Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1085 What Does He Have To Worship

After An An heard this, she ignored Li Jingchen for a while, and looked straight at Lu Wanwan: "Mum, what danger are you in?"

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth, and just about to speak, she heard Li Jingchen say: "Sexual harassment."

An An blurted out: "Isn't that you?"

Lu Wanwan: "..."

Li Jingchen's eyebrows darkened. If it were someone else, he would have thrown him out a long time ago: "But I won't let your mommy get hurt."

An An: "So, you admitted to sexually harassing my mommy?"

Lu Wanwan endured it, but still let out a "poof" laugh.

The father and son looked at her together, the elder and the younger were frowning, as if they were discussing a very serious matter.

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to hold back her laughter and said, "Go ahead."

Seeing his remorse, Li Jingchen continued to say mercilessly: "You can yell in front of me because I let you in, but if you were someone else, would you still be able to protect her?"

An An's heart trembled. In fact, he had already encountered this kind of situation. That day, two delivery masters were here and refused to leave. He prayed silently in his heart, if only his father would protect them.

Li Jingchen held up Lu Wanwan's injured arm, and said to An An: "Look for yourself, what happened to your mommy just now? But you were wearing earphones, staying in the room, and didn't notice any movement!"

Panic flashed across An An's eyes. He never wears earphones to study. It's because he and Mommy have been having trouble these past two days,

"Really?" Li Jingchen smiled instead of anger.

He slowly raised the corners of his mouth, and kissed Lu Wanwan unexpectedly, like a bully taking over a girl, even Lu Wanwan was dumbfounded.

But he didn't want to show weakness in front of a man who abandoned him and Mommy, so he said: "I can! Even if I risk my life, I will protect Mommy. I'm not like you!"

Every word of his is so resounding, and the last half of his sentence is even more piercing in Jingchen's heart!

Li Jingchen hugged Lu Wanwan's shoulders, lay back, then stretched out his long legs and tripped, An An fell on the carpet.

An An didn't expect Li Jingchen to be so despicable, and said in dissatisfaction: "You actually played tricks!"

Li Jingchen then looked at An An, and asked maliciously, "What would you do in this situation?"

An An saw it, and was greatly stimulated. She clenched her small fist and swung at Jing Chen!

He's teaching his son a lesson, she better not interrupt!Otherwise, he will train her together!

Lu Wanwan couldn't break free from his iron wall, so she couldn't help but glared at him: "Li Jingchen, can't you say something well? He's just a child!"

"An'an!" Lu Wanwan leaned out anxiously, trying to pull him up.

But Li Jingchen put his arms around her waist, pressed her back on the sofa, and secretly gave her a warning look.

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes: "You figure it out, he was the one who hit me first." In this world, how can a son beat me up?

Lu Wanwan choked and lowered her voice, "...then you can't do this either."

She knew that he was angry with what happened just now, but this is not a reason to blame An An!

In the past six years, all she gave An An was encouragement and education, but he was fine, he knocked An An to the ground as soon as he came, and kept lecturing him. Is this when she is dead?

"Where is that man?!"

Li Jingchen glanced at the door and said in a low voice, "I threw him down the corridor."

Li Jingchen turned his eyes and looked at An An, who was full of unwillingness: "how do you feel now? Angry? Angry? Or powerless? If I tell you that when a man bullied your mommy outside just now, he was more ruthless than me, How do you feel?"

An An's hatred suddenly surged up from the bottom of his heart, and his delicate little face turned red. He was so angry when he saw Li Jingchen kissing his mommy, let alone someone else did something similar. This is even more excessive!

Li Jingchen wrapped her around her skillfully, not to press her injured arm, but also to prevent her from slipping away: "Don't worry, that man has been knocked out by me, and he won't hurt An'an."

Lu Wanwan was worried, and asked repeatedly: "Why are you so fierce to An'an? Why!"

Hearing this, An An turned around and ran out.

Lu Wanwan thought about what he was doing, and immediately struggled even harder: "Let me go!"

It is precisely because Li Jingchen has experienced the pain of losing Lu Wanwan that he wants to teach An An how to protect her.

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips: "But he's only six years old, you can't ask him to be vigilant like an adult."

Li Jingchen's eyebrows and eyes were gloomy: "you were almost bullied, do you know that when I passed the door of An'an's room just now, I saw that he was wearing earphones, and I didn't even notice?

He's so reckless, he doesn't even know you're in danger, let alone call my secretary for help. "

"You?" Li Jingchen pinched her chin sensitively, looked directly into her watery eyes, and said, "Don't think that I'm just like Fu Shuo, I only want to please An'an."

Lu Wanwan said angrily: "Li Jingchen, don't drag Fu Shuo on, what I'm talking about now is about children's education!"

Li Jingchen Shi Shiran said: "When I was six years old, I was already learning marksmanship."

Lu Wanwan said bluntly: "That's you, we never educate An An like this."

But Li Jingchen stopped her: "You can't go, once you go, you will just hug and hold high, so he won't be able to remember."

Lu Wanwan kicked him: "Then you go!"

"I'm just kidding, don't you just think that I don't take good care of the child like Fu Shuo? Let me tell you, I just want to let him know what it means to be evil!"

Lu Wanwan doesn't want to quarrel with him, so that no one will go to see An An: "...I apologize to you for my slip of the tongue just now, okay? Let me go out and have a look!"

Li Jingchen frowned. How else can I say that mother is a stumbling block in the child's education?

He hasn't done much yet, so she won't allow this, and won't allow that.

After Li Jingchen took a look at her, he got up and said, "I'll go."

"That's right!" Lu Wanwan grabbed the corner of his clothes and said worriedly: "You are not allowed to provoke him anymore."

With that look, I can't wait to tear the man apart.

Li Jingchen watched quietly, but didn't stop him, on the contrary, he showed some indulgence.

After nodding perfunctorily, Li Jingchen walked out.

The door of the escape passage was opened a crack, he walked over, raised his hand to open the crack, and found that An An was kicking the unconscious man on the ground.

"Huh..." An An was tired from kicking, so she wanted to take a rest.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw a tall figure standing on the steps, looking down at the world with disgust.

An An couldn't help but cast aside, the self who admired Li Jingchen at that time.

This man, for the sake of his first love, abandoned his wife and son, what is there to admire!

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