Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1371 In front of them, I am ashamed

"Mayor, if you have no other questions about Zong Qi's condition, then I'll leave first."

After Lu Wanwan collected Zongqi's medical records and physical examination reports, she got up and wanted to leave.

At this moment, Jiang Yan walked in. He should have just returned from the army, wearing a camouflage uniform, and carrying an army green suitcase behind him, full of dust.

"Mom, hey, Wanwan? You're here too!"

As soon as Jiang Yan entered the door, he first greeted Jiang Man, and then his eyes came to Lu Wanwan, and he showed a pleasant smile.

"Brother Jiang Yan." Although Lu Wanwan and Jiang Yan didn't meet many times, Jiang Yan and Zhou Mo were twins with similar faces, so when seeing him, Lu Wanwan didn't feel strange.

"You... just came back from the army?" Lu Wanwan asked immediately.

Jiang Yan said with a smile: "Yes, I came back to celebrate the New Year. I just finished combat training in the army. I didn't even change my clothes, so I came back by helicopter."

Lu Wanwan said sincerely: "That's really great, Brother Jiang Yan can take this opportunity to rest."

Looking at Lu Wanwan's more and more beautiful face, Jiang Yan suddenly worried, would it stink if he was covered in mud? What if his sister got smelly?

"Yan'er." At this moment, Jiang Man's voice sounded from behind Lu Wanwan.

Jiang Yan came back to his senses, smiled and shouted: "Mom."

Lu Wanwan said at the right time: "Brother Jiang Yan, then you talk, I'll go back first."

Hearing this, Jiang Yan subconsciously persuaded him to stay: "Wanwan, I just came here, and you are leaving?"

Lu Wanwan was taken aback. Although she didn't know Jiang Yan very well, he was her god-brother after all, and he had just returned from the army, so she left just like that, which was really unreasonable.

Jiang Man said: "Wanwan, you can sit down for a while."

"Okay, Shi..." Lu Wanwan glanced at Jiang Yan and changed her words in time: "Godmother."

After Jiang Man smiled, he came to his son and said, "Don't stand there stupidly, put down your bags."

"Hey." After Jiang Yan responded, he stretched his arms back and put the bag on the ground with some unnatural movements.

Seeing this, Jiang Man couldn't help asking: "Yan'er, what happened to your arm?"

Jiang Yan wrote lightly: "At the end of the troop combat exercise, I was responsible for rescuing the 'trapped hostages', and as a result, I staged hand-to-hand combat with the 'enemy army' ambushing in the dark. Soldier, I suffered a lot from his hands, so I just got there."

Hearing this, Jiang Man couldn't hide his distress and stretched out his hand, gently kneaded Jiang Yan's arm, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Yan said in a commonplace tone: "Mom, it's okay, I have already done emergency treatment, and besides, in the army, how can anyone not be injured?"

Jiang Man sighed: "You guys, every time you train, you are as desperate as wolves! This is not a real battle, why are you so desperate?"

Jiang Yan let out a chuckle: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Didn't you teach me with Dad before that if you don't work hard in drills, you will suffer in the future when you go to the battlefield?"

Jiang Man pretended to be stupid and asked, "Did I say that?"

Jiang Yan said with certainty: "Dad said, you are nodding and smiling."

Jiang Man glared at him feigning anger: "Then I regret it now, okay?"

"No! After entering the army, you and Dad can't regret it even if you want to. Now I belong to the army and the country!" Jiang Yan said proudly.

Jiang Man couldn't help thinking of Zong Qi.

Zong Qi is also a member of the country.

In the end, an accident turned him into a useless person!

She suddenly felt a little in awe of the responsibility behind the word "country".

Seeing that Jiang Man's expression was wrong, Jiang Yan thought he was joking too much: "Mom, don't be sad, I was joking with you, I know you care about me, I will be careful next time I rehearse, by the way , this is the pennant sent to me by the army, and this year's 'excellent soldier' ​​belongs to your son!"

As he spoke, Jiang Yan unzipped the bag. The pennant was stored in a box, and Jiang Yan carefully took it out. With a light shake, the entire face was exposed in front of Jiang Man and Lu Wanwan.

Looking at the words "Excellent Warrior", Jiang Man felt relieved, but at the same time knew that Jiang Yan must have suffered a lot to get this honor!

"Mom, why are you upset?"

Jiang Man seemed to see another person through Jiang Yan: "Mom is not unhappy, she just loves you and hurts all over, just because of a pennant."

When Jiang Yan heard this, he immediately objected: "Mom, this pennant of mine has been fought over and over again from actual combat drills!

Every time I win, a warrior loses his qualification for this honor!Like me, they also have the belief of throwing their heads and blood for the country when necessary, but they lost to me in the end.

Didn't you see their unwilling and depressed eyes when the general presented me with the pennant? Those eyes were like me stealing their wives!

Mom, don't you feel sorry for me as if I stole a daughter-in-law and came back to honor you? "

Jiang Yan's last metaphor made Jiang Man couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Your daughter-in-law, I don't dare to use it. I have to find a good place to confess it."

Jiang Yan held the pennant firmly, with a look of reluctance to let go: "I will put it in my room and watch it every day!"

Jiang Man nodded and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

Jiang Yan immediately said: "Then Mom, tonight, you guys sit down first, I'll go up and take a good bath, and then I'll come down to catch up with you."

Lu Wanwan actually wanted to leave, but Jiang Yan said so, so he could only say: "Okay."

Jiang Yan was injured in one hand, so he had to use the other hand to carry the bag and went upstairs.

Jiang Man was left with a dazed look on his face.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Did you see the shadow of Zong Qi from Brother Jiang Yan?"

Jiang Man asked dryly, "You think they look alike too?"

Lu Wanwan shared her observation just now: "Well, in a sense, their work is to make strategic reserves for the country, and they are not afraid of hardships, rewards, or sacrifices, and only ask for results."

In front of people, as the mayor's wife, Jiang Man, instead of showing distress for what Jiang Yan said just now, had to take the lead in applauding. But in front of Lu Wanwan, she is just a mother, so she can show ordinary People's emotions.

She was both emotional and distressed: "The children nowadays are really enlightened. In front of them, I feel ashamed."

Lu Wanwan said: "You don't need to belittle yourself, you hold charity auctions every year, and all the money you get from the exhibits is used for public welfare, which is already admirable enough."