Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1133 She Is My Girlfriend

When Li Jingchen came out of the lounge, he didn't forget to close the door, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that his tie was loose, the secretary didn't know what he was doing with Miss Lu inside.

He touched his parched nose and said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Liu is here."

Mr. Liu?

Li Jingchen thought about it.

The secretary reminded: "Mr. Liu has made an appointment since last week. I have already made him wait outside for almost an hour. Would you like to see me?"

After Li Jingchen straightened his clothes with his hand, he returned to his sternness and said, "Let him in."

"Yes." The secretary immediately remembered something and said, "By the way, President Li, Ms. Lu's assistant has already left."

"Well, I know." Wanwan called just now under the covers, probably to let Xiaojing go first.


When Lu Wanwan woke up, the seat beside the bed was already empty.

She stood up, rubbed her eyes, took out her mobile phone hidden under the quilt, and checked the time.

"I asked him some things. They knew that Ms. Lu had been divorced and had a son with her, but they still liked her...Of course, these stunned youths are nothing to be afraid of. I'll invite President Liu to come in gone."

The secretary clicked as far as possible, so as not to annoy Li Jingchen.

After Li Jingchen looked back at the lounge, he walked towards the executive chair.

He also said: "Supervisor, I am ashamed of the previous behavior of prying into your privacy. As an apology, I will not talk about you and President Li everywhere."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly.

She then glanced at the audit materials on the bedside table, and saw that it had only been turned over by one-sixth, and she couldn't help but depressed: "Li Jingchen read this too slowly."

Seeing that she had slept for more than an hour, Lu Wanwan couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

In addition, Xiaojing also sent a text message.

She clicked on it and saw that it was Xiaojing who reported to her the text message he had returned to the company.

"President Li, what happened?"

Mr. Liu was having a good chat with Li Jingchen, when he suddenly heard a woman's voice behind him, he thought it was an auditory hallucination.

"Sorry, my girlfriend."

After stretching, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed, picked up the audit materials, opened the door and said, "Li Jingchen..."

At the same time, a strange voice sounded: "President Li, the matter of cooperation..."

Seeing that there were guests in Li Jingchen's office, Lu Wanwan was startled for a while, and closed the door reflexively!

Mr. Liu said "Uh!", his face full of astonishment, as far as he knew, Li Jingchen was not the kind of person who likes to mess around with men and women!

In the next second, Li Jingchen straightened up and walked towards the lounge.

He knocked on the door twice, and said in a coaxing tone, "Wanwan, open the door, it's me."

Li Jingchen adhered to the principle of starting a new relationship with Lu Wanwan, and resisted saying that she was his wife.

Hearing this, Mr. Liu suddenly realized: "Oh, it's your psychiatrist, right? I think you never forget to take her with you to work, so something good is coming soon, right?"

He was flattering inside and out, but Li Jingchen said without any waves: "It's not her."

Li Jingchen shook his head and said, "Mr. Liu and I have already talked about the end, but you, who refuse to come out, will make me think more."

Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand to touch her messy hair, and muttered, "I just woke up, my hair is unkempt..."

Li Jingchen was surprised. It turned out that Wanwan refused to come out because he was worried about his image, not because he didn't want to get involved with him in front of people.

As soon as he finished speaking, the closed door opened a crack.

Mr. Liu took the opportunity to stretch his neck to look, but he only saw half of his face, which was quite pale.

At this time, Lu Wanwan raised her face and explained: "Li Jingchen, I didn't know you were here as a guest, and I'm bothering you."

"I haven't promised to be your girlfriend yet, but you are pursuing me!" Lu Wanwan finished speaking feigned anger, put her hand in his palm, and said, "However, since you have worked so hard to review the documents just now, For the sake of it, I will forcefully help you once."

Li Jingchen raised the corner of his mouth, brought Lu Wanwan in front of Mr. Liu, stared at her profile, and said, "Mr. Liu, she is my girlfriend."

"Oh...oh! Hello!" President Liu quickly stood up and greeted Lu Wanwan.

"Let me see." He gently pinched her chin, looked left and right, and said, "It's very beautiful."

Lu Wanwan's face flushed slightly, and she simply didn't care about it: "Then, do you want me to accompany you out to meet guests?"

"Well." Li Jingchen put his hand down in front of her, and invited: "Will you come out and help me clarify, are you my girlfriend?"

When Mr. Liu saw this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. This woman looked at Xiaojiabiyu at first, but she looked very charming again.

Especially when she was laughing, a pair of slender earrings swayed gently around her neck, making her the focus unconsciously.

Li Jingchen didn't like other men staring at Lu Wanwan for too long, so he asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Liu, what are we talking about?"

Secretary Zhou reminded from the side: "Mr. Liu, you have to see clearly, and don't misidentify the person in the future."

"Yes, I see it clearly, I see it clearly!"

Mr. Liu tried his best to widen his eyes, a pair of eyeballs were almost out of frame, which made Lu Wanwan smile slightly.

Mr. Liu saw that Li Jingchen didn't shy away from this woman at all, and allowed her to sit in, which shows how high his status is!

He secretly reminded himself that he must never mention the name Lan Qin again in the future, lest he mess up the business!

Half an hour later, after drinking the last cup of tea, Mr. Liu stood up and said goodbye: "Mr. Li, please think about the cooperation. I'll go back and wait for news."

Mr. Liu quickly recalled, and got to the point with Li Jingchen.

Lu Wanwan wanted to sit far away, but Li Jingchen held her hand tightly.

As a last resort, Lu Wanwan had no choice but to sit beside him and listen to him talking with Mr. Liu.

"Mr. Liu has just left. Maybe Mr. Zhao, Mr. Sun, and Mr. Li are waiting to see you. How can I take up too much of your time?"

Li Jingchen sighed silently, Wan Wan was so conscious, but he didn't know that he was willing to let her occupy him.

While playing with her hand, he asked, "Aren't you going to see Qingling?"

Li Jingchen didn't express his position immediately, but said to his secretary indifferently: "Send off the guests."

Lu Wanwan scratched his palm and said, "Li Jingchen, I'm going back too."

Li Jingchen looked sideways, and asked with a smile: "Will you continue to read the materials with me?"

Lu Wanwan said angrily, "Do you regard me as Baosi or Daji? Picking time to work to disturb you?"

After Li Jingchen let out a muffled laugh, he compromised and said, "Okay, I'll have someone take you back."

Seeing that Lu Wanwan wanted to speak, Li Jingchen pinched her lips and said, "You are not allowed to refuse. It is only natural for a boyfriend to send his girlfriend to work."

Lu Wanwan was pinched into a duck's mouth by him, and after slapping his hand away angrily, she said, "I just want to say that my company's audit materials are here with you, so as not to cause any trouble."

Li Jingchen's eyes relaxed, and he agreed, "Okay."

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