Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1113 She Calculated Me Too

Fang Tong's concerned voice came through the microphone: "Wanwan, people are asking who the heroine and heroine in this video are now online, and if I ask Ye Fei to help you suppress the heat, he is familiar with this."

As a first-line actress, Fang Tong will inevitably be involved in scandals when she goes to various public places, but her scandals have never been trending because there is a big hand behind her to help her suppress them.

And the owner of this big hand is Ye Fei.

After Lu Wanwan rubbed her phone, she replied, "No need."

Fang Tong was quiet for two seconds before asking, "What did you say?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Even if someone finds out that it's me, it doesn't matter."

She has returned to being single, and it is her freedom to go shopping with whom, even if she is recognized, it doesn't matter.

She was silent in disgust.

Until Lan Qin jumped out, assumed this identity and became Li Jingchen's "rumored girlfriend",

At that time, instead of being angry, Lu Wanwan was grateful for Lan Qin's help.

And this is what the Fu family wants to see.

After Fang Tong was quiet for a while, he said, "Wan Wan, this is not like what you used to say."

Following Fang Tong's words, Lu Wanwan suddenly remembered that she and Li Jingchen were secretly photographed in the underground garage of the hospital that day. At that time, there were discussions on the Internet. Who was the woman who was held in Li Jingchen's arms and kissed forcibly?

Only then did Fang Tong feel relieved: "That's good. I saw Li Jingchen hugged you so tightly, and thought he had kidnapped you. It turns out that it's a husband and wife."

Lu Wanwan's face flushed, and she said angrily, "Fang Tong!"

Fang Tong smiled and said: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, when the Chinese New Year comes, Sister Yan and I have to torture you, what are you thinking!"

At this time, Fang Tong's voice came with a smile: "Wan Wan, since you think it's okay, then Ye Fei and I won't mind our own business. By the way, today's date between you and Li Jingchen... is it pleasant?"

Lu Wanwan thought about it, except for the follow-up in the middle, she was basically happy.

Because of this, she said "hmm".

Lu Wanwan replied: "She asked me, did I go on a date with you at Deep Water Harbor today?"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen asked strangely, "How did she know?"

"I have to ask you. You were secretly photographed in the flower shop."

After finishing the call, Lu Wanwan heard Li Jingchen ask, "Fang Tong's phone number?"

After adjusting her breath, Lu Wanwan said, "Yes."

Li Jingchen asked casually: "What's the matter with her?"

He raised his head and explained: "Wanwan, when she secretly took pictures of me, I didn't know."

Lu Wanwan said: "I believe in you, you continue to read."

Li Jingchen's eyes returned to the video, and saw that the next video turned unnaturally, and it was an intimate scene of him holding Wan Wan's waist, Wan Wan walking towards the sightseeing car with roses in his arms.

Li Jingchen turned the car to the side of the road, tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Here." Lu Wanwan clicked on the video and handed it to him.

Li Jingchen took a look at his mobile phone and found that he was sitting in the flower shop waiting for the night to be recorded. From the point of view, the person who took this video should be the owner of the flower shop.

But in the second video, our outlines, backs, overall outfits, and hairstyles have been completely exposed, like Fang Tong, Sister Yan, Ye Fei, and Wei Yu who are familiar with us, they can recognize us at a glance. "

Li Jingchen asked: "You mean, the second video deliberately exposed our identities?"

Lu Wanwan said thoughtfully: "It should be Fu Xing's person, she plotted against me."

Lu Wanwan said: "Fang Tong told me that the resolution of the previous video is high and the resolution of the latter video is low. It seems that the two videos are spliced ​​together. That is to say, the photographer is not the same person."

After Li Jingchen replayed it again, he found that it was indeed the case.

Lu Wanwan said: "In the first video, you said that the owner of the flower shop secretly took pictures of you, but she didn't dare to take pictures of you at all, which means she was afraid of being held accountable by you.

Come to S City and still not clamp your tail to be a man?

Lu Wanwan raised her hand and put it on her cheek: "I'm just guessing, not sure if it's true."

Li Jingchen was worried that she would be unhappy like the time in the hospital, so he said decisively, "I have someone delete it."

These two videos were spliced ​​together, which shows that the person who spliced ​​them had ulterior motives, and they rushed to the trending searches in such a short period of time. Is it really all the "credit" of netizens?

She and Li Jingchen are not celebrities, and they don't have such a high popularity, unless someone bought a hot search for their video.

Li Jingchen wrote lightly: "She wants to die."

After Lu Wanwan took back her mobile phone from him, she reminded: "It's the rush hour to get off work, let's get out of the way and drive quickly."

Seeing her calm face, Li Jingchen really didn't mind, so he couldn't help but rejoice, and restarted the sports car.


Lu Wanwan said, "No, I'm not unhappy."

Li Jingchen showed a surprised look.

At this time, a horn sounded from behind.

Li Jingchen teased her and gave her one last chance to repent: "Just let the video hang like this?"

Lu Wanwan nodded and said, "That's right, I want to see how long it will stay on the trending searches."

After finishing speaking, she picked up the rose and the doll, and Shi Shiran got out of the car.

Lu family.

The dark blue sports car parked outside the courtyard.

Lu Wanwan turned her head and said to Li Jingchen, "I'm leaving."

"Miss Wanwan, you are back!"

The servant who heard the sound of the horn ran out in a hurry and opened the door for Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan looked away and walked into the courtyard.


Li Jingchen suddenly excitedly honked the car horn three times, the sound was so loud that it shocked the whole community.

When Lu Wanwan looked back, the sports car had already roared past her, just like the owner's hearty mood at the moment.

As soon as they heard her voice, Lu Hongye and the three immediately greeted her with smiles.

Among them, An An was the happiest. The little guy couldn't wait to share with her: "Mum, do you know? Daddy made a video call to me today!"

After Lu Wanwan sat down, she brought the little guy to her face and asked softly, "Really? What did he say to you?"

Seeing that Lu Wanwan was holding something in her hand, the servant hurriedly reached out to take it, and helped her find a car and put it away properly.

After Lu Wanwan finished changing her shoes in the entrance, she looked up and saw Lu Hongye and Lu Zeyu were accompanying An An in the living room. The picture looked very harmonious.

"Dad, brother." Lu Wanwan walked over with a smile.

The little guy remembered it very carefully: "Daddy asked me, how is your homework, how are you doing recently?"

Lu Wanwan wiped An An's beaming face with her fingertips, and asked softly, "Then what did you say?"

An An said: "I said, everything is fine. By the way, Daddy asked me where you were."

Lu Wanwan's eyes flashed, it seemed that Fu Xing had already sent Fu Shuo the things he had photographed, but he didn't know if Fu Shuo would believe Fu Xing's one-sided words.

"I said I don't know where Mommy is... Daddy looks a little unhappy, but I really don't know." An An said innocently.

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