Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1368 No matter how you solve it, it will be a dead end

When talking about this, Zong Qi's complexion became a little pale: "Later, the relationship between me and Xiao Mian became closer, and I was attracted by Mo'er's free and easy personality. I really wanted to form a family.

But I started to get scared, afraid that one day I would suddenly fall down and not be able to give them happiness. Now it seems that I don't even have the right to adopt and choose a spouse. Once I have a physical relationship with Mo'er, then It will ruin Mo'er's future as the mayor's wife said that day. "

After hearing this, Lu Wanwan couldn't help sighing, but at the same time remembered something and asked: "Wait, what you talked to godmother alone that day...could it be this?"

"That's what I said." Zong Qi's eyes were heavy, but following the results of the medical examination report, he said bluntly: "I know the mayor's wife is afraid that I will spoil Mo'er's character, so I promise her that she will not touch Mo'er." My son, let alone marry her, let her set up a chastity memorial archway for me."

Lu Wanwan frowned, and said, "No wonder...the godmother would agree to Sister Mo's cohabitation with you, and you two have become roommates!"

In today's big cities, it is not uncommon for men and women to become roommates. Anyway, once the door is closed, it is their own little world.

"That day, you didn't come to the hospital for a physical examination, why did you make such a promise in front of your godmother!"

It was not easy for Zong Qi and Sister Mo to get together, but now Zong Qi wants to fix their relationship on roommates, is this fair to Sister Mo?

"Do you think a nosebleed is a good sign?" Zong Qi asked.

Lu Wanwan froze for a moment, only to hear Zong Qi continue: "I'm not a doctor, but I'm not a fool either. I know that nosebleeds are caused by some kind of signal from my body."

Lu Wanwan said complicatedly: "Actually, you understand everything."

Good luck tricks people, why did Zong Qi's condition start to deteriorate after meeting Xiao Mian and Zhou Mo and feeling happy?

"Now, I have no way to escape, I have to try to face it." Zong Qi said.

Lu Wanwan looked at him sadly, she might be able to say a lot of comforting words, but to Zongqi, it had little effect, because she was neither Sister Mo nor Xiao Mian, so she couldn't give Zongqi the strength he needed.

Sure enough, Zong Qi immediately asked: "I'm a little tired, can you send me back?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "...OK."


After sending Zong Qi back to Jinxiu Jiangnan, he unfastened his seat belt and said a little tiredly: "Mo'er is not here today, so I won't invite you up."

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "Okay, next time I'll bring Xiao Mian over to see you, she has been clamoring to play Princess Barbie."

When Xiao Mian was mentioned, Zong Qi had a smile on his face: "Yeah."

"As for the treatment..." Lu Wanwan said cautiously: "I know, you don't want me to intervene, but since you want to hide your illness from the people around you, then you can't use these relationships to help you find The famous chief surgeon, but Li Jingchen can, in order to achieve the best treatment effect, I hope you will carefully consider my suggestion. "

Zong Qi thought about it for a long time. Humans are contradictory animals. Knowing that no matter how they solve the problem ahead, it will be a dead end, but they still have to struggle desperately while feeling desperate, seeking for that possible chance of life.

After a long time—

Zong Qi laughed at himself, laughing that he was still unwilling to die like this, he still wanted to gamble on the possibility of surviving, and Li Jingchen's network was enough to bring him the best surgeon, increasing his chances of surviving , Thinking of this, he compromised: "I will cooperate."

Because of Zong Qi's promise, Lu Wanwan ignited a bit of confidence: "Well, I will let Li Jingchen arrange it later! Zong Qi, you have to believe in yourself, man will conquer heaven!"

Zong Qi was stunned, the words "man will conquer the sky" are crazy enough, but he likes it!

"Miss Lu, there is one more thing I want to trouble you with."

Before getting out of the car, Zong Qi scanned the hospital file bag in Lu Wanwan's hand, which contained his medical records and medical examination reports. He remembered something and said, "Please take this medical examination report to the mayor's wife for me. Let's take a look, I believe this result will satisfy her."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan said: "Zong Qi, don't say that, the godmother must also hope that you can get better!"

Lu Wanwan believes that Jiang Man just loves her daughter so much, that's why she doesn't like Zong Qi.

"You may think that I wronged the mayor's wife, but she said it herself that day. She encouraged me to adopt a child and form a family with a woman even though she knew I was sterile. Acknowledged the reality."

Zong Qi smiled reluctantly, and continued: "I didn't mean to be eccentric, I was just stating a fact, now that my condition is getting worse, I'm afraid I won't have much time with Mo'er, the mayor's wife saw me On the contrary, I will be more at ease and let Mo'er stay here with me."

It is precisely because Zong Qi has no yin and yang aura, so Lu Wanwan feels sorry for him: "Zong Qi, sometimes I think you don't understand the world at all, and sometimes I think you are sober and scary."

"I didn't know it before, it's just because no one deserves my understanding." After finishing speaking, Zong Qi got out of the car.

After Lu Wanwan watched his back disappear at the gate of the community, she turned her gaze away and said to Fang Tian who was driving: "Fang Tian, ​​please take me to the mayor's mansion."

"it is good."

Fang Tian also heard the conversation between Zong Qi and Lu Wanwan, so he started the car without asking any more questions.


mayor's house.

Jiang Man, who was receiving guests, lowered his voice slightly after hearing the servant's words: "You said you came late?"

The servant nodded and said, "Yes Ma'am, Miss Wan Wan said that she is here to bring you something, do you want to invite her in?"

Jiang Man glanced at the guest.

The guest put down the black tea cup and asked, "Madam Mayor, who is here?"

Jiang Man said lightly, "My goddaughter."

The guest's eyes lit up, and he showed a friendly smile and said, "Oh? Your goddaughter, please invite her in! It just so happens that I haven't seen what your goddaughter looks like yet!"

"It's fine if you don't mind." Jiang Man said, then turned to the servant and said, "Go invite her in."

After the servant left, he took Lu Wanwan and appeared in front of Jiang Man in a short while.

As for Fang Tian and Bai Fei, they didn't follow in. This is the mayor's mansion. If it's not safe here, then there is no safe place.

The guest sized Lu Wanwan up, and couldn't hide his amazement in his eyes: "Madam Mayor, if you don't tell me, I would have thought she was your biological daughter. This temperament is in the same line!"

"Yeah." Jiang Man smiled slightly, and said to Lu Wanwan, "Wanwan, let me introduce you, this is the Secretary's wife, surnamed Rong."

Lu Wanwan looked at the other party, and saw that the secretary's wife was looking at her with a smile, and she couldn't help saying politely: "Mrs. Rong, hello, my name is Lu Wanwan, and I'm the goddaughter of the mayor's wife."