Li Jingchen said, "I don't care whether it disappears or not, but at least I can choose not to cooperate with this kind of enterprise."

Li Xiangchen said, "Brother, it's not just my idea to cooperate with Ning's. Most of the directors also agree. Everyone is profit-seeking. Why do you have to make trouble with everyone?"

Li Jingchen met his eyes, "I hope one day you won't regret it."

Li Xiangchen twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked towards the ward, and changed the subject, "I'm going to see my sister-in-law."

In the ward.

Li Xuyang was asking tearfully, "Lu Wanwan, is it hurting you?"

Lu Wanwan lied to him, "It doesn't hurt anymore, don't cry."

After Li Xuyang wiped his tears with the back of his hand, the snot flowed down again, "In the future, don't drive by yourself, let the elder brother find you a good driver, so that such accidents won't happen!"

At this time, Li Qingling and his brother didn't know that Lu Wanwan had a problem with the brakes, and Lu Wanwan didn't intend to scare them, so he said, "Okay, I'll listen to you.

Li Qingling said, "Sister-in-law, it's not good for you to eat outside food every day, so how about it, what do you want to eat every day, send me a message in advance, and I will order the kitchen to make it for you."

Lu Wanwan's heart warmed up, "Okay."

A second after disappearing from this world, she noticed Li Xiangchen who had re-entered the ward, and gave him a slight nod.

Li Xiangchen pursed his lips, usually caring for women as soon as they opened their mouths, but now he was a little speechless.

But if he keeps silent like this, he won't be him anymore, "Sister-in-law, take good care of your injuries and get well soon.

Lu Wanwan said politely, "Thank you, I will."

After returning, Li Qingling suddenly stopped Li Xuyang, "Little brother, do you think the second brother is a little strange tonight?"

Li Xuyang asked in bewilderment, "What's so strange?"

"It stands to reason that after the second brother learned that the sister-in-law was injured, he would definitely take good care of her, but why did he appear so silent in front of her tonight?"

Li Qingling really knows her second brother too well, she likes to grab everything from her elder brother, women are the same, it used to be Bai Qingluo, now it's Lu Wanwan, so he shouldn't behave like this tonight.

Li Xuyang guessed, "Uh, maybe the second brother is in a bad mood?"

Li Qingling said, "Do you see when the second brother was in a bad mood? Or, when did the second brother reveal his true feelings, didn't he just wear a smiling mask all day long?"

Li Xuyang scratched his head, "Sister, what you said is too profound, I can't understand."

Li Qingling said, "Forget it, I was just thinking about it, let's go back and do my homework."

Three days after disappearing from this world.


Lu Wanwan looked at Chu Mo who was sighing, and said helplessly, "Doctor Chu, this is your nth sigh today, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Mo said sadly, "I was thinking, I managed to raise you to be more and more radiant day by day, and now you hurt my forehead again, I feel sorry for my precious medicinal materials!"

Lu Wanwan said, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to either.

Chu Mo said viciously, "It's best not to let me know who did it to you, otherwise I'll cut him open to vent my hatred!"

Lu Wanwan said, "Okay, stop complaining, why don't you help me persuade Mr. Li to let me go out of the hospital, I stay here, he has to accompany me every day, I feel very sorry."

Chu Mo nodded, "Okay, after the young master returns from the phone call, I will help you open the mouth."

Outside the ward, "How is Wei Yu?"

"Mr. Li, Mr. Wei has been released on bail by his lawyer, but he has been reporting to the Public Security Bureau every day these days to help us investigate."

Before the police finished speaking, Li Jingchen interrupted in a cold voice, "It's really funny to ask a criminal suspect to help.

The police said in embarrassment." Mr. Li, let me say that Mr. Wei has been more active than our police these days, and he was also the first one to propose a comprehensive investigation of suspicious people who appeared in the government building that day. Unless he is a master of acting, otherwise It’s impossible to pretend.”

After Li Jingchen was silent, he said, "I see, keep watching him for me."

Disappearing from this world, the policeman replied, "Don't worry, Mr. Li, this is our duty!"

After Li Jingchen put down his cell phone, he was about to turn around and walk into the ward, but was tripped by a strange call.

After he picked it up, he only heard a voice from the other end of the phone, "Brother, help me!"

Li Jingchen's expression was slightly condensed, and it was Li Qingling's voice.

In the next second, I only heard the voice change, "Listen clearly, this is your sister's voice, if she is safe and sound, then within four hours, you can send 100 million to our card , otherwise we will be rude to her!"

Li Jingchen squinted his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Card number?"

"I'll send it to you. Remember, within four hours, you can't lose even one million yuan!"

After finishing speaking, the man hung up the phone in the abandoned factory building.

Li Qingling, who was tied to a chair and couldn't move, was staring at the six men wearing black hoods in front of her, and said in surprise and anger, "Do you know who I am? I'm Li Jingchen's younger sister, you better hurry up Let me go! Hearing this, the six men burst out laughing.

"Little sister, don't lie to us. Our cat has observed you near your school for several days. If you are Li Jingchen's sister, why do you squeeze the bus to and from school every day? A rare pearl like that shouldn't be Did you drive in a luxury car?"

Disappeared from this world "You guys know what!" Because of being criticized by others since she was a child, Li Qingling got used to being a low-key person, and used her excellent grades to slap those who looked down on her in the face! The leading man slapped her hard Li Qingling said, "Damn it, a meat ticket, what the hell!"

Li Qingling was slapped and fell to the ground with the chair, the corner of his mouth was numb and said, "I have an ID card in my schoolbag, and my home address is on it! Hearing this, a man picked up Li Qingling's schoolbag from the ground, opened it After rummaging through the zipper, she found her ID card, and saw that the address on it was located in the top affluent area of ​​S city! In addition, there were three words "Li Qingling" on the ID card, and the man hurriedly turned to the leader. The man said, "Brother, maybe she really is Li, Li Jingchen's younger sister! Look!"

When the leading man saw Li Qingling's ID card, his eyes almost popped out, "Damn it! That bitch Jingjing lied to me that she was just an ordinary person, so I tied her up!"

One of the younger brothers said, "Brother, I remember that Jingjing wanted us to scratch her face at first, but it was changed to kidnapping because of your impromptu idea."

The leading man said angrily, "Shut up!"

The little brother asked again, "Then what should we do now? Should we let her go?"

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