Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1367 Can he outrun Death?

In this way, Lu Wanwan, Zong Qi and the patients who were sent to the hospital shared an elevator.

After pressing the button on the 5th floor, the person in charge of Lu Wanwan asked the doctor behind him, "Which floor do you go to?"

"Floor 11." The doctor helped the patient carry the infusion bottle with one hand, and supported the cart with the other.

The person in charge at Lu Wanwan's side pressed the 11th floor again.

While the elevator was going up, the person in charge asked casually, "What's wrong with this man?"

The doctor said: "This patient has terminal cancer and suddenly coughed up blood at home. The blood stuck in his throat and couldn't come out. If it wasn't for his wife who is a nurse and gave him emergency treatment, it is estimated..."

Doctors dare not say redundant words, but they also know what they mean.

Zong Qi looked back and saw a 30-year-old man lying on the cart, with an oxygen mask on his young but lifeless face, struggling to breathe.

"For patients with advanced cancer, can you still save them?" Suddenly, Zong Qi asked.

The doctor raised his head and met Zong Qi's eyes.

Lu Wanwan secretly thought it was not good, because Zong Qi probably got it too...

If the doctor said "it can't be helped", then Zong Qi would probably feel hopeless and give up the treatment!

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan gave Fang Tian and Bai Fei behind him a look, and if Zong Qi wanted to run away, they would stop him no matter what they said.

At this moment, the doctor said: "Sir, we are doctors, so we have the confidence to save every patient! No matter what disease he has, as doctors, we must go all out and race against death!" "

"Do you think the current level of medical treatment can outrun Death?" Zong Qi's tone was very flat, but upon listening carefully, he trembled a little.

The doctor said: "Throughout the history of mankind, there are many miracles in medicine. Maybe this patient is lucky?"

Zong Qi didn't ask these questions out of provocation. On the contrary, he just wanted to get some comfort from the doctor. Now that he got it, he couldn't help saying, "I hope he's lucky enough."

[Hope I'm lucky enough, too. ] Zong Qi thought silently in his heart.


However, the results of the physical examination were not optimistic.

After the person in charge went to Bang Zongqi to get the results of the physical examination, he handed it to Lu Wanwan with a complicated face.

Lu Wanwan glanced at it, and the word "tumor" was imprinted in her eyes, causing her to tighten her hand holding the medical examination report, followed by regret and heartache.

It is not easy for the country to train a scientist, and Zong Qi is still so young, he shouldn't be here!

Not only that, but the report also stated that Zongqi's bone marrow hematopoietic function is failing, and the cells and genes in his body are undergoing mutations...

Is this the consequence of exposure to radiation?

It's too serious!

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind: "Is the result out?"

Lu Wanwan turned around and looked at Zong Qi who was sitting on the chair. His expression was very calm, but his hands on his knees were gathered together, and the fabric of his trousers was wrinkled.

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips and said, "Come out."

"Give it to me." Zong Qi stretched out his hand towards her.

This time it was Lu Wanwan's turn to hesitate.

Seeing this, Zong Qi's hands trembled, and he realized almost immediately: "Is the result very bad?"

If it was just a general physical examination result, he believed that Lu Wanwan would not hesitate so much.

Lu Wanwan took a deep breath and said, "Yes, it's very bad."

It was worse than she imagined!

Zong Qi gave a wry smile and stopped reading: "Then read it to me."

Lu Wanwan lowered her head and said dryly, "You have a tumor growing in your body..."

"Tumor?" Zong Qi was taken aback.

Lu Wanwan gave a soft "hmm".

After Zong Qi was in a daze for a while, he said: "It seems that my condition has indeed deteriorated."

After being irradiated, he was sent to the hospital for treatment by people from the research institution. At that time, he was only diagnosed with damage to his physiological organs, so after he was discharged from the hospital, he resolutely devoted himself to work.

But now, a tumor has grown in his body. This news is bad news for both his research career and the happiness of his family.

In addition to the tumor, there are actually more, but Lu Wanwan feels that it doesn't matter whether to talk about it or not.

If there are too many blows, the patient will also lose the will to live.

Therefore, she chose to stop at the point and suppress the two things that "the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow is failing, and the cells and genes in the body are undergoing mutations".

"Zong Qi, let Li Jingchen and I make an appointment for you to find the best surgeon to remove the tumor for you, okay?"

Zong Qi said in a hoarse voice: "But in this way, I won't be able to hide the truth from my unit and Mo'er."

Lu Wanwan thought for a while and said, "Okay! It's almost Chinese New Year, so you tell the unit that you want to go on a trip with Sister Mo and let them not contact you if they have nothing to do. As for Sister Mo, you just say that the unit has a project If you need to supervise it personally, she will definitely not doubt it."

After all, Zong Qi spent every day in the research institution before, this reason is completely justified.

Zong Qi showed a thoughtful expression, with a somewhat confused look, not like a scientist, but like a child.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help sympathizing: "Or, do you want your family to accompany you during the operation? Shall we inform uncle and aunt?"

Zong Qi shook his head and said: "I still don't want it. I just told my parents that I have a girlfriend and adopted a daughter. They are very happy."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan was silent for a long time before saying, "Then let's hide it from them and perform the surgery secretly, how about that?"

Zong Qi closed his eyes and said exhaustedly: "That's the only way."

Lu Wanwan said like coaxing a child, "Don't worry, I will accompany you through the operation and leave the hospital safely."

Zong Qi looked at her and said, "It's not your responsibility to take care of me."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said, "I can do it myself."


"I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that I will die. You can't explain to Mo'er, let alone the mayor's wife. What if I don't marry Mo'er and don't touch her? I'm dead. Mo'er will still be innocent, and she can marry any man who is worthy of her!"

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened in surprise: "What did you say?"

Under such circumstances, Zong Qi actually smiled, but quickly restrained himself: "I admit, I was naive before, thinking that I lost the reproductive function, and I still have the right to adopt and choose a spouse.

So I went to your treatment center, adopted Xiao Mian, and went to your appointment to see Mo Er, what was I thinking at that time?What I want is to quickly form a family so that I can give an explanation to my elderly parents. As for how much I care about Xiao Mian and Mo Er, to be honest, I don’t, so I can use them without any burden. "