Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1384 No way, people are short of money now

Ji Heng simply cast his admiration on him.

Is this still the Tyrannosaurus rex who rode on other people's heads and shit?

"Well, since you would rather do more work, then I won't force you, you can do it well."

After Ji Heng left, Li Xuyang picked up the spray paint next to his hand and repainted the unloaded car panel. The golden spray paint was flying in the air, giving Li Xuyang a golden halo.

The rich girls with heavy makeup and light makeup watched from a distance, their heartbeats quickened.

In the end, Ji Heng came over and told them that Li Xuyang was working and had no time to come and get to know them.

After hearing this, the rich girls asked persistently, "Is work so important? Don't you even have time to get to know us?"

Ji Heng sighed: "I can't help it, I'm short of money now."

The rich girls looked at each other and asked further: "Lack of money? Could it be that Fourth Young Master Li was kicked out of the house by his elder brother as the rumors said?"

Ji Heng showed embarrassment: "This...don't ask too many questions, Fourth Young Master Li is my friend, so I can't say too much, people also want to save face."

Speaking of this, the rich girls all understood, and even gave birth to infinite love for Li Xuyang.

"I didn't expect his elder brother to be so cruel that he wouldn't let him live for several years, so he could only come out to work to earn tuition fees."

"Who told him that he and his elder brother were not born by the same mother?"

"Should we help him? It looks so pitiful..."

Ji Heng looked at them, and thought sourly, you guys are ulterior motives!

After a few rich girls secretly summed up, they showed a smile that was bound to win.

Seeing this, Ji Heng hurriedly asked: "Several beauties, what do you want to do?"

"We want to help Fourth Young Master Li get out of trouble."

After one of the rich girls finished speaking, she took out a gold card from her wallet and said, "Boss Ji, the limit in my gold card is 500 million. You said that Fourth Young Master Li will continue to stay with you." Do you want to be a car mechanic?"

"Not enough and mine!"

"And I!"

"Grass!" Ji Heng was envious to death, he really wanted to say "Come on me", he can even give up the car factory, and be their faithful licking dog!

But the reality is that he can only watch a few rich girls pass him to find his "car repair boy" Li Xuyang.

"That... Fourth Young Master Li, my name is Chen Gege! Nice to meet you!"

Li Xuyang, who was painting the panels of the motorcycle, raised his head when he heard the sound.

Seeing that it was the girls who were sitting on the sofa and saying "hi~" to him just now, Li Xuyang couldn't help looking at Ji Heng behind them, and asked a little unhappy: "Boss, didn't you tell me what I just said to you?" Are they?"

"I said it!" Ji Heng hurriedly said.

The rich girl who called herself "Chen Gege" was unwilling to be ignored by Li Xuyang, and said again: "That's right, Fourth Young Master Li, the three of us sisters all sympathized with you after hearing about your recent experience, so in private I scraped together some pocket money and wanted to help you out of your predicament."

Hearing this, Li Xuyang frowned, and looked at her for the first time: "Miss Chen, do we know each other?"

Chen Gege smiled confidently at him: "I didn't know each other before, but now I do."

Li Xuyang glanced at the three of them with sharp eyes, with a half-smile: "You know what kind of person I am, and you want to help me solve my predicament?"

"Fourth Young Master Li's name is well-known in the circle of our peers. It is said that when you were young, your grades were not good, and you were stubborn and unruly. The adults in the family told us not to imitate you."

When talking about this, Chen Gege smiled.

"Later, for some reason, you were admitted to the top high school in the city, and the adults in the family said that you got in through connections,

Later, you were admitted to a famous university. At that time, your mother and your second brother were not in Li Zhai. May I ask who else can find a relationship for you?

From that moment on, all the adults in our family shut up, Fourth Young Master Li, you have completed a perfect face-slap counterattack! "

These are Chen Gege's inner thoughts.

She is about the same age as Li Xuyang, plus the upper class circle is so big, it can be said that Chen Gege grew up listening to Li Xuyang's anecdotes, therefore, she is very interested in Li Xuyang, and even wants to know him these years The change is why it came.

Li Xuyang raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect that you know me so well?"

Chen Gege stretched out his hand towards him, and asked with a smile, "Then, can we be friends now?"

Li Xuyang raised his hands, covered with motor oil, looking dirty: "Do you still want to be friends with me now?"

"Of course." Chen Gege put down his hands and said, "As long as Fourth Young Master Li nods, the three of us sisters are willing to offer a gold card each to help you get through the difficulties."

Li Xuyang looked at her lowered hand, smiled sarcastically, and asked, "What do I need to pay?"

Chen Gege looked at Li Xuyang's more handsome face and superior figure than those of his peers, and said with difficulty: "As long as you stay with the three of us for two days each for a week, and you are on call and responsive to every request during the period, that's fine." gone."

Li Xuyang played with taste: "Seven days a week, two days of playing with the three of you alone, adding up to six days, how about one more day?"

Chen Gege's eyes became more and more meaningful: "There is still one day for you to rest, and you can recharge your batteries."

Replenish... recharge your batteries?

Ji Heng thought about it accidentally.

After hearing this, Li Xuyang got up suddenly, and Chen Gege swallowed his saliva at that high-spirited and strong body.

However, Li Xuyang took a step forward and asked in her ear with a unique voice between youth and man: "Is that what I understand? You three... want to support me?"

Chen Gege's face turned red, but fortunately she was wearing heavy makeup so that no one could see it: "...cough, would you like it?"

Ji Heng shed tears of jealousy behind him.

Why can't such a good thing happen to him?

Even if his kidneys are overdrawn, he has to agree!

But Li Xuyang said in the tone of a good young man, "I'm sorry, I'm still a student, so I can't engage in illegal transactions."

Chen Gege hurriedly picked up the gold card, trying to impress him: "My gold card has a usage limit of 500 million. You are used to living a good life. You must not be able to bear the life without money, right? Plus my two sisters , you can make money just lying down!"

Li Xuyang looked at their serious faces, and suddenly laughed out loud: "So I am so pitiful in your eyes, that I need to sell my body?"

His appearance, in the eyes of outsiders, is like laughing out of anger.

Only Li Xuyang knew why he was laughing.

His "bitter trick" worked!

Now rich second generations like Chen Gege think that he was kicked out of the house by Li Jingchen, penniless and eager to make money, and what he has to do is to make this voice louder and louder, spreading to " in someone's ears.