sea ​​situation

Chapter 232 Heart Pain

Two people with their own thoughts walked down the gangway side by side, and immediately found many suspicious-looking people on the pier. They checked the passengers who disembarked with anxious eyes, as if they were looking for something in the crowd.

Seeing this scene, Sheng Muyi immediately understood in her heart that without Song Zhenyang's help, she would have nowhere to hide right now.

If the Japanese spy on the ferry was still alive, as long as he stretched out his finger, what awaited Sheng Muyi would be the same house arrest as Yuan Ziyuan.

At the moment when he was about to get off the boat, Song Zhenyang bent his arms, didn't say anything, but smiled at Sheng Muyi.

This smile is rich in meaning, containing wisdom and courage, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is an exchange of affection between lovers.

Sheng Muyi's hand went up without hesitation.

The Japanese on the pier did not notice that a woman dressed as a Hong Kong star walked past them, because her hand was in the arms of a man, and she was obviously not the target they wanted to arrest.

The Japanese were still foolishly looking for their accomplices until all the passengers on the ferry were gone, and they did not see their own people.

When they understood, their accomplice must have been thrown into the sea. It was too late, and the target person had disappeared from under their noses.

The pier was empty.

The Japanese spies who had been waiting on the pier for a whole day hastily reported to the Shanghai authorities. Only then did they know the name and identity of the arrested target. More detailed information, including photos, etc., had to be sent to Hong Kong by the next ferry.

After coming out of the pier, Song Zhenyang and Mu Yi separated. Song Zhenyang was in a hurry to find his boss, while Mu Yi wanted to find a hotel to settle down.

There is also a cruise ship from Hong Kong to Tianjin, the Queen Mary of England, but there is only one cruise a week, and the next cruise ship will not weigh anchor until three days later.

"Be careful of those Japanese, they seem to be looking for you." Before parting, Song Zhenyang told Mu Yi.

"I know, thank you, Mr. Song. Why did you help me?" Sheng Muyi asked.

"Because we are all Chinese." Song Zhenyang waved his hands with a smile and left with big strides.

"We are all Chinese?" Sheng Muyi murmured Song Zhenyang's words in her mouth, and her heart was greatly touched. Maybe she left the mainland. As long as she is Chinese, she will have a sense of intimacy when she meets people from her hometown.

But just a few days ago, in her own home, she had just experienced a fatal blow from her relatives, so she had to leave her hometown and embark on the road of escape.

Sheng Muyi tasted the ups and downs of life for the first time. The key is that all kinds of tastes are mixed together. You can't deny another taste just because of one taste.

She found a hotel not far from the pier and stayed in it. This time she did not use the pseudonym Kate Jo, but checked in under the name Kailihua.

Because she was dressed in a foreign style and spoke very standard American English, the hotel staff thought she was a tourist from the United States and treated her very politely.

After checking into the hotel, Sheng Muyi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally passed another difficulty.

Who is that Song Zhenyang?

She drew a question mark in her heart.

"It can't be..." She suddenly thought of something and almost blurted out, but stopped immediately.

If she had known this, she would have gone with him back then, Sheng Muyi regretted it a little.

Obviously, the moment they broke up after walking out of the pier, Mr. Song was watching her attitude. Because of her overly reserved, Mr. Song gave up what he wanted to say.

Such a man is a standard gentleman, I hope to meet him again, even if we have a good and in-depth talk, there will be unexpected gains.

Once a person is alone, he starts to look for a confidant. No matter whether your previous status is noble or low, the loneliness in your heart is equally terrible.

Sheng Muyi had this idea long before studying abroad. She wanted to learn more about Chinese society and find her own future life path.

What kind of person can guide her?She has read several "New Youth" magazines, and feels that the articles there are in line with her philosophy of life.

Only later did she know that it was a publication run by the Communists, which had only been in existence for a few years before being banned by the national government. She was determined to find them.

She wants to find a real member of the Communist Party of China, learn about the propositions and beliefs of the Communist Party of China from him, and ask him where the future of China should go, and where she should go.

She had full confidence in the Kuomintang, mainly because of her father's various influences on her, but the April [-] massacre carried out by the Kuomintang made her feel deeply disappointed.

In her opinion, the two parties, which are also for national rejuvenation, have conflicts. Why can't they sit down and talk about it? When the country needs talents most, a party that raises the butcher's knife against revolutionary comrades is absolutely untrustworthy.

