Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1395 He is useless, waiting for her pity man

"Ah, this..." The bosses of several listed companies did not expect that Li Jingchen gave up their reason, and it was so simple and unpretentious, just to have dinner with his girlfriend.

After Li Jingchen was ready, he said, "If there is no doubt, then I will leave first."

After a meal, he said to his secretary, "Zhou Yang, you are in charge of entertaining them."

Zhou Yang nodded: "Yes, Mr. Li, go slowly."

After Li Jingchen left, Zhou Yang came to several bosses with a smile on his face, and said, "Everyone, the seats have already been booked, so don't waste it, I'll accompany you to eat, and just record it on our account."

As for sending business to Lu's company, Zhou Yang is not as generous as Li Jingchen, and his position does not allow him to do so.

"Alright then." Seeing Zhou Yang's sincerity, several bosses agreed.


The entrance of Yaobo Company.

Seeing Lu Wanwan standing on the steps and unable to come down, Fang Tian lowered the car window, poked his head out and asked, "Miss Lu, are you still in the car?"

Lu Wanwan said to him: "I'll wait for Li Jingchen to pick me up."

In the next second, Bai Fei's handsome face squeezed out from the window of the back seat, gossiping: "Miss Lu, you and President Li are going on a date?"

"Well, a date." Lu Wanwan laughed, her brows and eyes were curved, and she was very happy at first glance.

Seeing this, Bai Fei asked: "Then can I ask you something?"

Lu Wanwan asked, "What's the matter?"

Bai Fei then said: "Can you and Young Master Li stop going to the western restaurant? It's basically a place only for couples. Last time Fang Tian and I followed you and Young Master Li into the restaurant, I felt uncomfortable."

Lu Wanwan recalled the scene she saw in the western restaurant that night, and couldn't help but wondered: "Didn't many ladies go to strike up a conversation with you that day? I thought you would enjoy it."

For a prodigal like Bai Fei, he is naturally happy to have beauties come to strike up a conversation, but: "In order to protect you and Young Master Li, I can only refuse the invitations of those beauties, but in the end they scold me and Fang Tian for being..."

Bai Fei said the last three words in a low voice, probably for a straight man like him who is invincible in the universe, it is a terrible thing to be misunderstood as gay.

After Lu Wanwan figured out the cause and effect, she nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

After Bai Fei breathed a sigh of relief, he exchanged glances with Fang Tian, ​​but Fang Tian said, "It's a lot."

Bai Fei asked: "Why am I troubled?"

Fang Tian glanced at Lu Wanwan who was waiting on the steps, and said, "Are you the employer, or Miss Lu is the employer? Why do you want her to accommodate us?"

Bai Fei rubbed his nose and said, "Ms. Lu is easy to talk to."

Fang Tian said expressionlessly: "She's so easy to talk, that's why you're going to push me even further. When Young Master Li blames her, we'll see how you explain to him."

Bai Fei leaned back on the chair depressed, and muttered in a low voice, "Then you didn't stop me when I made the request just now..."


I don't know how much time has passed——

A familiar car came into Lu Wanwan's sight, and a moment later, a man got out of the car, walked straight up the steps, came in front of Lu Wanwan, and asked softly, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Lu Wanwan was playing with her mobile phone.

Hearing this, she raised her head and looked at the person who came: "It's okay."

Li Jingchen shook her hand and found that her fingertips were a little cold, so he couldn't help saying: "It's cold, don't stand stupidly waiting for me at the door."

Lu Wanwan held his palm with her backhand and said, "Got it, let's go. I found a restaurant on the mobile app. Let's go there quickly. There won't be any seats left."

Li Jingchen was dragged away by her, and half-jokingly said: "Eat food? Are you full of money?"

After getting in the car, Lu Wanwan took out her big red envelope from her bag, waved it up in front of Li Jingchen, and said, "There are so many! You don't want to be full?"

Li Jingchen imitated her tone, and said dotingly: "There are so many."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help laughing, she put the red envelope under the tip of her nose and took a deep sniff, smelling the fragrance of money.

It's still the money I earned!

Seeing her intoxicated face, Li Jingchen said happily, "This much money is enough for you to support An'an and me."

"It's okay to support An'an, but as for you..."

Lu Wanwan showed a pained expression, because Li Jingchen looked very expensive!

After fastening her seat belt, Li Jingchen asked, "what's the matter, is there any difficulty?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "It's quite difficult."

"It's not like you never raised me before." Li Jingchen was very calm when talking about the past, and he didn't even shy away from the fact that he was raised by Lu Wanwan.

"It's different now." In the past, Li Jingchen was a pitiful little person no one wanted, but now, Li Jingchen is the president of the Li Group, and her sales commission is not enough for him to squeeze his teeth.

Li Jingchen looked at her tenderly, and said: "But in front of you, I will always be that useless man waiting for your pity."

"Okay." Lu Wanwan's heart softened, and she gave him the whole red envelope, saying, "This is for you."

Li Jingchen was surprised and said, "Give me all this much?"

"Well, you can buy anything you want for Chinese New Year this year, but remember to save some for An'an." Lu Wanwan did not forget to say.

Li Jingchen hugged her into his arms with a smile, kissed her forehead, and said softly, "Okay."


After eating the delicate dishes in the box, Li Jingchen called the waiter and handed over his bank card.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan hurriedly said: "It is agreed that I will pay the bill, what are you doing?"

Li Jingchen asked the waiter to go out to check out, and then looked at her: "I was joking with you, do you take it seriously?"

Lu Wanwan puffed her face: "Are you looking down on me?"

Li Jingchen said seriously: "I cherish your money and want to spend every penny wisely, not here."

After hearing this, Lu Wanwan said sweetly in her heart, "Okay then, you have to keep your word."

"Well, it counts." Li Jingchen did not make a clear explanation as to when it is considered "on the knife's edge".


After returning to Li's house, An An immediately ran over and asked, "Mummy! Where have you been? You didn't take me with you!"

Li Jingchen said: "My lord, what are you doing with a light bulb on a date?"

An An tilted her head: "A date?"

Obviously yesterday evening, Mommy was still angry with Li Jingchen in the study, why did she have another date today?What strange grown-ups!

At this time, Lu Wanwan noticed: "Honey, what are you holding in your hand?"

An An picked up the jar in her hand, shook it, and said, "Oh, it's a can of insecticide. Didn't Mommy say yesterday that mosquitoes bit you?

So I asked my maid sister to go to the nearby convenience store and buy you a bottle of insecticide. I was checking the instructions on it to see how big the bugs could be killed. "