Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1072 You Killed Me

You have to believe me……

Even the last time she believed that the price he paid was so huge.

But at this moment, Lu Wanwan's heartbeat still couldn't be controlled. She looked at everything in front of her. After being burnt to ashes many years ago, she was built by Li Jingchen to be more warm and beautiful.

The bedroom window was not closed tightly, and the evening breeze gently lifted a corner of the curtain, and Lu Wanwan seemed to see the faces of the teachers and children sleeping peacefully.

Everything is so beautiful.

What about her love with Li Jingchen?Can it also be rebuilt to be firmer and more beautiful than six years ago after being broken?


Nine Hee Heaven and Earth.

When Lu Wanwan opened the door and came in, seeing that Lu Zeyu hadn't left yet, she couldn't help calling: "Brother?"

Lu Zeyu nodded: "I went to bed early. He said that today he set up a stage for the afternoon. I saw that he was sleepy, so I asked him to go to bed."

Setting the stage?Is it for theatrical performances?

Seeing her come back, Lu Zeyu frowned handsomely, and asked, "Sister Wanwan, why did you come back so late?"

Lu Wanwan only said that it was a company dinner, and then looked at An An's room: "Brother, is An An asleep?"

Seeing that he, like Li Jingchen, was on the sofa, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'll get you a quilt."


Seeing Lu Zeyu's tired face, Lu Wanwan asked, "Brother, it's so late, do you want to stay here and sleep?"

"Okay." Lu Zeyu remembered that there was a dubious young lady living next door to his sister, and he didn't know who he would bring to fool around, so he replied, "I'll just sleep on the sofa."

At this time, Miao Tao opened the door, raised her hand and leaned against the door frame, and smiled coquettishly at Lu Zeyu: "Hey, another one?"

Lu Zeyu didn't want to talk to her at first, but——

The next morning.

After having breakfast at Lu Wanwan's place, Lu Zeyu opened the door, turned around and said, "Sister Wanwan, take your time, I'll just send An An to school."

Miao Tao thought about it, and then provoked: "Before you, there was also a handsome guy who came in at night and left Ms. Lu's room during the day."

She has been staring at Lu Wanwan for several days, and found that all the men who associate with Lu Wanwan are like business elites, either rich or expensive.

"What's 'another one'?"

Seeing him turn around, he looked at her blankly, as if jealous.

As for where Lu Wanwan came from in troubled Phoenix, and made a temporary nest here, Miao Tao didn't believe it.

Because, if the little boy who followed Lu Wanwan was a child of a big family, he would definitely be reluctant to let him go.

The more she saw, the more Miao Tao envied Lu Wanwan for getting something for nothing.

The same is to accompany men, she can only earn two or three hundred at a time, either she is old and ugly, or she is perverted at a young age, which made her suffer a lot.

As expected, Lu Zeyu asked in a cold voice, "What does that man look like?"

Seeing him taking the bait, Miao Tao spoke even more vigorously. She had read countless people, and when she described Li Jingchen's appearance, she was naturally accurate.

Maybe it was a bastard born with a man!

Miao Tao completely regarded Lu Wanwan as a competitor, and with the mentality of being the only one who can mess with others, she fanned the flames in front of Lu Zeyu.

But after catching a glimpse of An An coming out, he quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice, "The man you mentioned is my sister's ex-husband."

Miao Tao raised her eyebrows and continued to add fuel to the fire: "Ex-husband? But he claims to be Miss Lu's husband."

After Lu Zeyu heard this, he immediately locked on to Li Jingchen!

Thinking of Li Jingchen coming to harass Wan Wan's mother and son, Lu Zeyu was furious.

When Lu Zeyu dismissed it, Miao Tao couldn't make a sound for a long time.

At this time, An An's little voice came: "Uncle, I'm fine."

The oil was poured on, but the fire that spurted out was not aimed at Lu Wanwan.

"What husband? He loves to lick the dog!"


After sending An'an to school, Lu Zeyu immediately took out his mobile phone and called the person he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Lu Zeyu turned his head and said to him, "Put on your shoes."

Miao Tao was stunned at the side, so they are uncle and nephew?Then wasn't she provoking it in vain just now?

Holding the steering wheel in one hand and the phone in the other, Lu Zeyu didn't rush to drive away, but warned: "I know it's you, Li Jingchen, stay away from my sister!"

Li Jingchen asked calmly, "Brother-in-law, why are you so angry early in the morning?"

After a while, the call was connected.

"It's me, Li Jingchen."

"You are already divorced! You still go in and out of Wan Wan's sister's house all the time, do you think it's appropriate?"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen said, "We're not divorced, we've only been separated for six years. It's reasonable for me to do something else with her, let alone going in and out of Wan Wan's house."

"Don't call me that!" Lu Zeyu felt a stick in his throat: "You don't deserve it!"

His angry appearance caught Li Jingchen's attention: "What happened? Why should I stay away from Wanwan?"

Lu Zeyu sarcastically said mercilessly: "Sister Wanwan agrees to let you take responsibility?"

Li Jingchen said: "At least, I let her recognize her heart. If she doesn't love, she doesn't love. Her divorce from Fu Shuo is the best proof."

Lu Zeyu heard his implication, and couldn't help gritting his teeth: "Your sexual harassment is justified, right?"

Li Jingchen said: "I am willing to be responsible for her."


At noon, Yaobo Company.

Lu Zeyu frowned tightly: "Are you proud? You ruined their marriage! You ruined Wan Wan once, and now you ruined her a second time!"

"Is the so-called stagnant marriage the fate of Wan Wan?" After a meal, Li Jingchen decided: "If it is, then you come to kill me, kill me, and see if Wan Wan will be able to survive again." Which man are you attracted to?"

"Huh?" Lu Wanwan raised her head.

"I have eye drops here, do you need them?"

Lu Wanwan browsed the product data for two consecutive days, and her eyes couldn't take it anymore.

While she was rubbing her brows and eyes lightly, Xiao Jing suddenly said, "That...Director Lu."

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

After Lu Wanwan picked it up, she heard the receptionist say that there is her takeaway downstairs.

Seeing that everyone in the department was looking at him, Xiao Jing's face slowly turned red, and his hand holding the eye drops was shaking a little: "I haven't used it yet..."

"Thank you." After Lu Wanwan took it, he was obviously relieved.

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then she thought of something and said, "Please keep it for me, I will go down to pick it up after my lunch break."

Time flies, when the bell rang at 12 o'clock, Lu Wanwan got up and said to his subordinates: "Everyone has worked hard, let's go to dinner."

Luo Ye propped his hands behind his head, turned the chair, and said to her, "Let's go together, Director Lu!"

Lu Wanwan thought of the takeaway downstairs, unconsciously smiled, and declined, "Not today."

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