"very strange."

After Lu Wanwan left the office, Luo Ye turned the chair under him and thoughtfully said, "Why did I just see a trace of the joy of being in love with a little woman on Director Lu's face?"

Yeah, other people wondered too.

She is obviously the child's mother, but how can she still smile so sweetly? It's so strange.

"Don't just watch helplessly, you all have a chance." Liu Chun said suddenly.

"What chance?" The straight men asked stupidly.

Liu Chun raised a delicate eyebrow, and said: "According to what I heard, Director Lu is divorced, and now he is taking care of the children by himself. Which one of you is rushing to be a stepfather?"

Seeing their different expressions, Liu Chun sneered in his heart, then turned around to greet another female colleague: "Xiao Shan, let's go eat."

"Okay." After Xiao Shan answered, she left with Liu Chun.

The male employees looked at each other. Liu Chun was the daughter of a vice president of the company, and her information was probably correct. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Xiao Shan opened her mouth wide: "Ah, then it's really not easy for her."

Liu Chun turned her head and poked her on the head: "What's not easy? You girl, you are so simple, you didn't see her on the first day, did you turn around those stunned youths in our department? Today you have a crush on That Assistant Jing from here even gave her eye drops."

Halfway through, Xiao Shan asked softly, "Liu Chun, is it true that Director Lu's divorce is true?"

Liu Chun raised the corner of her mouth and said, "It's absolutely true, she told the interviewer herself the day she applied for the job."

Especially Luo Ye, who usually asks her if she wants to have dinner together!

Thinking of this, Liu Chun said unhappily: "Just wait."

Xiao Shan smiled, with a big heart: "You are the most popular girl in our department. If you don't care, then I don't care."

Liu Chun's complexion darkened slightly. She thought she was young and beautiful, and she was the daughter of the vice president of the company. She had always enjoyed a lot in the department, but when Lu Wanwan came, the male colleagues couldn't care less about her.

On the other side, Lu Wanwan had already come downstairs and picked up takeaway from the front desk.

She turned around and went to the company's coffee corner, found a secluded corner, took a free cup of coffee, and opened the takeaway.

After a long time, can a woman with a divorce belt be more attractive than her in her early 20s?


In order to prevent this from happening, Lu Wanwan decided to call Li Jingchen and tell him not to send it off in the future.

But when the phone was connected, it was the secretary's voice: "Miss Lu?"

Seeing that the lunch was brought by Li Jingchen, she was a little happy, but at the same time felt a little high-profile.

She had just come to work at Yaobo Company, if the employees here saw that she did not go to the staff canteen to eat, but enjoyed such a sumptuous lunch by herself, she would probably gossip.

Lu Wanwan's gentle voice changed slightly: "What's wrong with him? Let me ask you, why are you holding the phone of your boss Li?"

"Miss Lu, President Li won't let me tell you, so you don't ask, okay?"

Lu Wanwan took the phone away, looked at the contact, and after confirming that she had not dialed the wrong number, she asked, "Why are you answering the phone, where is Li Jingchen?"

The secretary faltered and said, "Ah? Li, President Li..."


"What happened?" Lu Wanwan's voice panicked, and the lunch in front of her was no longer delicious.

The more he said that, the more Lu Wanwan wanted to know, and she deliberately threatened: "Do you think you will end well if you hide it from me? I just need to make up a sentence for you in front of your boss Li, and your secretary will not I want to do it!"

"Don't, don't, don't! Miss Lu, let me tell you!" The secretary could only succumb and said, "Boss Li has gone to the infirmary."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan "brushed" the ground and stood up from the dining table.

"I'm going over now!"

The secretary sighed and said: "Today, Boss Xiao Lu suddenly broke into Boss Li's office in a fit of anger, and beat Boss Li. Boss Li treats Boss Xiao Lu as his brother-in-law, so how could he fight back? Are you right?

After all this, the only one who was beaten was Mr. Li. Before Mr. Lu left, he warned Mr. Li not to approach you again, otherwise Mr. Li would be beaten to death! "

Li Group.

When Lu Wanwan got off the car and walked into the revolving door, Li Jingchen's secretary immediately greeted her: "Miss Lu, you are here!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan quickly walked out of the coffee corner, stopped a taxi outside, and said, "Go to Li's Group!"


Lu Wanwan nodded.

With the guidance of the secretary, Lu Wanwan reached the top floor unimpeded.

Lu Wanwan's face was obviously serious: "Where's your boss Li?"

The secretary said: "President Li has treated the wound, and is now in the president's office. I will lead you up."

Lu Wanwan said: "Really? You lured me here for him, and he should give you a raise."

In fact, on the way here, Lu Wanwan was almost calm.

Outside the president's office.

The secretary stopped in front of the door, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Miss Lu, I'm afraid that Boss Li will blame me for tipping you off, so why don't you go in by yourself?"

If her elder brother did this, then she should come and see how Li Jingchen is hurt.

The secretary who had been exposed simply laughed dryly and opened the office door for her: "Miss Lu, you are smart, so don't take fools like me seriously, please come in."

Just imagine, how could a man like Li Jingchen, who has a strong desire for control, let his mobile phone fall into the hands of others?

However, Lu Wanwan still came.

If she hadn't seen him pretending to be nonchalant in front of Li Xiangchen after being shot in the past, she might have been caught.

After Lu Wanwan approached, she said, "Li Jingchen, I'm here to see you."

After Lu Wanwan walked in, she saw that Li Jingchen was leaning on the back of the dark sofa with his hands spread out, as if he was resting with his eyes closed.

Pretending to be quite like that!

After Li Jingchen smiled invisibly, he deliberately lowered his handsome face, and looked outside the door: "My secretary told you so much?"

After Lu Wanwan said "Mmm", she sat on the tea table opposite him, stretched out her upper body, and looked at him carefully: "Did you hurt the corner of your mouth?"

Li Jingchen opened his eyes and looked at her.

Seeing that she didn't even take her bag, it can be seen how hurried she was when she came.

Li Jingchen said clearly: "It won't hurt if you lick it."

Lu Wanwan still has something to ask: "Did my elder brother rush in and beat you?"

Li Jingchen looked at her pretty face that approached her proactively, and almost let out a muffled laugh, but he held back in time and said, "Well, I got punched."

Lu Wanwan raised her hand, touched the bruise on the corner of his mouth, put it in front of her eyes, and saw that it was not a disguise, so she asked, "It must be painful, right?"

"En." Li Jingchen's voice was filled with grievances: "If it's not because he is your elder brother, I will fight back."

Today, after Lu Zeyu finished the phone call with him, he came to the company angrily to settle accounts with him.

In this regard, Li Jingchen not only did not let the security guard stop him, but also let him come to the office unimpeded.

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