Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1069 Are you still going to the party with us?

"Miss Lu, are you ready?" the female interviewer asked Lu Wanwan.

After tidying up her skirt, Lu Wanwan nodded at her: "It's ready."

The female interviewer then pushed open the office door of the planning department, and said to the employees inside: "Everyone be quiet, listen to me."

The employees stopped what they were doing and looked at them.

The female interviewer looked at Lu Wanwan, and continued, "This is Ms. Lu who is here to replace Supervisor Yuan. She will be your department supervisor in the future. Please give me a round of applause."

After the employees heard this, they subconsciously looked at Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan stood still gracefully and looked back at them with a smile on her face.

Shocked by Lu Wanwan's youthful beauty, the employees applauded.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "I see."

"By the way," the female interviewer said, remembering something, "Xiaojing, come here." <.97xiaoshuo. net

The female interviewer then raised her hand and said to Lu Wanwan, "Director Lu, the vacant position is your office."

Lu Wanwan looked over and saw that there was an empty cubicle not far away.

It can be seen that although Yaobo Company is a listed company, it does not have a separate office for department heads. Everyone is treated equally, and it is also convenient for Lu Wanwan to supervise and manage.

"Hello." Lu Wanwan also extended her hand.

Good, so soft.

As soon as Xiaojing held it, he "squeaked" and retracted his hand.

Just when Lu Wanwan was thinking about who "Xiao Jing" was, she saw a young man standing up, with a clean look, seeing Lu Wanwan looking at him, the other party was shy, and then came over.

The female interviewer said to Lu Wanwan: "Director Lu, from today on, Xiao Jing will be your assistant. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

After taking a close look at Lu Wanwan, Xiaojing lowered his eyes nervously, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Director Lu."

"..." Lu Wanwan: You're so shy even to look at each other, how can you get her familiar with the business?

Xiao Jing turned around and led the way: "Director Lu, please follow me."

"Okay." After Lu Wanwan followed him to the cubicle, she found a box of business cards in the corner of the desk.

Seeing that Lu Wanwan was a little surprised, the female interviewer patted her waist and said softly: "Don't mind, these are all engineering men. I haven't seen such a beautiful woman as you in 800 years. It's normal to be shy."

After finishing speaking, the female interviewer resumed her normal voice, and said, "Xiaojing, take Director Lu to familiarize himself with the department's business, and I'll go first."

"Okay!" Xiaojing said, glanced at Lu Wanwan, and lowered his head again.

The next second, an excited male voice sounded: "Great, our department finally has a big beauty!!"

Lu Wanwan followed suit and saw a man wearing glasses stood up abruptly, knocking down the office chair behind him, but he ignored him and said frivolously, "Hello! Supervisor Lu! My surname is Shi, and I'm in charge of connecting with customers."

Hearing this, the other male employees followed suit and chattered——

She picked it up, looked at it, and said softly, "Planning Department, Director Yuan?"

Xiao Jing quickly explained: "Oh, he is the former supervisor of our department. Because of overtime work, he had a heart attack last week and was sent to the hospital."

"..." So, she picked up a ready-made loophole?

"Hello." Lu Wanwan greeted them one by one.

The eyes of the male employees are shining, who doesn't like to see beautiful women?

Especially Lu Wanwan was so gentle and gentle, her heart almost melted when she looked at her.

"My surname is Wang, you can call me Xiao Wang, and I will be responsible for providing you with product data."

"My name is Luo Ye. I am in charge of the project design. From now on, you will be my Party A, my lord~"


The type, design, and price of the product are all in this computer in front of you, do you have any questions? "

Lu Wanwan shook her head, smiled at him and said, "Not for now, thank you."

Due to the angle, Xiao Jing could see her lip gloss clearly, it was a very healthy pink color, what flavor was it?

After saying hello, Lu Wanwan pulled out her chair and sat down, listening to Xiaojing's introduction -

"Director Lu, our company is a company that mainly produces communication equipment, including smart phones, TV sets, computers and game consoles.

And the planning department you are in now covers event planning and marketing planning. I suggest you start by getting familiar with our company's products when you first come here.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and in the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

Seeing that he was about to get off work, Luo Ye couldn't help winking at his colleagues around him.

After reaching a consensus with his eyes, Luo Ye coughed lightly and extended an invitation to Lu Wanwan: "Director Lu, after get off work, shall we have a dinner together?"

He quickly looked away: "Then, then I'll go back to work first."

Seeing that his face was red again, Lu Wanwan didn't make things difficult for him: "Well, you go."

When she was alone, Lu Wanwan turned on the computer, clicked on the folder, and began to browse the company's products.

As for An An, I can only trouble my elder brother to pick him up after get off work.

While thinking about it, Lu Wanwan agreed, "Okay, I'll go too."


Although Lu Wanwan is the head of the department, she is also a newcomer to the company and urgently needs to get along well with new colleagues.

The party is the easiest and most effective way.

Even if they don't need to mention it, Lu Wanwan should take the initiative to find a chance to mention it.

Someone asked: "Liu Chun, why don't you go?"

"I don't have time, I'm sorry Director Lu, I'm leaving first."

Liu Chun finished speaking without any sincerity, picked up the Hermès bag next to her with her index finger, threw it behind her shoulder, and left work first.

The male employees silently clenched their fists and were in high spirits!


When the off-duty bell rang, a girl sitting diagonally opposite Lu Wanwan slammed the powder box on and said, "I won't go."

There are only three women in this department, and now two are gone, so is Lu Wanwan still willing to go to a party with them?

They frantically hinted at Wenwen, Lu Wanwan's new assistant.

After Xiaojing touched his nose, he asked in a low voice, "Director Lu, that...are you still going to the party with us?"

"If Liu Chun doesn't go, then I won't go either." Another well-behaved girl with short hair finished speaking and left too.

"Hello!" A group of straight men scratched their heads and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong with them? Don't they usually like to party the most?"

The problem is coming.


Weini ktv, in the private room.

Lu Wanwan was sitting on the sofa, occasionally reaching out to fork a piece of fruit from the fruit plate to eat, while watching Luo Ye and Xiao Jing who were singing together.

What scene hasn't Lu Wanwan seen before?

"Go," she said.

"Oh——!!! Let's go!!!"

This is a love song sung by a man and a woman. Luo Ye is in charge of the male voice, and Xiao Jing is in charge of the female voice.

When Xiaojing choked and sang like a screaming chicken, a group of straight men almost couldn't straighten up laughing——

"No, no, you don't sound like a female voice at all, Xiaojing!"

"Damn it, if you let him continue singing, I'm going to wither!"

"It's like who can be tough on him!"

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