Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1109 Do you want me to be afraid of you?

Li Jingchen's palm was cold, and he couldn't warm it up for a long time.

Lu Wanwan didn't know that it would cause such a big irritation to him, she thought his headache was healed.

There was a little guilt in her eyes, and she asked, "Then, does your head still hurt?"

Li Jingchen said indifferently, "It's much better."

Much better, that is, not quite.

Lu Wanwan asked again: "Then do you still have medicine in your room?"

Li Jingchen replied, "Throw them all away."

Lu Wanwan frowned: "Why?"

Li Jingchen said, "Because you're back."

Lu Wanwan suddenly became speechless.

She glanced in the direction of the sofa and said, "Come with me."

With that said, she took his hand and walked towards the sofa.

"My guest, is this strength okay?" She did not forget to lower her head and joke with him.

Li Jingchen stared at her pretty face, and said "um" slowly.

"Then I continue?" Lu Wanwan said softly.

After taking her seat, Lu Wanwan patted her thigh.

Li Jingchen immediately lay down on the bed understandingly.

Lu Wanwan had learned how to give massages to customers at Jinxi Beauty Salon, so she gave him a gentle massage on the head.

As if he was some naughty kid.

Li Jingchen resumed the posture with his hands crossed over his chest, and said seriously: "Wanwan, you have changed."

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows slightly: "What have I changed?"

At first, Li Jingchen folded his arms around his chest, but gradually relaxed later, he began to draw circles on Lu Wanwan's knees, and curled her hair with his fingertips.

Lu Wanwan glanced at him, and gently dissuaded him: "Don't make trouble."

Coaxing him again.

Li Jingchen was stopped by the question, and it took him a while to speak: "You who are always shy, where did you go?"

Oh, it turned out that I doubted my own charm.

Lu Wanwan used her fingertips to caress his eyebrows, the bridge of his nose, and his lips all the way from his heaven: "Don't worry, even after six years, you are still very handsome, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold your hand." Heartbeat."

Li Jingchen looked at her carefully: "You are not afraid of me anymore."

That's why she dared to coax him and lie to him. If it were Wanwan before, she would never dare.

Lu Wanwan asked softly, "Do you want me to be afraid of you?"

Six years later, she erected her armor with reservations, and no one could hurt her again.

Touching the indifference on her face, Li Jingchen asked subconsciously: "In your eyes, am I no different from other men except for being handsome?"

Lu Wanwan bent her lips: "But I won't let other men rest on my lap."

What she said was an indirect acknowledgment of today's "King Arthur" test.

Before he bit her hand, Lu Wanwan retracted her fingers and continued to press his temple lightly: "It's just that I can't keep standing still. It's been six years, and it's time for me to grow up."

Six years ago, she did not hesitate for love, and ended up like that!

Coupled with the fact that she kept massaging him, Li Jingchen's tense and painful head was relieved, and his mood was no longer as irritable as before.

That's it.

Li Jingchen began to comfort himself, saying that life is still long, Wanwan only needs to take the last step towards him, and he will walk towards Wanwan for other routes.

Listening to her sweet talk, Li Jingchen felt satisfied again.

He never thought... his ears would be so soft.

As long as you blow on it at night, it will immediately feel light and light, and it will go to the sky.

Seeing that Li Jingchen fell asleep on Lu Wanwan's lap, the servant couldn't help but look at Lu Wanwan in admiration, and then tactfully closed the door for them.


When Li Jingchen woke up, he found that he was hugging Lu Wanwan's waist, facing her belly, with his legs curled up in the sofa, like a tamed beast.


After an unknown amount of time, a servant appeared at the door and called out, "Young Master..."

Lu Wanwan looked towards the door and softly "shushed".

Lu Wanwan said indifferently: "Occasionally, if you get hungry, you won't die."

Thinking that she was starving because of him, Li Jingchen's heart softened. It's okay for him to go crazy, but it's not his intention to hurt Wanwan's mother and child.

Thinking of this, he calmed down completely and said, "I'm fine, let's go downstairs for dinner."

After frowning, he straightened up and asked, "What time is it?"

Lu Wanwan moved her legs and replied, "It's 4 o'clock."

Li Jingchen lowered his eyes and landed on her stomach, with self-blame: "Why didn't you wake me up?"

One of the servants said: "Eldest Young Master, you and Eldest Young Mistress haven't eaten yet."

Li Jingchen said in a deep voice, "Why don't you hurry up and prepare?"

The servant said: "It's ready, but the young master has not come down, so we reheated the food three times in the middle, the taste may be worse, I hope you and the young mistress will forgive me."


Seeing that Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan took so long to come downstairs, the servants all cast ambiguous looks at them.

Li Jingchen swept his sharp eyes and asked them, "What are you looking at?"

"It's all right," he said.

"Master, this way please." The servant breathed a sigh of relief, and gestured "please" to the kitchen.

Li Jingchen walked in front, and Lu Wanwan walked behind. A servant asked her, "Young Mistress, are you not angry?"

Li Jingchen was taken aback for a moment, they said it seemed that his unreasonable trouble made the taste of the food worse.

But if you think about it carefully, it really is.

Li Jingchen tugged on his tie uncomfortably, stretched his hand halfway, only to realize that he was wearing a nightgown, and had to put it down.

"It's nothing."

Lu Wanwan took a step forward and looked in the direction of the kitchen: "It smells so good, what kind of food do you have?"

The maid immediately cooperated with the introduction.

Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows: "I guess he got so angry that he forgot why he was angry."

The servant snickered when he heard the words: "Young master is like a goldfish in front of you, with only 7 seconds of memory..."

Their whispering was caught by Li Jingchen, who turned around and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The servant on the side turned off the microphone in fright.

Only Lu Wanwan said: "We are praising you for your broad-mindedness. No matter how angry you are, it will disappear after a while, right?"

The servant who described Li Jingchen as a goldfish immediately nodded after receiving Lu Wanwan's gaze: "Really young master, I definitely did not mean to laugh at you!"

After squinting his eyes, Li Jingchen grabbed Lu Wanwan's hand and said in a low voice: "Don't think I didn't hear, you are talking bad about me."

Lu Wanwan blinked: "Who said something bad about you, don't think too much, okay?"

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "Say I'm like a goldfish, with only 7 seconds of memory, I'm Alzheimer's, huh?"

It was because she was too relaxed, thinking that with the presence of the young mistress, there would be a magic weapon to restrain the young master, so she made a joke casually.

However, the eldest young master is always the eldest young master, and all his tenderness has been given to the eldest young mistress, which does not mean that other people can also retreat completely after being presumptuous.

Seeing the servant's pale face, Lu Wanwan couldn't help poking Li Jingchen's arm, and said, "You almost made her cry, smile, okay?"

At the same time, a question arose in Lu Wanwan's heart.

Back then, Li Jingchen went crazy, how scary was it?That's why these "old men" in Li's house are so afraid of him being angry?

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