Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1394 Will You Hate Us?

After Luo Ye and Xiao Jing looked at each other, they said one after the other——

"Okay! Since the leader is willing to sacrifice himself for others, then we will believe what you said and put this account on Liu Yihui!"

"This matter, let's stop here."

Seeing that they were not even polite, Fan Hai couldn't help scolding their mothers in his heart, these brats have really turned bad, they are no longer as innocent as before, it's all because Lu Wanwan led them badly!

After sweeping away the red envelopes on Fan Hai's table, Luo Ye and Xiao Jing led the planning department and left contentedly.

Only Fan Hai was left slumped on the office chair with a disheveled face, his heart bleeding.


department office.

Luo Ye pushed the door open and said excitedly, "Manager, we're back!"

Lu Wanwan was idle and was browsing their 3D building simulation map. Hearing Luo Ye's words, she couldn't help raising her head and asked, "You're back so soon? How are things going?"

"Here, look!" Luo Ye raised the dozen or so red envelopes in his hand and raised the corners of his mouth triumphantly.

"This is……"

Xiao Jing also had a faint smile on his lips, and explained: "Manager, this is the spoil we seized from Fan Hai."

"Manager, the thing is like this..."

The others chattered and talked about the process of confronting Fan Hai. No matter what move Fan Hai made, they would see every move, and they were not afraid at all!

Luo Ye patted the palm of his right hand with the red envelope in his left hand, and said triumphantly: "Today we have asked Fan Hai to take the initiative to cut his flesh and let his blood drain.

We thought to ourselves, instead of reporting him in front of President Mu, it would be better to threaten Fan Hai once a year until Fan Hai vomited out all the year-end awards he owed us all these years! "

"Yes, although we believe that Mr. Mu will deal with it fairly, once Fan Hai is disposed of, we will never get back the year-end bonus we lost before, so we would rather 'remind' Fan Hai once a year and let him Give us all the red envelopes!"

Among the people present, only Xiaojing kept watching Lu Wanwan: "Manager, are we bad? Do you hate us?"

Hearing this, everyone in the planning department fell silent and looked nervously at Lu Wanwan.

They admired Lu Wanwan's appearance and admired Lu Wanwan's character. If possible, they didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of her.

Lu Wanwan said: "I think your method of 'treating the person in the same way' is quite effective.

But you have to remember, taking back what belongs to you is a matter of course, greed is the abyss, don't be like Fan Hai and Liu Yihui, understand? "

After everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they were also reminded: "Understood! Manager, we promise to only take back what belongs to us, and we will never be greedy!"

Lu Wanwan smiled and nodded: "That's good, you guys celebrate, I'll go first."

Everyone said in unison: "Manager, go slowly!"

But Xiao Jing chased him out, saying: "Manager, you have to be careful, I'm worried that Fan Hai will retaliate against you."

"Fan Hai is a real villain. He has a small mind and little ability. He only thinks about how to dawdle every day. When he retires, he won't be able to achieve anything." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she left.



Before Lu Wanwan got off work, she suddenly called Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen may be busy there, and his voice is very low: "Hello, Wanwan."

Lu Wanwan said concisely: "Are you free tonight? Treat you to dinner."

As a result, Li Jingchen fell silent, followed by a rustling sound.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

Li Jingchen replied: "I'm looking through the calendar to find out what a good day it is today."

After Lu Wanwan laughed out loud, she said softly, "I got a sales commission today. I thought it was your deep-water harbor that made me earn so much, so I want to repay you. I wonder if Mr. Li will reward me?"

When she said this, she didn't shy away from Fan Hai.

Firstly, she and Li Jingchen are boyfriend and girlfriend now.

Secondly, Fan Hai already knew that they were having an affair.

Fan Hai lost all his year-end bonuses today, and heard Lu Wanwan showing off his sales commission. He felt sad for a moment, and couldn't even look at his favorite stocks, so he dropped his mouse and sent out Not a small sound.

Even Li Jingchen heard it: "What is making noise over there?"

Lu Wanwan glanced at Fan Hai and said, "Oh, it's my colleague, he's in a bad mood today..."

Hearing this, Fan Hai froze and begged for mercy.

Li Jingchen then asked: "He is in a bad mood, won't it affect you?"

Lu Wanwan looked at Fan Hai scratching his head and begging her not to complain, and smiled mischievously, "Don't worry, he didn't bother me."

Li Jingchen said: "That's good."

Lu Wanwan's phone call made Fan Hai break out in a cold sweat.

When she put down the phone, Fan Hai stared at her weakly and said, "Do you want President Li to kill me?"

Lu Wanwan said slowly: "I'm just telling my boyfriend what I saw and heard in the office today, just like when you go home and complain to your wife about the stock price falling again today, why, can't you ?”

"Okay, you're really good!" Fan Hai was manipulated to death, and he even began to miss Liu Yihui.

Compared with Lu Wanwan, Liu Yihui is as harmless as a little sheep!

"If it's okay, I'm going on a date with my boyfriend, oh yes, use this."

As Lu Wanwan said, she took out her big red envelope from the drawer and put it in her bag in slow motion.

Fan Hai, who saw the whole process clearly, was so angry that his heart ached!Liver pain!stomach ache!My whole body hurts!


Li Group.

Seeing that Li Jingchen finished making the phone call, several listed bosses picked up his suit jacket and car keys, looking like they were about to run away, and suddenly couldn't sit still: "Mr. Li, where are you going? Didn't you say good today?" Do you want to have dinner with us tonight?"

Li Jingchen glanced at them in time: "Sorry, I have something to do temporarily, let's get together another day."

"Mr. Li! It's not easy to invite you to have a meal. We are so wronged that the bosses of four companies came together to ask you to have a meal and talk about things. You can't give up any face."

Faced with their grievances, Li Jingchen couldn't bear it: "Sorry, I really have something to do, how about this, you can wait as long as you can, and if you can't wait, you can go to Lu Zeyu of Lu's company to discuss business. Our two companies business overlaps.”

"..." Fuck, is there such an operation? !

One of the bosses couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked: "Then Mr. Li, if you let us go, you should give us a reason, right?"

Li Jingchen raised the corner of his mouth, and the whole person became clear: "Pick up my girlfriend, she will treat her to dinner tonight. This is a unique thing for me. If it were you, would you be willing to refuse?"