The Kuomintang has been ruled out, of course only the Communist Party.

Sheng Muyi has also come into contact with a lot of democratic parties. Most of these parties were established under the influence of foreign political ideas. They are not grounded at all and cannot undertake the task of rejuvenating the country.

The members have the pedantic atmosphere of the scholar-bureaucrat class in the old days. Relying on their political ideas, they can't change China, let alone change the villages in remote areas.

Sheng Muyi called the patriots of these parties Utopians, their ideas are good, but they are unrealistic and cannot be realized.

After staying in the United States for several years, returning to China and seeing all kinds of backwardness, Sheng Muyi fell into deep pain. Like Lu Ming, she was also thinking about how to really get rid of poverty and backwardness in China, and truly become prosperous and strong. Get up, and re-enter the ranks of world powers like the Qin, Han, Tang and Song Dynasties.

However, Lu Ming buried his pain very deeply. He used all kinds of romance to anesthetize himself, took detective as his entertainment, and tried his best to get rid of the shackles of this pain and live a carefree life.

Sheng Muyi was different, she had to face these and had nowhere to escape.

Before the 520 Project was discovered, Sheng Muyi once wanted to discuss her ideas with Lu Ming in depth. She quietly showed Lu Ming her treasured "New Youth" magazine, which was a kind of temptation.

It's a pity that Lu Ming went back to his hometown in Huzhou the next day. When he returned to Shanghai, Sheng Muyi had already disappeared, and he didn't have time to say what was weighing on Sheng Muyi's heart.

Sheng Youde saw the pain in her daughter's heart, and once persuaded her to go back to the United States and simply stay in the United States. The Sheng family also has businesses in the United States, and they own shares in many large American companies. Sheng Muyi can completely manage the Sheng family by herself. that part of the business in the United States.

However, Sheng Muyi refused, because she didn't want to be a deserter in an era when her nation was undergoing great changes for thousands of years.She wants to witness how this nation rises, and she must do her part for it.

Song Zhenyang came to Wanchai Huiwen Bookstore by car, and found that the bookstore was closed. It was still early, so why did it close?

After he got out of the car and paid the fare, he didn't rush to knock on the door, but stood in front of the bookstore and looked at the dozen or so books displayed in the window.

He looked around for a long time, making sure that no one was watching the bookstore, and then knocked on the door.

About 2 minutes later, the door of the bookstore opened a crack, a man poked his head out, saw Song Zhenyang, and hurriedly pulled him in.

"You are finally here, Comrade Zhenyang, I have been worried about you."

The person who spoke was a fat middle-aged man. He was Song Zhenyang's boss in Hong Kong, Guo Songtao.

Song Zhenyang's intelligence team in Shanghai was actually established by Guo Songtao himself. Guo Songtao was originally Song Zhenyang's direct leader in Shanghai. He was transferred to Hong Kong to establish an intelligence organization a year ago because Hong Kong needed manpower. He still used the bookstore owner as a cover.

After Guo Songtao left Shanghai, Song Zhenyang took over the intelligence team, but Song Zhenyang was the only one who knew that Guo Songtao was transferred to Hong Kong.

"Group leader Guo, I have failed your expectations. Our group has been wiped out, and I am the only one left." Song Zhenyang lowered his head in shame.

"Revolutionary struggle is cruel. We are always in danger when doing underground work. This kind of thing is inevitable. It is a blessing in misfortune that you can leave safely."

Guo Songtao poured a bowl of tea for Song Zhenyang, and began to listen to his report on work.

Before Song Zhenyang arrived in Hong Kong, the headquarters of the underground organization in Shanghai had already passed on the situation of Song Zhenyang's group to Hong Kong through secret channels.

The superior's order was to temporarily evacuate Guo Songtao from Hong Kong, because it was impossible to confirm whether Song Zhenyang had been arrested, whether he had really escaped safely or had already defected.

If Song Zhenyang has defected to the enemy, Guo Songtao will be in a very dangerous situation and must immediately withdraw to the mainland and wait for new orders.

Guo Songtao thought twice and did not evacuate immediately, but argued with the leader who came to instruct him to evacuate. He believed that Song Zhenyang would not rebel, and even if he was unfortunately arrested, he would not be able to confess immediately.

It would be very disappointing if Song Zhenyang escaped the Kuomintang authorities and came to Hong Kong alone, but he was not found and the organization could not be contacted.

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