Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1110 You mean, I did something wrong

Li Jingchen snorted coldly, said nothing more, and walked towards the kitchen.

When Lu Wanwan passed by the servant, she comforted softly: "It's all right."

The servant said gratefully: "Thank you, young mistress!"


the other side.

Fu Xing has already received the secretly photographed photos.

She slid past one by one, and there was a photo of Li Jingchen standing on the steps giving roses to Lu Wanwan...

There is a photo of Li Jingchen hanging the doll on Lu Wanwan...

There is also a picture of Lu Wanwan standing on tiptoe and kissing Li Jingchen's profile lightly...

The last one is a photo of Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan walking into Li's house together. <.97 xiaoshuo. net


City y, the city's key hospital.

In the VIP ward, there is an LCD TV, which is broadcasting local news.

At this moment, Fu Xing's mood is very delicate.

On the one hand, she was happy to have successfully managed to get the photo, but on the other hand, she felt sad for her brother.

After a long time, she turned around, handed the phone to the driver behind her, and made a decision: "Send me the photo."

His eyes were changing rapidly, and his body, which hadn't eaten well for a few days, was so weak that he could hardly breathe.

He looked at Lu Wanwan's happy face in the photo, she felt dizzy as she was nestled beside Li Jingchen.

Not long after, his cell phone rang, and it was Fu Xing's call.

At this time, Fu Shuo's cell phone by the bed rang once, then again.

He picked up his phone, swiped it open, and found that it was a photo sent by Fu Xing.

At first, he thought that something happened to the branch office, but after looking at it, he found that it was a photo of Lu Wanwan and Li Jingchen!

Fu Xing said calmly: "It's true, I have photos to prove it."

In addition to anger, Fu Shuo also felt sad: "You and dad must have framed Wanwan! Isn't it enough for you to drive her out of the branch office!"

After a pause, Fu Xing said: "The feet are on her body. It's not that we can be framed if we say framed. By the way, she went on a date with Li Jingchen at Deep Water Harbor today. What does Deep Water Harbor mean? Don't you know?" Don't you understand?"

Fu Shuo shook his hands, slid the answer button, and asked viciously, "Fu Xing, what do you want to do?!"

"Brother, don't get excited. I just want to tell you that Lu Wanwan has returned to Li's residence and is living with Li Jingchen."

Fu Shuo shouted unhappily: "You are talking nonsense!"


Fu Shuo smashed the bed board hard, and sneered angrily: "You have worked so hard to make the bond between me and Wanwan less and less until it disappears completely. Do you think you are doing it for me? You guys It's killing my love!"

After finishing speaking, Fu Shuo slammed the phone down.

The "deep water harbor" occupies Li Jingchen's business empire, which is a place that Fu Shuo has never set foot in until today.

Fu Xingyu said earnestly: "Lu Wanwan chose that place for the date, and then followed Li Jingchen home, every photo recorded their intimacy,

Brother, if you insist on lying to yourself that Lu Wanwan is waiting for you, then you are really stupid. My sister doesn't want to see you being kept in the dark, so she decided to send you the photo. "

"Oh." Xia Zhi followed the half of the photos that Fu Shuo saw just now, and continued to slide down, gradually opening her mouth...

Fu Shuo paid attention to her expression and saw her shocked look, which showed that she didn't know about it.

But as far as he knew, Xia Zhi would call Wan Wan every week. If Wan Wan was really with Li Jingchen, it was impossible for Xia Zhi to not know anything about it.

When Xia Zhi pushed the door in with glutinous rice balls, she saw that Fu Shuo's brows were gloomy, as if she was very angry.

Xia Zhi walked over, picked up the phone on the ground, and asked, "Sir, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?"

Fu Shuo said blankly: "The phone is in your hand, you can see it yourself!"

Before he got angry, Xia Zhi changed her tune and said, "Okay, it's p's, are you satisfied?"

After Fu Shuo glared at her, he said, "Give me the phone!"

After Xia Zhi returned the phone to Fu Shuo, he made a video call to An An.

"These photos were sent by my sister. How reliable do you think they are?"

"Eh..." Xia Zhi zoomed in on the photo with two fingers, and after studying it for a while, said: "I don't think these photos look like P's."

The corner of Fu Shuo's mouth twitched violently.

With a soft look in his eyes, he asked softly, "Where's your mommy?"

An An's voice was sweeter than sugar: "Mummy went out and hasn't come back yet."

Fu Shuo's eyes sank slightly: "Oh? Where did she go?"

Soon, the video was connected by the other party.

An An's delicate face caught Fu Shuo's eyes, and he shouted in surprise, "Daddy!"

Fu Shuo saw that the little guy was in Lu's house, eating something with a small spoon in his hand.

Hearing this, An An couldn't help laughing and said, "Daddy doesn't need to be beautiful, he already looks handsome!"

Seeing the child's innocent smiling face, Fu Shuo followed suit.

"By the way, Daddy, today is New Year's Day, you must eat glutinous rice balls!"

"I don't know." An An shook her head, then worried: "Daddy, why are you thin again? Didn't you eat well?"

Xia Zhi, who was standing opposite Fu Shuo, nodded inwardly. In the past few days, sir, because of the resignation of the young mistress, he used his body to get angry with the master, didn't he lose weight?

Fu Shuo explained against his will: "It's the reason why Daddy opened the beauty face."

After Fu Shuo took it, the heat from An'an's side had almost dissipated, and he happened to see the insulated box in front of Fu Shuo.

There are more than a dozen glutinous rice balls in the insulated box, chubby and stick together, with white, pink, and yellow fillings wrapped in the soft and glutinous skin, which makes people very appetizing just looking at them.

"Daddy eat with me!" An An said.

Fu Shuo lied to him and said, "Daddy is eating."

An An scooped up a glutinous rice ball and put it in front of the camera: "Mine is stuffed with sesame seeds, where is Daddy's?"

Taking advantage of the heat from the glutinous rice balls covering An An's camera, Xia Zhi quickly unscrewed the lid of the insulated box and handed the glutinous rice balls to Fu Shuo.

Afterwards, Fu Shuo looked at the empty incubator and fell into deep thought.

Didn't he want to call and ask An An, where did he go late at night?

Why did you eat glutinous rice balls with An An instead, and ate them all?

"it is good."


How did things develop like this?

Xia Zhi said: "Mister's intention is good, but if you are starving, won't the master and the others have to go to trouble with the young mistress? At that time, you just want to protect the young mistress, and you will have no energy left."

After wiping the corners of his mouth, Xia Zhi said, "Sir, no matter whether the photo is real or fake, I don't think Young Mistress wants you to use self-harm to stand out for her."

Fu Shuo's stomach was full, and his mood became more stable: "You mean, I did something wrong?"

"Hic!" He burped out of nowhere after eating too much.

After thinking quietly for a while, Fu Shuo said, "You're right. My family is still monitoring Wanwan's every move. I can't let her fall into danger again!"

Xia Zhi said: "So, from today onwards, sir, heal your wounds well, eat obediently, and when you reunite with Young Mistress one day, you can find out what she wants for yourself. Isn't that better than hearsay?"

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