Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1620 If he doesn't change his mind for a day, she will forge ahead with him

Faced with Lu Wanwan's question, Fang Tong just smiled and said, "Isn't this paving the way for the future?"

Lu Wanwan frowned invisibly, and then while Ye Fei was talking with Li Jingchen, she asked quietly: "Tongtong, are you really planning to give up your career and fully support Ye Fei's career?"

Fang Tong said in a relaxed tone: "Of course, I have let all my words out."

Lu Wanwan hesitated to speak, but said, "But I thought..."

Fang Tong took her words and said, "Do you think I said this on purpose to establish an image of a 'good wife' in front of everyone?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head and said, "I thought you were trying to anger Mother Ye."

Fang Tong said softly: "I'm angry with her just by the way, but I've been considering the idea of ​​retiring for a long time. Ever since you and Li Jingchen came to my house to talk to me that day,

I have been thinking about whether I should continue to sprint in the showbiz. As Li Jingchen said, now I am suspected of acting as a young girl, and it is still too early to play a mother.

This is not the same, but it makes me uncomfortable. I might as well retire for a few years, adjust my mentality, and then find a movie to shoot. "

Seeing that Fang Tong had his own considerations, Lu Wanwan said in relief: "Since you have an idea in your heart, that's fine."

At this time, Ye Fei's gentle voice sounded: "Tongtong, are you finished chatting? We should go to the next table."

next table?

Fang Tong turned her head to look, and saw Ye's family members looking at her with different expressions.

After Fang Tong nodded to Ye Fei, he turned to Lu Wanwan and said, "Wanwan, let's talk later."

Lu Wanwan let out a "hmm", and then said a little worriedly: "If you need anything, just call us."

Fang Tong accepted her kindness: "Got it."

Afterwards, Fang Tong and Ye Fei came in front of the Ye family. Under the displeasure of the two elders of the Ye family, Fang Tong smiled and raised the champagne, and called out: "Dad, Mom."

Father Ye was stunned, and said in a deep voice, "Don't call it that, we can't stand it!"

Fang Tong said in a good temper: "Dad, look at what you said, if you can't bear it, who else can bear it? Besides, since I married Ye Fei, you will be my parents in the future, so I will naturally Be filial to you."

Father Ye was taken aback again, perhaps he didn't expect Fang Tong to say that to them. After all, according to his wife's words, this Fang Tong relied on Ye Fei's favor and didn't take them seriously. Have not visited them.

Looking back now, most of his impressions of Fang Tong were learned from his wife. He had never understood the real personality behind Fang Tong's profession.

Perhaps, apart from his appearance and figure, what is really special about Fang Tong that makes his son so obsessed?

Mother Ye noticed the wavering look on her husband's face, and she couldn't help saying: "Don't say such nice things, did you faint on purpose just now? Also, I don't believe you didn't notice the skirt before you came on stage. The footprints on the table!"

Fang Tong lowered his eyes slightly, and said weakly: "Mom, I'm really unwell. On the way down the elevator just now, I was chased and blocked by a few men. They all looked fierce, and they really put me down. Terrified."

Father Ye couldn't help but glanced at his wife.

Mother Ye immediately said: "Don't interrupt! Those men didn't hurt you at all!"

Fang Tong tremblingly said immediately: "That's because You Wanwan helped out, otherwise I wouldn't be able to escape their evil hands!"

Ye Fei also briefly mentioned: "Yes, Mom, you are going too far."

This time, Father Ye didn't speak up, maybe it was because they were really unreasonable, or maybe it was because the guests were watching, he didn't want to make this matter a big deal.

"Okay, don't say a few words, Fang Tong, didn't you come to toast us?"

As soon as Father Ye's words came out, Mother Ye knew something was wrong. Did her husband acquiesce in Fang Tong being his daughter-in-law?

After Fang Tong nodded, he picked up his wine glass again, and said: "Dad, Mom, from now on, I will be the daughter-in-law of the Ye family. I will do my best to maintain this family. As long as Ye Fei If I don’t change my mind, I will forge ahead with him every day.”

Father Ye stared at the wine glass in front of him, and asked, "Are you serious about what you said on stage just now?"

Fang Tong said calmly, "Really."

After Ye father pursed his lips, he reached out to pick up the wine glass.

"Husband..." Mother Ye wanted to stop her, but it was too late.

Fang Tong had already lowered the rim of his glass, clinked his glass with Father Ye, and said, "Dad, I'll do it first as a respect."

Ye Fei next to him poured a glass of wine, handed it to his mother, and said with a half-smile: "Mom, Dad and Tongtong have both drank, should you have a glass of wine?"

Mother Ye is one thousand, ten thousand do not want to drink!

But she didn't drink it, instead she was inferior. Her husband, as the head of the family, drank it all. In the eyes of the guests, it was tantamount to recognizing Fang Tong as his daughter-in-law.

In desperation, Mother Ye could only drink the wine Ye Fei handed over reluctantly, and comforted herself that the wine was poured for her by her son and had nothing to do with Fang Tong!

After Ye Fei watched his parents finish their drink, he immediately said, "Dad, Mom, Tongtong and I have other guests to entertain, so we're leaving first."

Seeing this, Mother Ye couldn't help but sneered and said: "Look, Fei'er couldn't wait to take that opera singer away before we even had a lecture, how could we still eat her!"

Father Ye saw the scene of Fang Tong bending over to toast a Ye family's business partner, and was suddenly moved: "Okay, she has a big belly, and she has to accompany Ye Fei to toast everywhere, and it's not easy to say nice things. .”

Mother Ye's chest heaved, and she was obviously very angry: "You...! She did it for others to see! How can you trust her?"

After pondering for a while, Father Ye asked, "Then what if she can do it for the rest of her life?"

Mother Ye blurted out: "Impossible!"

Father Ye said: "I mean, if."

Mother Ye said angrily: "If she can do it for a lifetime, then I will admit that she is the daughter-in-law of our Ye family. That's okay!"

the other side--

Lu Wanwan put down the juice in her hand and said to Li Jingchen and his son, "I'm going to the bathroom."

An An twisted her buttocks and whispered, "Mum, I'm going too."

"Well, let's go." Lu Wanwan said, and took An An out of the table temporarily.


After Lu Wanwan finished her convenience, she quickly walked out of the bathroom. Seeing An An obediently standing in the corner outside waiting for her, Lu Wanwan was relieved.

An An, who heard footsteps, turned around and asked, "Mummy, are you alright?"

"Okay, let's go back."

An An said, "Mum, before I go back, I want to ask you a question."

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Okay, you can ask."

"Aunt Fang Tong got married today, are you happy?"


"So you want to be like her?"

Lu Wanwan blinked and reacted for two seconds before saying, "An'an, why are you asking that?"

An An took a deep breath, and seemed to have made up her mind: "Because, I want you to be as happy as Aunt Fang Tong, so Mommy, marry him!"