Li Jingchen pondered for a while, raised 100 million within four hours, and raised 1000 million within two hours, indicating that the other party already knew Li Qingling's identity and was afraid of being caught, so he shortened the time and wanted to speed up. Quick decision.

It seems that the other party is a mob with no background.

While Li Jingchen was thinking about it, he went back to [Okay, in two hours, I want to see the complete Li Qingling. ] Afterwards, Li Jingchen made a call and said, "Lin Yue, I need your help with something."

On the other side, inside the abandoned factory building.

After receiving Li Jingchen's text message, the leading man immediately pulled out the phone card and handed it to the people around him, "Second brother, go and throw this phone card away, lest Li Jingchen locate it!"

After the second child took the phone card, he asked, "What if he wants to contact us?"

"Never mind, anyway, after two hours, I didn't receive 1000 million, so I ruined her face according to the original plan.

After a pause, the leading man pointed to Li Qingling on the ground, and said, "Lao Liu, help her up."

The sixth child immediately lifted Li Qingling and the chair up from the ground.

It's up to you to see her staring at him all the time, Lao Liu felt guilty, and couldn't help raising his voice, "What are you staring at? We were going to slash your face, but now your elder brother uses 1000 What a bargain to keep your face! You don’t want to be unable to get married in the future, do you?”

Li Qingling sneered, "My elder brother and I are half-brothers and sisters, it's okay if you ask him for 100 million, 1000 million? Why don't you just slash me in the face!"

Hearing this, the sixth child turned around to look at the man in charge, "Brother, why don't we stick to the original plan? After all, we have already taken money from others, so it's not good to go back on our word?"

The leading man kicked him "Stop talking to her so much! What time is it?"

The sixth child looked down at the time and said, "Boss, it's half past seven."

The leading man said, "Okay, you go to the neighborhood to buy some food and come back, we will wait while we eat, if Li Jingchen is willing to pay 1000 million for her, that is the best, if he is not willing, then we will scratch her face and go back If you have a job, you can’t suffer left and right.”

Li Qingling listened to their conversation, "Who is that person you are talking about? I am willing to pay twice as much as the other party's price to buy that person's name.

The leading man grinned grinningly, and said, "Miss Li, if we don't respect the morals of the world, who would dare to give us money to do things in the future? Half an hour later, the six people who were full of food and drink began to play cards.

An hour and a half later, the six of them discussed while playing cards, "Brother, do you think Li Jingchen will really give us 1000 million?"

"Yes, this amount of money is nothing to the Li family." The man at the head said, and it's up to you to say to the sixth child, "There is still half an hour, go buy a few bottles of soda and come back."

"Oh, good." Lao Liu patted his buttocks and went.

As a result, as soon as Lao Liu opened the iron gate, he stopped moving.

Seeing this, the fifth child walked over and asked, "Sixth child, what are you doing standing at the door?"

In the next second, Lao Liu fell back straight and fell to the ground.

Only then did Lao Wu see that there was a bright blood hole between Lao Liu's eyebrows, and he was shot dead! Lao Wu hurriedly turned around, and the next second, he was shaken all over, feeling the pain in his heart, he bowed his head Look, I was shocked to find that my heart had been pierced.

With a "plop", the fifth brother also fell to the ground! The cards in the hands of the remaining four fell to the ground. After a while, the two brothers went to the underworld together, but they couldn't even touch the person who did it. Didn't see it! The leading man came back to his senses and said, "Hurry up, take her hostage! We can only rely on her to escape!"

For a moment, the four of them regarded Li Qingling as a talisman, and came to her behind one after another, and untied her rope so that it would be convenient for later)l to hold her away.

Li Qingling looked at the door, overjoyed and said, "Brother must have come to save me!"

In the next second, a knife was placed on her neck, "Be honest! Your elder brother killed our two brothers, we must make you pay the price!"

As soon as the words were finished, two extraordinary men came in, they were Li Jingchen and Lin Yue! When the leading man saw Lin Yue, he suddenly lost his voice, "Young Master Lin?!"

It's up to you. For those gangsters like them, Lin Yue is their living ancestor! Lin Yue raised his eyelids and asked, "Are you from the Green Gang?"

The four obediently admitted that we were. "

Lin Yue said with a half-smile, "Your gang leader said that the six of you haven't shown up in the gang for the past few days, so it's because of this, you're really promising, you even dare to tie up the daughter of the Li family.

"Lin, Young Master Lin are joking!" The four of them were laughing uglier than crying at this moment. As the prince of the underworld, it would only take a few minutes for Lin Yue to check their details.

Lin Yue casually pointed at Li Qingling, and said, "Let her go."

The four said anxiously, "Young Master Lin, we know your methods. If we let Miss Li go like this, can we still get out alive?" "Yes, Young Master Lin, you have already killed our two brothers." , we have no idea, how dare we return Miss Li like this!"

"Young Master Lin, if you push us into a hurry, at worst, at worst, we and Miss Li will die together!"

"Hiss!" I saw a bloodstain on Li Qingling's fair neck being pressed by the blade.

"Hmm." After Lin Yue pondered for a while, he suddenly clapped his hands, and saw a few burly men walking in with a group of crying people.

Seeing the four of them's eyes widen in an instant, with horrified expressions on their faces, Lin Yue said slowly, "Your parents, wives and children are all here, and their lives are added together. It's up to you to exchange for Miss Li's life." Calculate."

With a "bang", the knife on Li Qingling's neck fell to the ground, and Li Qingling took the opportunity to escape to Li Jingchen's side.

It's up to you. At this time, the four of them had no more power to resist, and they all knelt on the ground and begged Lin Yue to let their relatives go! Lin Yue looked around, "This abandoned factory building is the site of your Green Gang's activities. Usually you tie up some small Cat and puppy, I can turn a blind eye, but this Young Master Li is my friend, and you have tied up his sister, which really makes it difficult for me."

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