sea ​​situation

Chapter 231 Underground Party Members

Pete Song's real name is Song Zhenyang, a member of the CCP's Shanghai underground party.

Because of the betrayal of the traitors, the organization was destroyed, and all the comrades in their group were captured by people from the Songhu Security Command. He was carrying out a mission outside and escaped by chance.

Song Zhenyang did not dare to take the liberty of contacting the higher-level organization. At this time, Shanghai is already very unsafe and must be evacuated as soon as possible.He decided to go to Hong Kong, on the one hand to avoid the capture of the Kuomintang, and on the other hand to find his former boss.

On the pier, he met Sheng Muyi who was eager to find someone to cover. The two took what they needed and covered each other. They vigilantly avoided the searches of Japanese and Kuomintang agents and successfully boarded the ferry to Hong Kong.

After boarding the ship, he found the Japanese spy, and he was startled, thinking that the Japanese spy was after him.

Later, when I was eating in the restaurant, I found out that the Japanese spy was not targeting him, but Kate Joe, a woman disguised as a man who boarded the boat with him.

Kate Joe?Is this woman really a Hong Kong actress?In terms of appearance, she doesn't lose to a star, but her temperament is obviously nobler than that of an artist. She looks like a lady from a big family. Her eating movements and walking posture have been strictly trained since she was a child.

After sending Katejo back to the cabin, he sat on the small bed in his own cabin and meditated. This is the Taoist kung fu he has practiced since he was a child.

Song Zhenyang was born in a poor family in Anhui. He was born with a congenital disease. His parents felt that they could not support him at home, so they sent him to a Taoist temple as a Taoist boy, hoping that Emperor Zhenwu would save the child's life.

I don't know if it was the manifestation of Emperor Zhenwu. His master taught him a set of Taoist formulas for meditation and breathing, as well as some boxing skills. He began to practice since he was four years old. He is strong, and he has also developed a superb boxing kung fu.

The word Zhenyang in his name is the name given by his Taoist master, and his Taoist name is Zhenyangzi, so he simply named him Song Zhenyang.

Song Zhenyang grew up to be a healthy young man. While learning Taoist Kungfu from his master, he went to a private school. After studying the Four Books, he went to the middle school in the county town. In the middle school, he met the first guide in his life.

His English teacher is a patriot who believes in communism, but he is not a member of the Communist Party. At that time, the Communist Party organization had not yet established in the county where they were located.

Song Zhenyang not only learned fluent English from this teacher, but also read a lot of theoretical books on communism. These books made him understand the truth of life and gave him the impulse to pursue the truth.

Not long after the Communist Party organization developed to this county, Song Zhenyang became the first batch of development targets, and officially joined the Communist Party a year later.

At that time, he had just graduated from high school. Due to his excellent grades, he was retained by the school as a teaching counselor, and at the same time served as a propaganda officer for the county party organization.

He often gave speeches on the street, promoted Marxism-Leninism, and recruited more students in the school to secretly join the party organization. Soon he was targeted by the detective department of the local police station.

The police underestimated Song Zhenyang, thinking that a middle school teacher was powerless, and arresting him was easy.As a result, several policemen came in aggressively, and returned home with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Song Zhenyang ran to Anqing, the provincial capital, and found the higher-level organization. The superiors saw that he was smart and could speak English, a rare talent, so they actively recommended him, and was finally assigned by the organization to Shanghai to do underground work.

He has been working in Shanghai for four years, but his usual occupation is not a teacher, but the owner of a bookstore.

Song Zhenyang looks about 30 years old, but in fact he is only 24 years old. Over the past four years, he has exhausted his energy by working day and night, causing him to age prematurely, with wrinkles on his forehead.

The April [-] massacre by the Kuomintang destroyed most of the underground organizations in Shanghai. Song Zhenyang arrived in Shanghai relatively late and was not blacklisted by the Kuomintang.

The intelligence team he was in had always maintained single-line contact with the top line. This time, there was a traitor in the organization, and his identity was exposed. He almost escaped arrest at the critical line of life and death. The other members of the team were unfortunately arrested.

Song Zhenyang sat on the bed and meditated, but his mind was thinking about the thrilling experience he had encountered today, and he couldn't calm down no matter what.

