Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1129 Don't worry about him getting into trouble

In the next few days, with the concerted efforts of the department, there were piles of documents on Lu Wanwan's desk.

As for the audit materials sent to Deepwater Harbor by the former supervisor in the past two years, Lu Wanwan has read them all. old data.

The efforts of the whole department were noticed by Liu Chun.

She suddenly became frightened. If Lu Wanwan really managed to settle the brand's entry into Deepwater Harbor, wouldn't she have to abide by the bet and leave the planning department?


Inside the vice president's office.

While feeding the goldfish in the fish tank, Liu Yihui said leisurely: "Chun'er, don't worry, Dad has already asked, and Deepwater Harbor has no plans to attract investment recently."

Only then did Liu Chun turn worry into joy: "I feel relieved when Dad says so."

Liu Yihui turned his head and looked at his daughter dotingly: "Don't worry, Dad said he would vent his anger on you, and he will definitely do it. It took our company two years to complete such a big thing as entering the deep-water harbor. What's more, she is a small supervisor,

Liu Yihui's comfort made Liu Chun feel at ease: "Dad, how did you know?"

Liu Yihui looked at the fish floating on the surface of the water to fight for fish food, and said with a smile: "Dad has friends in the Li Group, you can ask about them."

Doesn't Liu Yihui know about his daughter's little thoughts?

"Chun'er, don't cry every now and then. After two years when Dad puts you in the management team, that Luo Ye will wag his tail and become our family's son-in-law?"

At that time, Dad will prevent her from stepping down during the meeting in public. This woman is stupid, and she still wants to knock on Mr. Mu's bamboo pole. Is the 20% sales commission so easy to earn?Waiting to be fired by President Mu. "

Liu Chun couldn't help but said happily: "Dad, you are so kind, whether I can stay in the planning department is up to you!"


at the same time.

Liu Chun's face turned red instantly: "Dad—! I won't tell you anymore!"

"Hahaha!" Liu Yihui couldn't help laughing.

Luo Ye said actively from the side: "Shall I go with you? If there is anything, I can help."

Lu Wanwan said: "Luo Ye, I still have other tasks for you to handle."

After preparing all the documents, Lu Wanwan stood up and said, "Xiaojing, come with me to Li's Group."

Xiaojing was taken aback for a moment, and replied seriously: "Okay!"

Xiaojing silently came behind Lu Wanwan, looking down at her like a big docile dog.

Other employees said one after another: "I wish the supervisor a successful start, come back and treat us to hot pot!"

After observing for a period of time, Lu Wanwan found that Luo Ye was passionate but also impulsive. In contrast, Xiao Jing was more stable and practical, so you don't have to worry about him getting into trouble if you take him with you.

"Okay then." Luo Ye carried Lu Wanwan on his back, and bared his little tiger teeth at Xiaojing, as if warning him not to take the opportunity to steal food.

"You say, Assistant Jing really wants to be a stepfather?"

"What's wrong with being a stepdad?" Luo Ye crossed his arms and leaned on the back of the chair, Shi Shiran said: "I heard that the supervisor's son is studying in a key elementary school and his grades are good. Raising such a son is tantamount to making an investment." .”

Xiaojing turned his head and said to them: "It's just to send a document, I don't know if it will be successful, don't put so much psychological pressure on the supervisor."

"Oh——" Everyone kept their voices in a long voice, and after Lu Wanwan and Xiao Jing left, they murmured, "Why do I feel that Xiao Jing is just like an old woman? Not only worrying about the supervisor's daily work, but also worrying about her mental health ?”

Luo Ye just smiled and said nothing.I like it, but the supervisor doesn't seem to like his type, is it because his little canine teeth are too young?Does he want to smooth it out?

Liu Chunqiao's face darkened, and her heart was sour.

Liu Chun, who came back from Liu Yihui's office, paused when he pushed the door open after hearing this.

I only heard the men inside booing: "Good guy, think so far, you also like the supervisor, right?"

Li Group.

When the car stopped, Lu Wanwan picked up the documents on her lap, and said to Xiao Jing after paying the car fee, "Let's get out of the car."

No matter what, Lu Wanwan must be taken away!


"I've already made an appointment."

"When did this happen?"

"Good supervisor, by the way, we came here without an appointment, will we be turned away?"

Xiaojing looked at the skyscrapers outside through the car window, feeling extremely small.

Before he had time to feel surprised, he was attracted by the magnificent lobby in front of him and looked around.

Compared with here, Yaobo can only be regarded as a small company, no wonder it was rejected again and again, thinking about it this time, the chance of success is not high, right?

"A few days ago." After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she pushed open the car door.

Next, Xiao Jing saw that she walked into the revolving door of Li's Group with ease as if she had come home.

After Lu Wanwan closed the line, Xiaojing asked curiously, "Director, do you have a friend working here?"

Lu Wanwan raised her eyes to look at him and said, "Yes, he told us to wait for a while, and he will come down to pick us up soon."

Just when Xiaojing was comparing the differences between the two companies, Lu Wanwan was taking out his mobile phone and calling Li Jingchen's secretary.

"Yes, I'm here, right in the lobby of your company...Okay, I'll wait for you."

After a while, a person walked out of the elevator. After looking around, he strode towards Lu Wanwan and shouted, "Miss Lu!"

When Xiaojing saw him, his pupils shrank violently, and he lost his composure and said, "You, aren't you..." On the day when the heavy snow fell, was that the man who came to their company to pick up Director Lu?

Xiaojing saw her calm and calm face, and suddenly realized that in the conference room that day, she might not have agreed to Mr. Mu on impulse, but that she really had a way to negotiate with the Li Group.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jing suddenly became less nervous.

After glancing at Xiaojing, the secretary said to Lu Wanwan, "Mr. Li has been waiting for you in the office for a long time."

President Li?

At that time, the other party held an umbrella and took Director Lu away from him and Luo Ye.

Both he and Luo Ye thought that this was the suitor who brought Director Lu an expensive lunch every day, and at that moment, they felt a little inferior.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Okay."

The secretary then looked at Xiaojing, hesitated to speak: "He..."

Which boss Li?

Xiaojing's head was in a daze, and he looked dumbfounded.


After taking the elevator to the top floor, Xiao Jing stood in front of the "President's Office", completely dazed.

Lu Wanwan explained: "He is my assistant, he knows the company's situation better than me."

"Okay." The secretary could only take Xiaojing along with him.

After a while, he recovered his voice and asked deceivingly, "Director, whose office is this?"

The secretary in front looked back at him, chuckled and said, "Of course it's the office of President Li."

After finishing speaking, the secretary stretched out his hand and pushed open the two heavy office doors.

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