Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1383 The current life is what I want

After Li Jingchen went to work, An An went back to his room to practice copybooks. He had no complaints about Li Jingchen's neglect of him. After all, he was the one who had to practice calligraphy, and he was the one who had to learn tennis. As a result, a week passed, and he I haven't practiced anything, and I have regressed even if I think about it.

An'an thought about it, blotted the pen, and began to practice stroke by stroke according to the copybook.

One page, two pages, three pages...

An An concentrated on writing, as if she wanted to make up for all the "homework" owed this week.

I don't know how much time has passed——

"Knock knock knock", accompanied by the knock on the door, the maid's voice sounded: "Young master, it's time for you to go downstairs for lunch."

An An said without raising her head, "Wait a minute!"

Seeing that he didn't come out for a long time, the maid couldn't help but feel a little worried, and finally opened the door gently, and after a look, she found that An An was immersed in practicing calligraphy.

"Young master, have you practiced all morning?"

An An said: "I haven't practiced calligraphy for too many days, and I want to make up for my progress today."

"But young master, your fingers are red, take a rest!"

An An put down the pen, rubbed her fingertips together, and said, "It's okay."

The maid disagreed and said, "Young master, it's good to work hard, but you should also take care of your body."

"I'm fine! Sister, help me see what I wrote today, how is it compared to before?"

As An An said, she opened the copybook she had written before, put it together with the copybook she wrote today, and looked nervously at the maid.

After the maid looked at it, she said, "I look about the same, and they are all good."

"Almost? In other words, my calligraphy has not deteriorated? Great!" An An felt relieved and said, "Then I'll go down to eat."


On the way downstairs, An An thought of something and asked, "By the way, has brother Xuyang come back these days?"

The maid shook her head and said, "Master Xu Yang hasn't come back."

An An said depressedly: "Hey, it's almost Chinese New Year, if brother Xuyang doesn't go home, wouldn't he be very lonely?"

The maid comforted: "No, Master Xuyang has a wide circle and many friends, he will not be lonely."


At this time, Li Xuyang, who was talked about by An An, was nestling in a friend's locomotive factory, repairing heavy locomotives for others.

Jiheng's car factory is filled with the atmosphere of heavy metal, coupled with rock music playing, and graffiti walls designed with spray paint, making it a gathering place for rich second generations.

In addition to buying cars, the rich second generation can also play with cars, race cars, and repair cars here, but recently there is one more thing, which is to make friends with Li Xuyang.

At this moment, Ji Heng, who is the owner of the car factory, came over and said to Li Xuyang: "Li Si Shao, I invite you to have a drink over there."

"No." Li Xuyang was repairing a Harley motorcycle in the workshop. I saw him kneeling on the ground on one knee, holding a tool pliers in the other hand, and skillfully removed the scratched and peeled panels of the car body.

Ji Heng had no choice but to squat down and try to persuade him: "Fourth Young Master Li, we are all friends, so you should do me a favor and go have a drink with them! Brother, I will give you a raise later!"

For the sake of salary, Li Xuyang reluctantly raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is it?"

"Then!" Ji Heng hurriedly pointed to him.

Li Xuyang took a closer look, and found that there were several beauties sitting on the sofa over there, each dressed boldly, with heavy makeup, and when they saw him, they raised their hands and said "hi~" to him from a distance.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Xuyang looked at Ji Heng, a little unhappy: "You want me to drink with a group of women?"

"Don't underestimate them, they are faster than boys in driving cars! Besides, they are rich and single, so I really want to get to know you!" Ji Heng said while looking at Those girls.

Li Xuyang could see it: "Boss, you want to use me to break into them so that you can benefit from it?"

Ji Heng's eyelids twitched, and he admitted with guilt and helplessness: "Yes, among those girls there is my type. I'll take you there, and I can get to know her by the way."

Unfortunately, Li Xuyang said, "I'm not interested."

Although he is not interested in how girls dress up, in his aesthetics, he still appreciates purity and cleanliness.

Just like... Bai Qingluo and Lu Wanwan.

These two women are both pure and weak without makeup, and they are very temperamental.

Ji Heng refused to give up: "Fourth Young Master Li, for the sake of taking you in..."

"Bang -" sound.

The entire board of the car fell to the ground, interrupting Ji Heng's words.

Li Xuyang said: "It's working time now. My job is to repair cars, not to drink with them. If you want to pick up girls, you can find a way by yourself and don't bother me."

Ji Heng stared, and asked in disbelief: "Fourth Young Master Li, are you really here to earn tuition and living expenses?"

Li Xuyang asked back: "Isn't my performance not obvious enough?"

Ji Heng choked, and said: "But you are too short of money! During this time, no matter who comes to you to get close, you tell them to stay away, so as not to affect your work, do you know that people in the circle are What are you talking about?"

Li Xuyang asked casually, "What?"

Ji Heng's eyes flashed, and he weighed whether to speak out in his heart: "They said, said..."

Li Xuyang simply raised the tool pliers in his hand, and threatened brightly: "Don't hesitate, just say it."

Ji Hengsheng was afraid that Li Xuyang would break his head in the next second, so he mustered up his courage and said, "They said that you were kicked out of the house by your elder brother and became a bereaved dog! They even guessed that your bank card and credit card were frozen by your elder brother." So I can only work part-time to make ends meet!"

Li Xuyang narrowed his eyes: "They really said that?"

Ji Heng nodded and said: "Well, those rich second generations have asked me why you want to repair cars in my garage? What can I say? I can only say that you are here to experience life Yes, but do you think they will believe it? It’s almost Chinese New Year, and everyone is busy with their family reunions, and you’re the only one experiencing life outside? It’s okay to pretend as soon as you hear it!”

Li Xuyang smiled knowingly.

"Oh, my Fourth Young Master Li, how can you still laugh?" Ji Heng was so surprised that he could stuff an egg into his mouth: "In order not to make them hate you, I told you not to just know Put your head down to work and engage in some social activities! Let the rich second generation see your racing style! Otherwise, they will think you are gone!"

Li Xuyang patted him on the shoulder and said, "No need, the current life is what I want."

Ji Heng frowned: "Then, those guys..."

Li Xuyang said freely: "It's okay, let them talk. Anyway, they are telling the truth. I was kicked out by Li Jingchen, and I am eager to earn tuition and living expenses."