Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1550 I am a big bastard, not good enough for her

Li Yuanzhong finally closed "Yi Xue" with satisfaction, got up and said: "Wen Zhong, go and ask Qiong'er to go downstairs for dinner."

"Yes, master." Wen Zhong went.

Li Yuanzhong continued to say: "Wanwan, after dinner, we will study the girl's name."

Lu Wanwan said obediently: "Then thank you grandpa."

After a while, Tang Qiong came down from upstairs, and Lu Wanwan looked at her worriedly, for fear that Tang Qiong might not recognize her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Tang Qiong saw her, she immediately stepped forward overjoyed and called out kindly: "Wanwan, you are here!"

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief and called out, "Grandma, I'm here to see you and grandpa."

Tang Qiong reached out to touch her belly, and said nervously: "Your belly is so big, so don't go out. If you need anything, just call and let me go with your grandpa."

"Didn't I miss you?" Lu Wanwan naturally took Tang Qiong's arm, walked with her to the dining table, and said, "Grandma, do you still remember what I told you on New Year's Eve?"

"On New Year's Eve..." Tang Qiong's eyes revealed memories: "Have you been here that day?"

Lu Wanwan's heart sank, and she couldn't help but glance at Li Yuanzhong.

Li Yuanzhong was used to it, seeing her look, he smiled wryly.

After Lu Wanwan looked away, she said, "I've been here, grandma, think about it carefully, wasn't the kitchen drain still clogged that day? Mr. Li and I were still helping you fix it."

"The sewer in the kitchen?" Tang Qiong suddenly realized, and said: "Oh! Grandma remembered, there is such a thing, I have been thinking about it for the past two days, no wonder the sewer is not blocked, it turned out that you and Jing Chen fixed it. "

"Grandma remembers?" Lu Wanwan looked at her with relief.

"Well, I remember!" Tang Qiong said affirmatively.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help laughing.


After eating, Lu Wanwan suddenly asked: "Grandma, grandpa is helping me and Mr. Li's child think of a name, can you come with me?"

In Lu Wanwan's mind, let Tang Qiong read and use her brain moderately, maybe her memory won't deteriorate so quickly.

"Okay!" Tang Qiong readily agreed, "Let's go."

She took Lu Wanwan's hand and came to the living room. When she sat down, she saw the paper on the coffee table and asked, "What is this?"

Lu Wanwan replied: "This is the first name my grandpa gave to my and Mr. Li's children."

Hearing this, Tang Qiong picked up the paper on the coffee table and looked at it carefully: "Li Yizheng? Is this the name for the child?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Well, this is what grandpa found out after looking through the "Yi Xue" for a long time, which means..."

Tang Qiong said with a smile: "Grandma knows what it means, does it have something to do with good quality?"

Lu Wanwan was taken aback: "Grandma, do you know?"

Li Yuanzhong took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "You don't know yet, do you? Before your grandma married me, she was a Chinese teacher in a key high school. Both parents were from a scholarly family. Marrying me is considered a Miss is a martial artist."

What Li Yuanzhong said meant that he was a big bastard and not worthy of Tang Qiong.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but look at Tang Qiong anxiously.

But Tang Qiong glanced at Li Yuanzhong and said, "I will marry you."

Lu Wanwan invisibly ate a wave of dog food.

Li Yuanzhong went on to say: "By the way, your grandma is familiar with all kinds of schools of thought, and asking her to name it is considered the right person."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help admiring: "So grandma is so knowledgeable? Why don't I know..."

Only Tang Qiong said modestly: "Because for me, this is not something worth showing off. Since I married your grandfather, I have devoted myself to taking care of this family and raising children for him. For me, children Being promising makes me happier."

Lu Wanwan understood that Tang Qiong was changing from a "working woman" to a "housewife".

Perhaps in the eyes of modern people, it is not worthwhile to give up the identity of a working woman and return to the family.

But Lu Wanwan felt that being a housewife is also a profession, and it is not easy to do it well, and Tang Qiong was able to achieve the ultimate in this profession after changing her identity, which is equally remarkable.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Lu Wanwan said: "Grandma, I still need a baby girl's name, please help me think about it."

"What's the name for the girl?" Tang Qiong thought for a moment, and said, "Wanwan, in grandma's opinion, a woman is someone who pleases herself. If this girl is beautiful, has a good personality, and is likable, then it is basically considered a success." halfway through,

Because girls are born to be loved, especially there are few girls from our Li family. If she is so beautiful, it will be even rarer in this circle. What do you think? "

Li Yuanzhong said: "I always listen to Madam."

Lu Wanwan knew that Tang Qiong didn't want her child to serve others with sex, but to entrust a kind of good quality.

"Beautiful looks" and "good personality", these are one of the good qualities, and they need luck, so she nodded and said: "Grandma, I also listen to you."

This is equivalent to drawing a range for Tang Qiong so that she will not be caught blind.

It can only be said that, as expected of a Chinese teacher, she is amazing.

"Well, grandma is thinking about this." After Tang Qiong finished speaking, she began to meditate.

Li Yuanzhong and Lu Wanwan didn't dare to disturb her, so one held a copy of "Yi Xue" and the other picked up a copy of "Ci Hai" and continued to study.

Time passed by every minute and every second——

Just when Lu Wanwan was about to stretch her neck, Tang Qiong suddenly thought: "Yes, Wanwan!"

"Grandma, what did you think of?" Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking.

Tang Qiong said excitedly: "Li Yiran, what do you think of this name?"

Li Yuanzhong said: "Qiong'er, just write it on paper."

Lu Wanwan picked up the paper and pen and handed them to Tang Qiong.

"Okay, I'll write it out for you, your staff and staff."

Tang Qiong took the paper and pen, and next to "Li Yizheng", wrote the three characters "Li Yiran".

Lu Wanwan humbly asked, "Grandma, what is the meaning of this name?"

"A smile is all over the city, and the sky is clear." Tang Qiong said with a smile: "If you give birth to a girl, then grandma hopes that she will grow up to be a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the country and let those sons and sisters steal their heads."

Allure with a smile?

Combined with the name Li Yuanzhong chose just now, Lu Wanwan couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure: "Grandma, how did I find out that you put more pressure on me than grandpa?"

Tang Qiong asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Think about it, this child has the genes of Mr. Li and me. If it's a boy, it's fine like Mr. Li. If he inherits my ordinary talent, wouldn't it be over?"

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips, and continued, "As for the girl? You see, I'm pretty at most, and Mr. Li has a bad temper. If we pass on all our shortcomings to her, isn't it all over?"