Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1132 He has no time and no mood

Because of the need to give him eye drops, Lu Wanwan leaned over half of her body at night, and the quiet scent of perfume hit Li Jingchen's chest, and quickly penetrated into his limbs and bones, making him feel ecstatic.

After giving him the eye drops, Lu Wanwan said softly, "Okay, blink."

Li Jingchen was separated by a layer of mist, the whole world became blurred, and even Lu Wanwan's face could not be seen clearly, as if he had returned to the time when he was blind six years ago!

"Wanwan!" Li Jingchen called out hastily.

Lu Wanwan looked at him from the side and said, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

Li Jingchen calmed down and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay."

After seeing him sitting upright, she wanted to continue reading the review materials. Lu Wanwan was afraid that he would be working too hard, so she said, "Don't read it yet."

As Lu Wanwan said, she looked around and found that there was no green plant in Li Jingchen's office.

In addition, his office is on the top floor, and the trees downstairs have turned into small dots, and it is useless to look at them.

She couldn't help but said, "You should put more pots of green plants in your office, it's good for your eyes."

The review materials were suppressed by a white hand.

Li Jingchen followed that hand and looked at Lu Wanwan: "If you don't look at this, then what are you looking at?"

"You can look at the green leaves to relieve eye fatigue."

"..." Li Jingchen choked.

Lu Wanwan said more and more vigorously: "Ha, next time I come, I will bring you a pot of cactus."

Li Jingchen thought she was joking, so he just raised his hand and pinched her pretty nose, and then gave up.

Li Jingchen remained silent. During the days when Wan Wan was lost, he had no time, let alone the mood.

However, thinking of Mingyuan's well-cared-for yard, Li Jingchen didn't want to lose to Fu Shuo after all: "What do you think I should plant better?"

A trace of mischief flashed across Lu Wanwan's face: "Cacti, not only are they easy to grow, but they can also bloom for you to see, and they look like you, with thorns all over their bodies."

Li Jingchen frowned, as if he was looking at a child who was having a temper: "Don't make trouble, ginseng invigorates Qi, aren't you afraid of the cold? Drink it soon."

Lu Wanwan picked another piece of meat and said, "Then help me eat this..."

"No help." Li Jingchen "returned" coldly and mercilessly.

Half an hour later, the secretary brought them two lunches.

As usual, Lu Wanwan had a hearty meal for pregnant women. In comparison, Li Jingchen's work meal suddenly became "shabby".

"Li Jingchen, I can't eat so much." Lu Wanwan pushed his abalone and ginseng soup to him: "You help me drink it."

The secretary snickered and explained: "Miss Lu, Mr. Li always eats in a hurry at noon. This is his habit. You should not force him."

Besides, it's not that Mr. Li is pregnant, so he can't afford to supplement so much nutrition like Miss Lu.

But Lu Wanwan could tell how busy Li Jingchen was at work: "Secretary Zhou, tell me the truth, how much work did your boss Li push for me today?"

Lu Wanwan pouted: "You are feeding the pigs."

Li Jingchen said "um".

"..." Lu Wanwan.

After lunch, Li Jingchen asked his secretary to take out the trash, while he carried Lu Wanwan to the lounge.

"Li Jingchen, what are you doing?" Lu Wanwan leaned on his chest and asked strangely.

Li Jingchen pushed open the door of the lounge with his shoulder, and said, "Lunch break."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen gave the secretary a warning look.

After the secretary gave a dry laugh, he whispered to Lu Wanwan, "I'll tell you in secret when I get back to Jiuxi Tiandi."

In front of Li Jingchen, Lu Wanwan colluded with him: "Okay."

Lu Wanwan immediately remembered: "But Xiaojing is still waiting for me..."

"Wanwan, on my bed, calling other men's names, do you think it's appropriate?"

Seeing Li Jingchen pressing one knee on the bed, unhurriedly loosening his tie, and looking at her meaningfully, Lu Wanwan quickly waved his hand: "It's very inappropriate."

The lounge is connected with his office, it is very clean and no one dares to come in and disturb him.

After putting Lu Wanwan on the bed, Li Jingchen helped her take off her shoes and said, "You sleep here."

Lu Wanwan turned her head and glanced at his three-piece suit on the bed, black sheets, white quilt, dark gray pillows, proper straight male aesthetics.

Lu Wanwan was afraid that she would delay Xiao Jing's time when she fell asleep, so she took out her phone from her pocket and wanted to tell him to go back to the company.

Soon, Xiaojing's voice rang from the other end of the phone: "Hello! Director! Are you okay?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I'm fine, but you, aren't you in trouble?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan lay down on the pillow and took a breath, but only smelled dry breath.

It shows that Li Jingchen doesn't usually take a lunch break.

Seeing that she was well-behaved, Li Jingchen stretched out his hand to cover her with a quilt, then turned on the heater in the lounge, closed the door and went out.

Lu Wanwan smiled lightly: "Don't you already have doubts?"

"Me!" Xiaojing said with a guilty conscience, "I didn't..."

"Then tell me, when we took the elevator to the meeting room that day, why did you look at me for so long? Don't you just suspect that I am the 'heroine' on the hot search video?"

Xiao Jing replied: "No, Secretary Zhou is very enthusiastic."

"That's good." Lu Wanwan said: "Xiao Jing, you should go back to work in the company first. I will go back by myself after I finish handling the matter here."

After hesitating for a while, Xiaojing asked with some disappointment: "Director, are you and Mr. Li... a couple?"

Lu Wanwan frowned, and clarified seriously: "Lan Qin is not Li Jingchen's girlfriend, and I am not a third party between them."

Compared with Lan Qin, who he doesn't know, Xiao Jing is of course more willing to believe Lu Wanwan's words: "Well, then I'll go back to the company first, and see you in charge."


Xiao Jing apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy on you!"

Lu Wanwan said indifferently: "It's okay, I don't care."

Xiaojing asked in surprise: "Then you...are you really the third party between President Li and his girlfriend?"

Seeing that there was no extra emotion on his face, Lu Wanwan relaxed.

Gradually, a sense of drowsiness came over her, and she lay on her side on the bed, falling asleep.

After she fell asleep, Li Jingchen flipped through the files faster, and gradually saw half of them.

As soon as Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she caught a glimpse of Li Jingchen pushing the door in from the corner of her eye. He was holding Yaobo Company's audit materials in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on the mobile phone next to her ear.

Lu Wanwan was afraid that he would threaten her with the audit again, so she immediately "whoosh", hid the phone under the bed, and smiled at him.

Li Jingchen came over, and after lifting the quilt, he leaned on the pillow and looked through the documents.

Until, the secretary's voice came through the door: "President Li, please come out."

Li Jingchen turned his head to look at Lu Wanwan, and saw that after she was sleeping soundly, two lovely red clouds appeared on her face, and couldn't help but bowed her head and kissed her before gently lifting the quilt and getting out of bed.

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