Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1084 Besides His Hands, Where Did He Move You?


But at this moment, the man suddenly grabbed Lu Wanwan's arm and threw her against the wall next to him.

"Hmm!" Lu Wanwan bumped into the fire hydrant sideways, and the pain spread from her shoulder to the brain nerve.

As soon as she raised her head, the man grabbed the back of her neck and pressed her up with his body, confining her between the fire hydrant and her chest.

"What do you want to do? What do you want to do!" Lu Wanwan turned her face vigorously and shouted coldly.

"What are you pretending, Miao Tao told me, you are the same as her, you do this." The man behind said, making a crotch thrusting motion.

Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand to turn on the switch of the fire hydrant while struggling hard: "Let me go!"

The water guns that can be used to extinguish fires have a strong impact. Even an adult male can't stand being hit at such a close range.

"Why, do you want to whip me with a fire hose, or squirt me with a fire hose?"

After the man noticed Lu Wanwan's small movements, he simply put her troublesome hand behind her, and then pressed it up heavily, causing her to groan in pain. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Lu Wanwan took the opportunity to open a crack of the fire hydrant, and the head of the fire hose was exposed.

Lu Wanwan was overjoyed, and reached in, trying to take out the water gun.

In the ears, there is the man's perverted panting: "I wanted to mess with you last time, but you said you are not a lady, so I let you go."

Lu Wanwan gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "I'm really not!"

The man smiled and said, "Miao Tao told me that the neighbor next door robbed her of a lot of business."

The man stared at Lu Wanwan's wrinkled face, which was still full of beauty, and said hypocritically: "Don't move, don't move, I don't care about you. The harder you struggle, the more I want to conquer you!"

Lu Wanwan suddenly remembered that it was this man last time, even Miao Tao's menstrual period was not missed!

Thinking of Miao Tao kneeling at the door with her stomach clutched that day, Lu Wanwan suddenly wanted to vomit.

But the man treated her as frivolously as a young lady: "Is it necessary? There is no surveillance system installed here."

"Yes." Lu Wanwan said weakly, "I can't let the children see..."

When she showed weakness, she looked even more pitiful, but after thinking about it, the man said, "Oh, you're going to spray me with a fire hose, can I still trust you?"

This was purely Miao Tao's intention to smear Lu Wanwan out of jealousy, but the man believed it.

He calmly threatened Lu Wanwan: "I advise you not to bark, otherwise your son will be recruited, and it would be bad to leave a psychological shadow after seeing what we are doing."

Lu Wanwan's eyes were full of anger, but she said in her mouth: "I beg you, don't stay here, let's go to Miao Tao's house!"

Suddenly, the elevator door opened.

But the man was too excited to notice the abnormality behind him, and continued to untie the belt with one hand.

As soon as Li Jingchen came out, he saw the back of a man and his mouth full of obscenities.

When Lu Wanwan heard this, her heart suddenly turned cold.

Just when she wanted to ignore it and call An'an to call the police, the man covered her mouth and said with a grin: "I can only help you here, if your son hears you when you scream, I can't control you." So much!"


The man was beaten on his back, and a nosebleed spewed out!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Li Jingchen's eyes were fierce, and after a while, he beat the man's face to a bloody mess.

A woman's painful muffled sound came from under the man.

That voice is very familiar, it has been engraved in Li Jingchen's DNA, making his blood boil instantly!

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Li Jingchen burst out with an astonishing murderous aura in an instant. He took two steps forward, grabbed the man by the back collar, pulled him away, and punched him in the face!

The man rolled down like a bag of garbage.

Li Jingchen turned around, the anger in his eyes was still lingering, it was very scary.

But Lu Wanwan showed a smile.

When the pressure behind her suddenly dropped, Lu Wanwan immediately turned around. After seeing this scene, she just felt relieved and didn't want to stop it at all.

quite a while.

Li Jingchen held the unconscious man with one hand, pushed open the door of the escape route, and threw the man down the stairs.

After pursing his thin lips, Li Jingchen frowned, pressed down on Lu Wanwan's left hand from top to bottom, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

When the elbow was pressed, Lu Wanwan said in pain, "Take it easy."

After confirming where she was injured, Li Jingchen asked, "Is there a medicine box?"

Seeing her left hand hanging limply, Li Jingchen walked over silently, picked her up and walked into the room.

After putting her on the sofa, Li Jingchen tugged on his tie and quickly regained his composure and said, "Where is the injury?"

"Maybe it's twisted, he kept pressing my hand just now." Lu Wanwan said truthfully.

However, because An'an was having a temper tantrum these two days, she deliberately wore headphones to study, and did not hear Li Jingchen's walking.

A while later, Li Jingchen took the medicine box back to the living room, took a bottle of pain reliever spray from it, and rolled up Lu Wanwan's cuffs all the way up.

In order to distract Lu Wanwan's attention, Li Jingchen asked, "Who is that beast?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I have it in my room."

But to enter Lu Wanwan's room, one must first pass through An'an's room.

Li Jingchen couldn't control so much anymore, he just passed by An An's room.

Li Jingchen didn't ask any more.After he concentrated on giving her the good medicine, he put down her cuffs.

Looking at his face, Lu Wanwan felt more at ease: "Why are you here?"

Li Jingchen frowned, and said: "I came downstairs and called you twice, but you didn't answer, so I couldn't help but come up to see you."

Lu Wanwan endured the pain and said, "He is Miao Tao's client. Yesterday I called the police and arrested Miao Tao. He couldn't find anyone, so he came to me."

After Li Jingchen sprayed her with an analgesic, he asked again, "Apart from his hands, where else did he touch you?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head.

When she intends to compliment, Li Jingchen is not her opponent at all.

The coldness between his brows finally melted away.

He gently pulled Lu Wanwan into his arms and said, "Do you know how angry I was just now?"

Lu Wanwan explained: "I put my mobile phone in the room to charge, otherwise I can call you for help."

Li Jingchen raised his head and asked in a deep voice, "Really? Will you ask me for help?"

After Lu Wanwan said "um", she said, "Really, who can find me faster than you?"

Of course she knew, Li Jingchen almost beat that man to death.

An An, who came out to pour water, saw Li Jingchen hugging Lu Wanwan, her little face turned black, and she stepped forward to expel her: "Why are you here! Still hugging my mommy? Let her go!"

When Lu Wanwan saw An An, she subconsciously wanted to stay away from Li Jingchen.

But Li Jingchen continued to embrace her, and said to An An in a deep voice: "If I hadn't appeared just now, your mommy would be in danger."

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