

Lu Weiwei nodded and said, "Okay, Mom.

Inside the government hall.

When Lu Hongye, Liang Zhen and Lu Weiwei walked in, Lu Wanwan couldn't help standing up straight from her seat, and called out "Dad? Mom?"

Because of the unexpected car accident, she handed over the task of arranging this place to other people in the company, and naturally she didn't know who was on the invitation list.

But they only deserve to sit in the back row.

After noticing her gaze, Lu Hongye pressed his hand at her, signaling that she didn't have to come over to say hello.

Lu Weiwei looked at the radiant Lu Wanwan and secretly hated her, "Mom, didn't you say that she was in a car accident and was hospitalized?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, your dad doesn't know about this yet."

After a pause, Liang Zhen said with a dark face, "Since she was discharged from the hospital, it means that she was not seriously injured at the time. Where did that unknown woman have the face to lecture me on the phone? It's best not to let me know who she is. Otherwise, I must make her look good!"

However, Lu Weiwei has already searched for "prey". Many rich second generations have come tonight, if they can climb up to them, that would be great.

When the time was up, I saw a middle-aged man with a mustache come to the stage, and I made sure she introduced me, "Welcome to the charity auction tonight. My name is Feng, and I am an auctioneer."

There was no reaction from the crowd. After all, they came to see the antiques, not the auctioneer.

Seeing this, the auctioneer didn't talk nonsense, and directly invited the first auction item.

I saw two staff members push up a glass cabinet, and when the red silk was uncovered, I saw a multicolored vase inside.

The auctioneer said, "Auction No. 1 is an artifact from the Qing Dynasty that was unearthed not long ago. The starting price is 300 million yuan, and each price increase is no less than [-] yuan. Let's start."

This is a magnified move from the very beginning, but the atmosphere of the scene has been mobilized.

A lot of people started raising placards, and Li Jingchen also asked, "Mrs. Li, do you like it?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head, and Li Jingchen gave up.

When there were fewer and fewer people holding placards until there was only one person left, the auctioneer began to shout loudly, "500 million one one, five million two, five million three! Congratulations to Mr. Chen for auction item No. 500!"

There was thunderous applause at the scene, Mr. Chen got up and bowed his hands to everyone, and said something to Li Jingchen deliberately after he sat down, "Mr. Li, I thought that with your financial resources, you would be the first to make the move.

After all, it is charity, and those who win the lottery will definitely occupy the largest news page tomorrow. For those who have accumulated a certain amount of wealth, they are fighting for a good reputation.

Li Jingchen floated his lips and said, "Things that my wife is not interested in have no meaning to me."

Hearing this, Mr. Chen's wife couldn't help but said sourly, "Look at Mr. Li, and then I must make her take a good look at you! Spend money all day long on things I don't need!"

Mr. Chen hurriedly comforted his wife, "Why don't you use it? Wouldn't it be nice to grow flowers at home?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen's wife didn't buy it. "I want to raise your head! This is 500 million! What should I do if it is oxidized by water?"

Lu Wanwan couldn't help pursing her lips into a smile. This Mr. Chen originally wanted to show off his wealth, but Mr. Li's casual words made the husband and wife quarrel.

At this time, the auctioneer said, "The second auction item is from a cutting-edge jewelry designer. Don't miss it, ladies who love beauty! Hearing this, a rich lady immediately raised a microscopic microscope and looked at the glass box. The auction item in the auction is a peacock brooch with a long green tail rolled up and a little red diamond as the bird's eye, which is very eye-catching.

Mrs. Fu couldn't help asking, "What's the starting price?"

The auctioneer immediately said, "The starting price is 1000 yuan, and each price increase should not be less than 1000 yuan."

When everyone heard the price, they immediately lost interest.

For them, this charity auction is just a show. The more money they spend, the more fame they will gain. If they sell for a mere 1000 yuan auction item, the price is too low, and they will be laughed to death.

Besides, what is the collection value of 1000 yuan? Li Jingchen noticed that Lu Wanwan had been staring at the brooch, and couldn't help asking, "Mrs. Li, are you interested?"

Lu Wanwan's heart moved slightly, "Well, it's very beautiful."

Little girls, most of them have no resistance to these small jewelry.

I must make her look good. Li Jingchen immediately raised the placard and said loudly, "I will offer [-]."

When they saw that the bidder was actually Li Jingchen, everyone couldn't help but drop their eyes.

Seeing this, Ning Xin immediately said to Ning Bai, "Brother, increase the price!"

Ning Bai thought of the luxury goods in her cabinet, and couldn't help asking, "Uh, that's what you like?"

Ning Xin knew that this must have been taken by Li Jingchen as a gift to Lu Wanwan, but she refused to let that woman get her wish!" "Hurry up, brother! Didn't you just say that no matter what I like, you will take pictures and give it to me?"

Ning Bai thought for a while, they were competing fairly, and brother Li probably wouldn't blame him, so he raised his sign and said, "I'll pay [-]."

Seeing that the young master of the Ning family had also bid, everyone wondered, could there be some mystery hidden in this small brooch? Li Jingchen's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "I'll offer one hundred thousand."

Under Ning Xin's urging, Ning Bai had no choice but to say, "I will pay 20."

Lu Wanwan saw that the direction of the matter was becoming outrageous, and immediately said, "I don't want Mr. Li."

"It doesn't matter, all the proceeds from this auction will be donated to poor mountainous areas, no loss.

After Li Jingchen finished speaking calmly, he raised the price to 30.

And at this time, the background.

A young woman with a tear mole at the corner of her eye was holding Ms. Jiang's arm, and said with a light smile, "Mom, I never thought that Wan Wan would be so close to our family, and I fell in love with the brooch I designed right away."

I wanted her to look good, but Ms. Jiang frowned, and said, "Yes, but Mo'er, the Ning family has been increasing the price, when will the brooch arrive in Wanwan's hands?"

Zhou Mo heard this, and after explaining a few words to the staff at the side, he waved him to do it.

Ms. Jiang asked, "Mo'er, what did you tell him?"

Zhou Mo smiled, "Mom, you will know soon."

The staff member quickly came to the stage and conveyed Zhou Mo's meaning to the auctioneer.

The auctioneer immediately said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Ning, there is no need to argue anymore, the designer of this brooch just now has made a decision to auction this brooch to Mr. Li."

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