Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1112 She gave up so quickly

The servant tried to think back, and said: "At that time, I heard the third lady say, 'Elder brother is not hers, so why can't I even go in, who knows what she is doing to elder brother in there'!"

Lu Wanwan nodded. It seems that when Lan Qin gave Li Jingchen a closed treatment, he once shut out Qingling.

"Besides, I also heard from Miss San that the other day, after the Eldest Young Master came out, there were..." lipstick marks on his mouth.

Before the servant could say the last three words, he suddenly saw Li Jingchen coming over, and hurriedly changed his words: "Master!"

Lu Wanwan was engrossed in listening, and didn't notice Li Jingchen's going downstairs. Looking back at this moment, he saw that he had already changed his clothes.

It's been so long, haven't you cleaned up the bowl?

The servant lowered her head and stared at her toes, not daring to look at Li Jingchen. After all, what she said just now is the "black history" of the young master. Presumably the young master must not want to be known by the young mistress!

Before Lu Wanwan left, she didn't forget to bring roses and dolls. After she got into Li Jingchen's sports car, she said, "Slow down, I'll ask you something."

So she stood up and smiled at him: "Thank you for sending me back."

Li Jingchen noticed that her tone was milder than before.

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at the servant who had been collecting the bowls since he went upstairs.

Lu Wanwan's eyes fell on his profile, and she asked straight to the point: "Are you still in contact with Lan Qin?"

After Li Jingchen was stunned for a while, his tone raised slightly: "Do you mind?"

Lu Wanwan said lightly: "I asked you first."

After Li Jingchen helped her put the roses and dolls away, he joked, "Why, are you not in a hurry to pick up the child?"

But Lu Wanwan looked serious: "I said I want to ask you something, if you are distracted on the road and drive fast, it will not be safe for us."

Li Jingchen fondled the back of her head and started the sports car slowly: "Okay, I'll drive slowly, you can ask."

From the servant's description just now, Lan Qin is a very patient person, otherwise he wouldn't have waited patiently outside the room until the treatment time was over after being shut down again and again by Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen explained: "Three or four months ago, I met her once. Like you that night, she asked someone to secretly take pictures of me, and wanted to announce my relationship with her..."

Speaking of this, Li Jingchen slowed down the car to see Lu Wanwan's reaction.

Li Jingchen raised the corner of his mouth: "No contact."

Lu Wanwan asked again: "I remember before, didn't she still want to be your girlfriend? She gave up so soon?"


"She has the recordings and medical records of me after I was hypnotized." Li Jingchen said: "The Li family has changed several times, and you know how dirty it was in the hands of Li Huaguang and Li Xiangchen. If the recordings are leaked, then the Li family The group will face verbal criticism."

Lu Wanwan knew that Li Jingchen had put too much effort into the Li Group. In order to maintain the positive image of the Li Group, he even reported Li Huaguang to the relevant departments, so that Li Huaguang is still serving his sentence.

Childhood misfortune, sibling strife, family strife, and Lu Wanwan's sacrifice, these are the pains that Li Jingchen can't express, but Lan Qin says that she has recorded them all, in order to force Li Jingchen to associate with her!

After Lu Wanwan frowned, she asked, "Then how did you deal with it?"

Li Jingchen sneered: "my people discovered her little tricks and were forced to delete the photos. Since that night, I haven't seen her, but she has called me a lot and threatened me to talk to her." meet her."

"She threatened you?" Lu Wanwan asked in surprise, "With your current status, will you still be threatened by her?"

And this move made Lan Qin not dare to act rashly.

Although she still calls from time to time to threaten Li Jingchen to meet, she never leaks his recordings and medical records.

As time goes by, Li Jingchen doesn't take her seriously anymore.

Before changing it, Lu Wanwan would probably laugh it off, but now——

"It's against professional ethics for Lan Qin to do this!"

Hearing her excited tone, Li Jingchen laughed even happier: "Yes, that's what I said to Lan Qin myself that night. If she dares to reveal my privacy, I will let her go to jail."

After all, Li Jingchen's headache is a hidden danger, and Lan Qin is the person who knows his condition best in the past six years.

But now it seems that although Lan Qin is an excellent psychiatrist, some of her methods are not very glorious, and even violate professional ethics.

As a result, Lu Wanwan had no choice but to give up on Lan Qin: "It's nothing."

And Lu Wanwan finally understood Lan Qin's personality.

At this time, Li Jingchen's interested voice came from beside him: "Wanwan, why do you suddenly think of her? I remember, you didn't care about her before." She even hoped that he would be with Lan Qin.

Lu Wanwan originally wanted to find Lan Qin to find out about Li Jingchen's headache and see if there was a cure for it. She even wanted to persuade Li Jingchen to continue receiving Lan Qin's psychological treatment.

"Wanwan, hurry up and check online! Are you and Li Jingchen on the hot searches!!"

Lu Wanwan looked puzzled: "Hot search?"

As a first-line actress, even if she is raising a baby, Fang Tong must be at the forefront of eating melons: "Did you go to Deepwater Harbor today?"

The next second, her cell phone rang suddenly.

After Lu Wanwan unzipped her bag, she took out her mobile phone, seeing that it was Fang Tong's call, she couldn't help but answer it.

"Fang Tong, it's me."

Fang Tong called out: "That's you!"

Lu Wanwan took the phone away, clicked on the social software and searched for a while, and a video was hanging on the trending search.

In the video, a man is sitting in a flower shop drinking coffee, with a bouquet of bright red roses in his hand, as if waiting for the arrival of his sweetheart.

Lu Wanwan admitted, "Yes."

Fang Tong asked again: "Then you are wearing a white skirt, and you are holding a translucent bag with a bouquet of roses in your left hand?"

Lu Wanwan looked down at her skirt and the roses at her feet, and replied, "That's right."

As a result, netizens became more and more frightened.

This outfit adds up to several million. Who is this man?What does it look like?

Therefore, the bored netizens began to pick up his watch from the leather shoes and suit he was wearing...

Lu Wanwan recognized this flower shop, it was the one where Li Jingchen bought her roses.

In this video, apart from the coffee and roses, only Li Jingchen's back, hands and chin were captured, but his gestures were so pleasing to the eye that it made the flowers in the flower shop become a foil, and even idol dramas dare not act like this.

The next second, the video turned, and it turned out to be Li Jingchen walking towards the sightseeing car with his arms around Lu Wanwan's waist.

Although Lu Wanwan was only photographed from the back, the rose in her hand and the big hands on her waist all showed that she had a very close relationship with the man beside her.

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