Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1619 Who doesn't like such a woman?

An An asked him, when will he marry Wanwan?

Li Jingchen's sharp eyes widened slightly, and he looked at the little guy in his arms in surprise.

An An felt strangely uncomfortable being watched by him, so she couldn't help turning her head to look at Fang Tong on the stage.

Seeing the smile on Fang Tong's mouth, An An felt a strong desire for the first time!

He longed to see that his mommy, like Aunt Fang Tong, put on a gorgeous wedding dress, stood beautifully on the stage, and showed a happier smile than Aunt Fang Tong!

And he knows this, only Li Jingchen can bring it to his mommy.

On the stage, Ye Fei and Fang Tong had already exchanged their wedding rings. Amid the booing of the guests, Ye Fei wrapped his arms around Fang Tong's waist, tilted his head and kissed her on the lips.

When touching those two soft lips, Ye Fei, who was originally gentle and introverted, suddenly deepened the kiss impulsively.

He opened Fang Tong's teeth, and dragged her into his arms with both hands, forming an extremely controlling posture.

The guests in the audience looked at the newlyweds kissing like no one else, and their faces turned red.

"It can be seen that Boss Ye is really inseparable from Fang Yinghou, and he is holding on to this and refuses to let go!"

The guests talking about it made Ye Fei's parents look even more ugly.

They watched the picture of their son kissing Fang Tong repeatedly, and their hearts were filled with turmoil. How much did Ye Fei love Fang Tong, and why did he cling to him so obsessively in front of everyone?

It wasn't until Fang Tong patted Ye Fei's broad shoulders twice that he couldn't breathe, and Ye Fei slowly let her go.

Looking at each other, Ye Fei couldn't see Fang Tong's expression clearly, but saw her panting with her small mouth open, and asked worriedly, "Tong Tong, are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

"What kind of words is that?!" Finally, Ye Fei's father couldn't help but scolded in a low voice.

"That's, that's it." Mother Ye hurriedly responded, thinking that she hadn't entered the bridal chamber yet, Ye Fei's behavior was so aggressive, it was really out of place!

At this time, the wedding master of ceremonies said excitedly: "The kiss between the bride and groom, everyone should have watched it for fun, right?"

The guests below all agreed——


"Congratulations to Boss Ye for embracing the beauty!"

After Ye Fei exchanged a glance with Fang Tong, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

Because Fang Tong was pregnant, after all, he just “passed out” just now, the wedding master of ceremonies temporarily canceled the few games that were originally planned, and said: “Okay, now invite the groom and bride to step down to toast the big guys.” !"

"Yeah." After Ye Fei nodded, Fang Tong said, "Tong Tong, let's go down."

"Okay." Fang Tong replied.

Although Fang Tong's wedding dress was gorgeous, it was also procrastinating, so Ye Fei was always by her side to guard her, helping her at any time.

At this time, a middle-aged man stood up from the wine table and said to Fang Tong who passed by: "Mrs. Ye, congratulations. I have cooperated with Boss Ye for so many years in business, and I know him well, except you In addition, he can be said to be a representative of male virtues who are not close to women!"

"I remember you. You are Mr. Pan. All along, thanks to the rare rough stones you provided to the Ye family, Ye Fei's store has always had rare jewels for customers to choose from."

This middle-aged man, Mr. Pan, has been responsible for providing the Ye family with rough stones, that is, unprocessed natural ores, including rough emerald stones and rough diamonds. It can be said that they are old friends of the Ye family, so naturally He knows Ye Fei's temperament from the bottom up.

Mr. Pan laughed loudly when he heard the words, and looked at Fang Tong with more kind eyes: "Oh, Mrs. Ye has won the prize. It is what I should do to provide the Ye family with high-quality rough stones. After all, we have signed a long-term contract. , if there is any high-quality goods, of course I have to keep an eye on the Ye family first."

After a meal, Boss Pan looked at Fang Tong, and asked with a smile: "Just now Mrs. Ye said on stage that she is willing to give up her acting career and become Boss Ye's right-hand man in his work. After that, we will have to deal with each other."

Fang Tong nodded: "Naturally, I will ask Mr. Pan for advice in the future."

"Okay, okay." Boss Pan was also a cheerful person, immediately poured a glass of wine, handed it to Fang Tong, and said, "I toast Mrs. Ye!"

Ye Fei immediately said: "Mr. Pan, I'm sorry, my wife is pregnant, so it's really not suitable for drinking."

"This..." Although what Ye Fei said is true, today is a special day, how can a bride not be toasted?

Mr. Pan thought that he and the Ye family were old friends, and he just offered Fang Tong a glass of wine, Ye Fei should not stop him.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei declined it in front of everyone. Mr. Pan couldn't help but smiled embarrassingly, and laughed at himself: "It seems that my old face is worthless..."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

But this is also normal, who made Ye Fei care about the old partner's face?Besides, Boss Pan is still older than him, so it's normal to feel ashamed.

Just as Boss Pan turned around and was about to put down the wine glass, a hand under a white gauze stretched out and took the wine glass over.

Boss Pan was taken aback.

Only Fang Tong's pleasant voice sounded: "What is Mr. Pan talking about? How could I not give you face?

In terms of qualifications, you have been in the jewelry industry longer than Ye Fei, don't say you respect me, I should respect you,

If you don't dislike it, please teach me how to appraise treasures in the future, and I will be your student, how about it? "

With these words, it can be said that Mr. Pan's face and integrity have been recovered. Mr. Pan quickly picked up his wine glass, stood up again, and said cheerfully——

"Mrs. Ye, look at what you said. With Boss Ye's words and deeds, I am not qualified to accept you as a student! But in the future, if you don't understand anything about the original stone, you can come and ask me."

"Then I'll be right here. Thank you, Mr. Pan." Then, Fang Tong and Mr. Pan clinked glasses, raised their heads, and did it first as a respect.

"Okay! Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand the person, Mrs. Ye is very generous!" After speaking, Mr. Pan also showed his respect.

After seeing this scene, the other guests felt that Ye Fei had married the right person.

Even with Ye Fei's protection, this woman didn't rely on Ye Fei's favor to act recklessly. Instead, she found a way for her husband and business partners to step down. Who doesn't like such a woman?

Invisibly, Ye Mu was even more unreasonable set off by Fang Tong's boldness.

"Tongtong." When she saw Fang Tong and Ye Fei coming to their table, Lu Wanwan picked up the two glasses of juice at hand and said with a smile, "I wish you and Ye Fei a happy wedding and a happy marriage for a hundred years. "

After Fang Tong took the drink she handed over, he said almost coquettishly: "It's so late, I know you don't want to drink me."

Lu Wanwan said helplessly: "Knowing that I can't drink, why do I drink all over the table?"