This was arranged in advance by the organization. Once his identity is revealed, he must be transferred to Hong Kong immediately.After the intelligence group in Shanghai was destroyed, Hong Kong's response mechanism took effect immediately.

He must find his former boss in Hong Kong, and then report to the headquarters the destruction of the underground organization in Shanghai, waiting for the next step of the organization.

Song Zhenyang only wants to stay in Hong Kong for a short time. He still wants to return to Shanghai and re-establish an underground intelligence network, but this is not something that individuals can decide on their own.

He was just about to get out of bed for a walk, when he heard slight footsteps outside, Song Zhenyang's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of something.

He quietly walked to the door, and his body was tightly pressed against the bulkhead. After a while, someone opened the lock with something.

The locks on the ferry cabins are almost a decoration, and anyone with two hours of training can easily open them with a piece of wire.

After the door of the cabin was opened, a man flung himself fiercely at the side of the bed, with a flash of cold light in his hand, he stabbed a pillow covered by a quilt on the bed, in the dim cabin, it looked like a person's head there.

Song Zhenyang pounced on a tiger from behind, and with his right hand formed a palm, he slashed fiercely at the assassin's neck.

What he cut was the main artery in the man's neck, and the man collapsed like a noodle man after being hit.

Song Zhenyang caught this person, and looked at the moonlight outside, it really was the Japanese spy.

He understood that it should be the Japanese spy who felt that he had been greatly humiliated in the restaurant, so he came to seek revenge on him.

But this seems to be the style of Japanese ronin. If a person provokes a Japanese ronin, he will kill you even if he desperately wants you to kill him.

Could it be that this guy was a ronin before?

Song Zhenyang looked outside first, seeing that there was no one in the corridor, he quickly dragged this person out and onto the deck.

There is no one on the deck at the moment. The ferry will arrive in Hong Kong tomorrow. At this time, most of the passengers are asleep. He lifts up the Japanese spy in his hand and throws it down. There is only a soft plop, and the Japanese spy falls into the dark water. In the sky, there was only a small wave, and it disappeared.

Song Zhenyang clapped his hands, as if trying to dispel some bad luck.

Although he had never killed anyone before, because Taoism also forbids killing, it is obviously impossible to be so pedantic in a revolutionary movement. He has long wanted to kill people, and now it is a good choice to use a Japanese spy to start killing people.

He didn't expect that it was his unintentional act that helped Sheng Muyi a lot. If he hadn't got rid of the Japanese spy, Sheng Muyi would have been stopped by the Japanese at the Hong Kong pier.

This Japanese spy was too confident and impulsive. He thought he would succeed, but he didn't expect to meet a Taoist master, and he lost Qingqing's life impulsively.

The next afternoon, when the ferry arrived at the Hong Kong pier, Song Zhenyang saw Sheng Muyi on the deck with a suitcase in his hand. He walked over and said with a smile, "Miss Qiao, we meet again," still speaking in English.

"Mr. Song, we meet again." Sheng Muyi also smiled, but she was still wary of this unexpected visitor.

"Your suitcase is heavy enough, should I carry it for you?" Song Zhenyang said enthusiastically.

"No need, there are some clothes inside, not heavy." Sheng Muyi smiled and nodded her head slightly to express her gratitude.

Song Zhenyang was [-]% sure at this time that the girl in front of her was definitely not a Hong Kong artist, and Kate Qiao was definitely not her real name.

"Alright then, let me tell you another piece of good news, that Japanese will never trouble you again." Song Zhenyang whispered.

"Ah...he..." Looking at Song Zhenyang's mysterious eyes, Sheng Muyi understood a little bit.

"He has slept forever in the sea, may Emperor Zhenwu forgive him." Song Zhenyang raised his right hand in front of the crowd, and whispered a few words.

"Thank you, Mr. Song." Sheng Muyi smiled sincerely.

Sheng Muyi also made a judgment almost at the same time. This man has a special status, and he is definitely not an English teacher at St. Paul's College.

However, this person has a heroic temperament, he doesn't look like a bad guy, the key is that during these three days, all he released was goodwill.

Sheng Muyi even felt that she was a little too sensitive, but after all, she was on the way to escape, so she must not be careless, and it is better to be cautious.

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