Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1549 It's up to you

When Li Jingchen went downstairs, Lu Wanwan had already calmed down Li Yuanzhong's emotions. After seeing him, Lu Wanwan asked, "How is grandma?"

Li Jingchen said: "She was tired, so I helped her go to bed to rest."

"Yeah." After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked, "Are you going to work then?"

After Li Jingchen took a look at Li Yuanzhong, he signaled cryptically: "Wanwan, send me off."

"Okay." After Lu Wanwan answered, she sent Li Jingchen to the door.

At this moment, Li Jingchen turned around, and concern appeared in his phoenix eyes: "Is grandpa okay?"

"It's okay, I'm with him. By the way, when you went in just now, how did grandma behave? Does she still recognize you?" Lu Wanwan asked nervously.

Li Jingchen shook his head and said, "I can't recognize it."

Lu Wanwan asked in surprise, "How come?"

Li Jingchen said in a deep voice: "Because she is looking for Li Huaguang when she was young, then the me in her memory should be a child, or not yet born."

Lu Wanwan sighed: "No wonder grandpa said that grandma's memory is good and bad now. I'm afraid that one day, he will be regretted too."

Li Jingchen said cruelly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Lu Wanwan then tentatively said: "Mr. Li, tell me, do you want to take advantage of grandma's memory of Li Huaguang when she was young, and arrange for her to meet Li Huaguang? Although Li Huaguang is not young now, at least his outline and facial features have not changed much, right?" ?”

Li Jingchen looked at her and remained silent.

Lu Wanwan felt a little guilty when he saw it, and couldn't help laughing dryly: "I'm just talking casually, if you mind, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Li Jingchen stared at her, and asked without emotion: "Grandpa asked you to be a lobbyist, right?"

Lu Wanwan hurriedly said: "No! I thought so myself, it has nothing to do with grandpa!"

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen said sharply: "I don't believe that you don't care about my feelings so much."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan no longer concealed it: "Well, I just sympathize with Grandpa, that's why..."

"That's why I took the initiative to ask for work and mentioned this to me, right? Wanwan, do you think that now that you're pregnant, I'm reluctant to kill you?" Li Jingchen asked.

Lu Wanwan smirked and said, "I really can't hide anything from you."

"Still laughing." Li Jingchen scratched the tip of her nose, and said, "If the old man has any ideas, he can talk to me himself, and don't hide behind his granddaughter-in-law for everything."

"Why?" Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Grandpa is afraid of conflicts with you, so I became your middleman."

"Is he also afraid?" When he said this, Li Jingchen's eyes were a little sad.

Since when did Li Yuanzhong become unable to speak directly to him?

Lu Wanwan always felt that Li Jingchen was regretting something, so she didn't dare to speak rashly.

Li Jingchen quickly recovered and said, "Wanwan, tell the old man for me that I won't do anything to him, huh?"

After finishing speaking, Li Jingchen bowed his head and kissed her, then turned and went out.

Lu Wanwan covered the kissed cheek, thinking what he meant, could it mean agreeing?

It's just that Li Jingchen hoped that Li Yuanzhong would tell him personally?

Withdrawing her thoughts, Lu Wanwan returned to Li Yuanzhong, and said to Li Yuanzhong who was reading "Yi Xue" with a magnifying glass: "Grandpa..."

"Huh?" Li Yuanzhong put down the magnifying glass and looked up at her: "Have you finished delivering Jing Chen?"

"Well, Grandpa, let me tell you something." Lu Wanwan sat next to him and said, holding his arm.

Seeing Lu Wanwan's playful face, Li Yuanzhong couldn't help asking curiously, "What are you going to tell Grandpa about Wanwan?"

Lu Wanwan said: "That is, can grandpa tell Mr. Li himself that he wants to take grandma to visit the prison?"

Li Yuanzhong opened his eyes wide: "Me?"

"Yeah, I think if you tell me, Mr. Li will agree instead."

"Really?" Li Yuanzhong had an expression of "don't tease me".

"Really!" Lu Wanwan nodded: "I have already vaccinated with Mr. Li just now, and he didn't expressly refuse, just said that you should discuss it with him yourself."

Li Yuanzhong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "In that case, I'll wait for Jing Chen to pick you up in the evening and talk to him."

"Yeah!" Lu Wanwan responded happily, and said, "Grandpa, let's study the baby's name together!"

"Okay!" Li Yuanzhong handed the "Ci Hai" on the table to Lu Wanwan, and started studying with her.

This made the originally dead and silent living room rang out with the voices of the old and the young talking, making it much more lively.

With Lu Wanwan's company, Li Yuanzhong no longer worried about Tang Qiong, and seemed much happier.

Wen Zhong glanced at Lu Wanwan gratefully, then backed away silently.

Time passed by every minute and every second——

Wen Zhong came out of the kitchen, and said to Li Yuanzhong and Lu Wanwan, "Master, young mistress, it's time to eat."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan turned her head and said to the devoted Li Yuanzhong, "Grandpa, don't study it now, we should go to eat."

"Wait!" Li Yuanzhong shouted excitedly.

Lu Wanwan was startled for a moment: "What's wrong?"

Li Yuanzhong pointed to a line of small characters in "Yi Xue", and said excitedly: "Wan Wan, what do you think of this name?"

"Where? Let me see."

Lu Wanwan poked her head over and saw two big "Yizheng" under the magnifying glass, jumping into her eyes.

However, Lu Wanwan noticed the hexagram below, saying that these two characters mean "cultivate pure and innocent qualities, so as to lead to the road of saints".

After reading it, Lu Wanwan said thoughtfully, "The name is a good name, but won't the child be overwhelmed by such a majestic name?"

become a saint or something...

Lu Wanwan's requirements for her children are actually very simple, just be a down-to-earth and good person.

Just like the name "Huai'an", her initial request to An'an was that he would grow up safely and smoothly, and she had nothing else to ask for.

Li Yuanzhong said meaningfully: "That depends on your and Jing Chen's abilities."

Lu Wanwan tilted her head: "Me and Mr. Li?"

"That's right, this name is to remind parents to always pay attention to cultivating the quality of their children, not to demand them." Li Yuanzhong explained with a smile.

Lu Wanwan said unconsciously: "Of course we will cultivate it well."

"Since that's the case, why worry about whether it can be suppressed?" Li Yuanzhong asked in reply.

Lu Wanwan thought about it, so she picked up the paper and pen on the table, and wrote the words "Li Yizheng" on the paper.

After Lu Wanwan finished writing, she picked up the paper and read it word by word: "Li, Yi, Zheng."

"Well, Li Yizheng." Li Yuanzhong repeated.

Lu Wanwan read more and more smoothly, and couldn't help saying: "Grandpa, if I give birth to a boy, I will consider choosing this name?"