Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1370 You will be satisfied with this result

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's eyelids twitched.

"Great!" Madam Rong achieved her goal, and immediately said: "Then I won't disturb your chat, I'll go back and inform my nephew now, he will be too excited to sleep when he knows, right, Please pass on the photo of my nephew to Ling Qianjin."

Jiang Man agreed: "No problem."

After Mrs. Rong left, Lu Wanwan asked, "The mayor's wife wants to arrange a marriage?"

Jiang Man was stabbed by these words, and couldn't help but sullen his face: "Just arranging a meeting, is it an arranged marriage? Then parents all over the world are doing arranged marriages?"

Lu Wanwan asked sharply: "I mean, did the mayor's wife ask Sister Mo what she meant? I asked Sister Mo, and she agreed, so I arranged for her to meet Zong Qi. If the mayor's wife You agreed to meet for Sister Mo without asking, don't you think it's called an arranged marriage?"

Jiang Man's throat stuck, and he used a universal sentence: "I am Mo'er's mother, and I know what kind of man is suitable for her!"

"Really? A photo gave the mayor's wife such confidence? Madam Rong didn't say anything about the man in the photo, what kind of person he was in the past, and what kind of love history he had.

The most important thing is, why did he come to have a blind date with Sister Mo, an eight-year-old boy with excellent conditions?Is he the title or Tuli?Or was he deliberately getting close to Sister Mo in order to enter politics in the future? "

"Lu Wanwan!" Jiang Man was stimulated by Lu Wanwan's words and called her by his first name, her elegant face was also stained with obvious anger.

"That day, I didn't break face with you for Mo'er's sake! Lu Wanwan, do you know how angry I am with you? You actually introduced my precious daughter to an infertile man! If you do this, you are pushing Mo'er into the fire pit, but that silly child still jumped down, no matter how much I persuade, she won't come back with me..."

Jiang Man was angry again, and said sadly.

"So, in my opinion, no matter how bad Mrs. Rong's nephew is, he is better than Zong Qi today! What else can he do besides dragging Mo'er's happiness? If he really loves Mo'er, then She should be allowed to meet other outstanding youths, does he dare? You go and ask him, does he dare!"

Jiang Man asked with lingering anger.

Lu Wanwan can answer this question on his behalf: "He dare not."

Jiang Man showed a sneer: "That's right, he didn't dare! He managed to lure Mo'er into being deceived, how could he be willing to let go?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head and said: "He dare not, because he loves Sister Mo, and Sister Mo doesn't want to leave him, so he won't give Sister Mo to others, at least not while he is alive."

Jiang Man's sneer disappeared.

"Actually, I came today to give this to the mayor's wife. I hope you can open it and take a look." Lu Wanwan said, putting the medical file bag that had been on her lap in front of Jiang Man's tea table.

Jiang Man glanced down and asked, "What is this?"

Lu Wanwan explained: "This is the physical examination report after I took Zongqi to the physical examination. Before the mayor's wife left from Jinxiu Jiangnan that day, didn't she say that she wanted me to tell you the results of his physical examination."

Hearing this, Jiang Man immediately reached out and picked up the file bag.

Lu Wanwan didn't miss her concern at this moment, and couldn't help sighing in her heart.

As a mother, Jiang Man's mood at this moment must be complicated and divided. Who doesn't want their daughter to marry a good husband, live happily ever after, and have a lot of children and grandchildren?

Therefore, although what Jiang Man said just now was harsh, Lu Wanwan could understand it. She was even envious that Sister Mo had a mother who loved her so much.

After avoiding the white thread wrapped around the file bag, Jiang Man opened the bag, and then poured out the medical records and medical examination reports from it.

Suddenly, Jiang Man thought of something and asked: "Did Zong Qi personally give you this portfolio, or did you bring it yourself?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Zongqi gave it to me, and let me bring it for your purpose."

Hearing this, Jiang Man's first reaction was: Is Zong Qi's illness not serious?That's why Zong Qi took the initiative to show her the medical examination report.

If that's the case, should she stop Mo'er from being with him?

After all, it is an iron fact that Zong Qi is infertile!

However, if he and Mo'er really love each other and adopt Xiao Mian, what does it matter if they can have children?

Jiang Man was terribly conflicted.

After a long time, she lowered her head to read the medical examination report, but the word "tumor" completely shocked her!

Her eye sockets turned red quickly, but she didn't know whether it was because of her daughter or Zong Qi.

Everyone has two sides.

As the mayor's wife, Jiang Man actually has a longer-term vision than ordinary people.

She clearly knew how noble Zong Qi's spirit was, and she wanted her daughter to be happy for a lifetime, so she was so painfully entangled.

After a while, Jiang Man asked in a low voice: "Zong Qi... got a tumor? Diagnosed?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Well, not only the tumor, Zongqi's bone marrow hematopoietic function is failing, and the cells and genes in the body are undergoing mutations..."

"Stop talking, I've seen it all." Jiang Man's voice lowered.

Lu Wanwan then quieted down.

After a while, Jiang Man asked with a puzzled face: "He really asked you to show it to me?"

Lu Wanwan let out a "hmm".

"Why?" Jiang Man asked.

Lu Wanwan conveyed Zong Qi's words truthfully: "Because he said, you will be satisfied with the result after reading it."

"..." Jiang Man shook the hand holding the medical report, and then smiled wryly. In Zong Qi's heart, she must be worse than the old witch.

Lu Wanwan went on to say: "He always remembers the agreement with the mayor's wife, not to touch Sister Mo, not to marry Sister Mo, and not to keep Sister Mo for him after death."

Jiang Man's voice trembled: "He... told you?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I guessed it first, and he didn't deny it."

Jiang Man muttered to himself: "His body has become like this, I believe he won't do anything to Mo'er..."

Lu Wanwan didn't make any further comments, but said, "You've finished reading the physical examination report, so it's time for me to take my leave."

Jiang Man was lost in thought.

It wasn't until Lu Wanwan tried to take back the medical examination report from her hand that Jiang Man seemed to be awakened, and asked, "Wanwan, do you think I'm disgusting? I made an agreement with Zong Qi first, but I still want to go back on it Arrange a blind date for Mo'er?"

Lu Wanwan nodded and said: "I am indeed dissatisfied with your arrangement, but at the same time, I also advise you not to be too impatient, you will make mistakes if you are impatient, you should first investigate what kind of person Mrs. Rong's nephew is, and then think about it." A blind date is better."