Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1130 Is he the type you admire?

Relying on his height, Xiao Jing looked past Lu Wanwan, saw a handsome man sitting on the executive chair, put down his pen, waved to them, and said, "Wanwan, come here."

Xiao Jing's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly looked at Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan walked in calmly.

Li Jingchen stood up, walked up to her, and asked, "Is it cold?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "It's not cold."

Li Jingchen took her hand and found that his fingertips were cold, he couldn't help but said distressedly: "Why don't you let me send a driver to pick you up?"

"It's a waste of time to go back and forth. It's better for me to take a taxi directly to find you."

This conversation made Xiaojing feel lingering and sentimental.

Because of Xiaojing's appearance and temperament, he is a bit like... Fu Shuo, but younger and more refined.

Lu Wanwan then said to Xiaojing: "Xiaojing, this is the president of the Li Group, Mr. Li."

Under Li Jingchen's strong aura, Xiaojing pierced his nails into his palm and forced himself to make a sound: "Li, President Li, hello!"

And now he is completely sure that the man in front of him is Li Jingchen, the owner of the Li Group and Deepwater Harbor!

"Come on, let me introduce you." Lu Wanwan didn't forget that there were other people there, she took her hand out of Li Jingchen's big palm and said, "This is my assistant, Xiaojing."

When he saw Xiaojing, Li Jingchen's nerves tensed invisibly.

It turned out that it was only Li Jingchen's secretary who came to pick up Director Lu home that day!

It is Li Jingchen who really has a relationship with Supervisor Lu! !

Xiaojing suddenly remembered the hot searched video posted on Weibo a few days ago, raised his eyes as if he knew something, and lowered them quickly!

Li Jingchen stared at Xiaojing for a few seconds, then withdrew his gaze, and said to the secretary, "Go and pour two glasses of warm water."

He still remembers the doctor's advice, if you get pregnant every night, it's best to drink less coffee.

The secretary nodded: "Alright Mr. Li, Miss Lu, please wait a moment."

Lu Wanwan immediately handed him the review materials: "Here."

After Li Jingchen took it, he turned upside down: "It's so heavy, shouldn't it be a Xinhua dictionary?"

"That's not true." Lu Wanwan showed a little coquettish attitude: "This is the latest data that our department has spent several days collecting from various departments.

On the other side, Li Jingchen took Lu Wanwan's hand again, brought her to the sofa without any explanation, and they both sat down.


Lu Wanwan was about to speak, when Li Jingchen asked in a deep voice, "Wanwan, where are your company's audit materials?"

"Before I agreed, I didn't expect you to send me a dictionary."

Li Jingchen flipped through the documents casually, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find the bottom line.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan was a little embarrassed and said: "'s a bit thick, so take some time to read a few pages a day so that you won't be too tired, okay?"

There are also old materials sent to you for review in the past two years. You can make a detailed comparison to see how fast our company has improved in the past two years and whether it is worth your cooperation. "

After listening to her carefully, Li Jingchen said, "But this job is too boring, and it's usually not my turn to do it."

Lu Wanwan blinked her eyes and said, "But you clearly promised me before that you would go through it yourself!"

Lu Wanwan bit her lower lip, this dictionary... No, it's because the stack of materials is so thick, if she reads it here with Li Jingchen, how long will she have to ask for leave from the company?

Li Jingchen knew people's hearts well: "I think, if your leader knows that you have entered the Li Group, they will only wish you to stay here and complete the tasks they assigned. So, what are you thinking about, Wanwan?"

Lu Wanwan no longer had to worry about the future, she couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Okay then, I'll stay."

Li Jingchen said with a straight face, "Not good."

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to coax him: "Then what do you want?"

Li Jingchen lowered his eyes, covered the calculation in his eyes and said: "Unless, you stay here with me until I finish reading it."

Speaking of things she didn't understand, Lu Wanwan suddenly thought of Xiao Jing, he was the encyclopedia of their department, and that's why she brought him here.

"Then can I bring Xiaojing over here?"

With a "snap", Li Jingchen slammed back the spread information.

Not only to stay today, but also to be on call from tomorrow.

Feeling the stack of materials under his palm, Li Jingchen was suddenly satisfied with its thickness.

He immediately raised his eyes and said to Lu Wanwan: "That's right, you stay here, and if there is anything I don't understand about your company, you can also tell me."

Lu Wanwan saw him staring at Xiao Jing not far away, with sensitive and suspicious eyes, she couldn't help holding his handsome face in both hands, turned around, and met her eyes——

"Li Jingchen, I brought Xiaojing here to discuss cooperation with you. If you don't mind if he is a man, then I can tell you frankly that except for two girls in our department, all the others are men, but those two Girls are more capable, and I will bring them to talk to you."

But Liu Chun and Xiao Shan, a relationship householder who doesn't understand anything, and the other who concentrates on paddling, if she brings them here, it will only hinder the company.

Immediately, Lu Wanwan only heard him ask strangely: "Wanwan, did you bring him to see me because of his outstanding ability, or because... he is the type you admire?"

The scene brought by Wanwan, whether it's the gentle appearance or the gentle eyes, is somewhat similar to Fu Shuo.

Li Jingchen looked at him, feeling like he had found a substitute late at night, wouldn't it be dazzling?

But Li Jingchen grabbed her wrist, pulled her into his arms, and warned: "Next time you come by yourself, don't take him with you."

"Then what if there is something I don't understand?"

You know, she just took office not long ago, how could she know everything!

"Did you hear that?" Seeing that Li Jingchen was still sullen, Lu Wanwan simply scratched his chin with his nails.

Li Jingchen's eyes were heavy, and he looked at her and said, "For him, are you still scratching me?"

"I want you to wake up." Lu Wanwan said and let go of her hand.

"I said, you are a cheapskate."

Li Jingchen's eyes dimmed, and he suddenly bit down on her bright red lips.

"Hmm!" Lu Wanwan snorted.

Li Jingchen said: "You don't have to worry about it."

Lu Wanwan couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Stingy." Not even the helpers around her!

Her voice was low, and Li Jingchen's eyes fell on her lips unconsciously: "What did you say?"

Xiao Jing, who saw Lu Wanwan being bullied, stepped forward nervously: "Director, are you alright?"

"She's fine."

After a while, Li Jingchen slowly raised his eyelids and looked at him expressionlessly.

And Li Jingchen's one big hand was stroking Lu Wanwan's beautiful hair, and the other hand was pressing on the stack of documents she brought, as if to say, these are all his.

Xiao Jing froze and couldn't move a half step anymore.

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