Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1070 In short, resolutely keep him away

When a group of straight men were teasing Xiao Jing, the starlight ball above her head suddenly cast a beam of light on Lu Wanwan's smiling face, covering her whole body in it.

Xiao Jing's gaze was attracted by her smile, and she couldn't tell whether she was laughing at him or something, and suddenly couldn't continue singing.

Seeing this, someone asked, "Xiaojing, why don't you sing anymore?"

Xiaojing said awkwardly: "Director Lu, do you sing?"

"Okay." Lu Wanwan didn't refuse, got up and walked to the stage, and took the microphone from Xiaojing.

Luo Ye smiled and asked, "Director Lu, what song do you want?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Isn't this song finished yet? Let's continue singing."

But this is a love song!

Lu Wanwan looked at the group of live treasures amusedly, then put down the microphone.

Seeing that she stopped singing, Luo Ye put down the microphone and asked, "Director Lu, who will pick you up later?"

After Lu Wanwan sat back to her original position, crossed her legs, picked up the juice beside her, and said, "I'll go back by myself."

Luo Ye covered his beating heart, and when he was singing, he frequently looked at Lu Wanwan distractedly, his words were slurred.

After singing, someone took a bouquet of roses from the vase quickly and rushed towards Lu Wanwan: "Director Lu, I love... um!"

Immediately behind him, countless hands stretched out, dragging this man back, covering his mouth, grabbing flowers, in short, resolutely not letting him get close to Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan was about to say something when her cell phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, her eyes were soft and she said, "Sorry, I'm going out to answer a call."

When she left, Luo Ye immediately declared: "Don't fight me! I was the one who sang love songs with Director Lu just now! She must be hinting at me!"

Luo Ye asked with ulterior motives: "Huh? Don't you have a boyfriend yet?"

When the straight men heard this, they immediately ignored their infighting, pricked up their ears, and shook their legs frantically, as if stepping on a sewing machine.

Could it be that God saw how pitiful these science and engineering students were, so he sent a female Bodhisattva to save them?

But if they really want to do something to the goddess, they really don't have the guts.

After a while, Lu Wanwan came back after answering the phone.

Everyone was quiet, only Luo Ye smiled at her: "Director Lu, who's calling?"

Everyone poohed: "Dream and go, you are singing single love songs, each sings his own, the lyrics have nothing to do with it!"

"You guys are jealous. I'm jealous that I'm about to become Director Lu's boyfriend." Luo Ye smiled confidently, with two cute little canine teeth looming.

At this time, their atmosphere was like turning off the lights and starting the boys' dormitory of the goddess in YY class. They could joke and brag as much as they wanted.


The straight men all wailed in their hearts.


Lu Wanwan said honestly: "My son's phone call, he asked me when I would go back."

Hearing this, a group of straight men's legs stopped shaking, their hearts stopped panicking, and one by one they split apart.

After Lu Wanwan crushed the hearts of all the boys, she tenderly made up the knife: "It's getting late, and I have to go to work tomorrow, shouldn't we break up?"

Seeing her, he lowered the car window, put his hands outside the window, and greeted her with a smile on his face: "Are you back?"

Lu Wanwan walked over unexpectedly, and skillfully blocked his face with her figure: "Well, I'm back."

Li Jingchen felt a little pleasantly surprised by her initiative to get close to her. He thought that she would walk in without hesitation.

Nine Hee Heaven and Earth.

When Lu Wanwan was about to walk to the door, she suddenly heard the sound of a "beep-beep-" car coming from the side and rear.

She looked for the sound and saw Li Jingchen's car clearly through the street lights.

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "A department party."

Li Jingchen remembered that the secretary told him today that the ratio of men to women in Yaobo Company is 8:2, and his eyes sank.

He felt unhappy when he thought of the pack of little wolf dogs wagging their tails at Lu Wanwan at the party.

"First day at work today, how do you feel?" he asked.

Lu Wanwan replied, "Not bad."

"Working overtime until now?"


Lu Wan got in the car at night.

After glaring at him, she asked, "What else do you want to know?"

On the face, he still remained calm, opened the door next to him, and said, "It's cold outside, come in and talk."

As the evening wind blew, Lu Wanwan pulled her hair back from her cheeks and said, "No need, it's getting late, I should go upstairs."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows and said, "Alright, I'll go upstairs with you and talk slowly..."

Moreover, they are very funny and simple, and their thoughts can be seen at a glance.

Lu Wanwan likes this relaxed working atmosphere.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, Li Jingchen laughed: "It seems that I was worried for nothing?"

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is the party fun?"

"Not bad." Lu Wanwan was telling the truth.

Luo Ye and a group of people made a scene, but what they ordered for her was juice instead of wine.

After Lu Wanwan gasped in shock, she asked in the posture of a female superior and a male inferior: "Li Jingchen, why are you crazy!"

Li Jingchen didn't answer, but put one hand on the back of her head and kissed her.

Seeing this, the secretary in front silently raised the baffle.

"There's nothing to worry about, right?" Lu Wanwan tilted her head and looked at him.

"..." Li Jingchen was desperate for this little heartless person who only cared about his own happiness and didn't ask him how long he had been waiting here!

He grabbed her waist violently, hooked her over, and sat on his lap.

Lu Wanwan instinctively felt that his condition was very dangerous. In order to prevent him from doing more excessive things, she said: "Now that the inspection is over, can you let me go?"

"Are you sure you want to go back like this? Aren't you afraid that An An will see something?" Li Jingchen reminded, raised his hand, and turned the endoscope to Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan took a look and saw that her lip gloss had been kissed, so she couldn't help but glared at the culprit.

After being pushed away by Lu Wanwan forcefully, Li Jingchen laughed softly: "Wanwan, you should be glad that your mouth doesn't smell of alcohol, otherwise I wouldn't let you go so easily."

Lu Wanwan's eyes widened, ashamed and angry: "You kissed me suddenly just to check if I had been drinking?"

Li Jingchen raised his cold eyebrows, and said bluntly: "Yes, if I find out that some bastard is trying to get you drunk, he will be finished."

"Are your lips made of jelly?" After Li Jingchen wiped off the marks on her lips, the original light pink color was revealed, and he wanted to kiss again: "Let me try again."

Lu Wanwan refused: "Is your tongue made of hooks? It hurts me so much!"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen felt a little guilty, he kissed a little hard just now, but who made Yaobo Company more male than female?When he thought about it, he became very angry.

However, after checking that she hadn't been drinking, Li Jingchen became happier again: "Then I'll be gentle."

"Then you leave after kissing?" Lu Wanwan took the opportunity to negotiate terms with him.

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