After the vacation report was handed in, Yao Yuan did not expect that Secretary Wu and County Mayor Zhong would come to his office in person.

Yao Yuan basically left the work of the Family Planning Bureau, so he worked in the county party committee's two basic offices, which are on the third floor as Secretary Wu's office, for the convenience of communication.

He was very surprised, and quickly asked the two leaders to sit down, made tea and brought them over.

Zhong Guangda signaled Yao Yuan not to work, and said, "Xiao Yao, sit down."

When Yao Yuan sat down, Zhong Guangda said with a smile, "The first thing to talk about is the good news. Secretary Wu is our new standing committee member of the Municipal Party Committee. He was just appointed today."

In the whole city, only the party secretary of the county where the municipal party committee and government are located can be listed as a member of the standing committee. As a poor county, the county party secretary of Xinfeng County has not been a member of the municipal party committee standing committee for a long time.

Wu Yi said bluntly, "Xiao Yao, I am able to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee, thanks to you."

This female cadre who has begun to show the administrative style of the Iron Lady is outspoken and her meaning is very clear. It is Yao Yuan who attracted a lot of investment and built the Huilong Highway in just five months. , New Provincial Expressway, she took off the hat of a national-level poverty-stricken county in one fell swoop, and she, the new secretary of the county party committee, will be able to go up when the city's standing committee changes at the end of the year.

Yao Yuan said sincerely, "Secretary Wu, County Magistrate Zhong, I just did my job."

Wu Yi is not a hypocritical person, she waved her hand lightly, and said with a smile, "It's your credit that can't escape. Xiao Yao, I came here with County Magistrate Zhong today, and I have something to tell you face to face."

The coming of the two top leaders of the party and government is definitely not a trivial matter.

Wu Yi said, "I've read the report on your leave application, and it's definitely all right. There's nothing wrong with taking two months off. You should also get some good news."

She changed the subject, "However, there is a more urgent matter. It's my fault for talking too much. A few days ago, I chatted with my classmates in Beijing and talked about Xinfeng County. I talked about you. I said that you are more familiar with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries. He immediately paid attention to the situation, and asked a lot about it. I didn’t think much about it at the time, you are a college student cadre, and you graduated from a famous university, and you have a bright future.”

From Wu Yi's words, Yao Yuan heard at least two meanings.

First, [-]% of Wu Yi’s friends in the capital are working in ministries and commissions. According to age analysis, the level is definitely higher than Wu Yi, and the bureau-level cadres are definitely there. The person who moved a brick was either the director or the deputy director, and the section chief was not considered an official.

Second, Wu Yi intends to cultivate herself, otherwise she wouldn't have talked so much about her situation with her classmates in Beijing. To put it bluntly, she was recommending her.Wu Yi said that she is a cadre who graduated from a prestigious university with a bright future. In fact, she named her attitude - Xinfeng County can't be kept, and she can go to the national ministries and commissions.

There is also an uncertain meaning that the sentence "it's all my fault" means that the next thing is beyond Wu Yi's expectation. Since Wu Yi intends to recommend herself to work in a ministry, then it is a matter of transferring herself to a ministry. It was what she expected, then, something beyond her expectation...

Wu Yi thinks that it is not a good thing for herself.

And the first thing I mentioned about my vacation, that is to say, it has something to do with my vacation...

In just two or three seconds, Yao Yuan analyzed so much information, which is also the skill he has cultivated in the past year in politics.

After a pause, Wu Yi said apologetically, "I didn't expect that my classmate called me suddenly today and said that he would like to invite you to go abroad with them to discuss a foreign-related project. It may take a long time. Once you come, your vacation will be..."

Sure enough, it was related to my vacation.

In normal times, Yao Yuan would have agreed, but the purpose of his vacation was to go to Kazakhstan to talk about oil and gas resources.This is crucial to the development of Chunfeng Group in the energy field and is very important to national energy security.

At the beginning, it took a lot of effort and paid such a high price to promote the construction of the Baku-Karamay oil pipeline, build a refining and chemical base in the Karamay oilfield, and retain the redundancy of the gas pipeline construction. The ultimate goal is to After obtaining oil and gas resources in Kazakhstan, there are sufficient means to transport the oil and gas there back to the country.

Otherwise, he didn't need to build a petrochemical base in Karamay when there was already a petrochemical base on the industrial island on the east coast.

The investment of tens of billions is the largest investment of Chunfeng Group in the past two years.

Obtaining Kazakhstan's oil and gas resources is also related to a future blockbuster project of the country - the West-East Gas Pipeline, which is the energy guarantee for the economic development of the Yangtze River Delta region.

Yao Yuan, who has retired behind the scenes, will only participate in national-level projects in person.

Neither Xiao Jiabing nor Su Jianmin has the ability to confront Western oil giants. Yao Yuan is slightly better by relying on his innate consciousness, and he has to foresight to avoid the advantages of his opponents.

So Yao Yuan was very embarrassed.

But Wu Yi didn't know about these situations, she just thought that Yao Yuan wanted to go home to spend time with his partner and parents, of course she understood, in the past four or five months, Yao Yuan didn't take a day off, he kept turning around and working in the field.

She apologized, "Xiao Yao, I explained the situation to my classmate. You are too tired these days. Let's see if he can find someone else. But it is really difficult to find someone who is familiar with foreign companies and can speak Russian. I can’t find it. You said before that the major you studied in school included petroleum machinery, and he thought it was suitable, so he insisted on transferring you there.”

Yao Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Secretary Wu, what is the specific situation? Which country are you going to discuss about what project?"

Wu Yi was taken aback and said, "Maybe it involves secrecy discipline. He didn't say anything about it. He just said that he was going to Kazakhstan. He should be talking about oil projects. Oh, he is the head of a department of the Ministry of Petroleum."

"Kazakhstan..." Yao Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then relaxed, and his brows furrowed.

Zhong Guangda asked, "Xiao Yao, do you know this country?"

"It should be said that I am familiar with it." Yao Yuan didn't want Zhong Guangda to ask, and said, "Secretary Wu, if I go to Kazakhstan, I have no problem. They speak Russian there. I can really come in handy."

"Great." Wu Yi was very happy. This was the first time a classmate asked her for help. If it couldn't be done, it would be hard to talk about it.

Wu Yi said, "Time is tight. See if you can leave tomorrow. The county will buy you a plane ticket to fly directly from the provincial capital to the capital. It is also convenient to go to the provincial capital airport. It is all thanks to you, Xiao Yao."

"No problem, I have almost arranged the work here, and Wang Yu is completely competent." Yao Yuan smiled.

He didn't say this casually.

Wu Yi and Zhong Guangda immediately recognized Wang Yu's work ability. Immediately, Wu Yi smiled and said, "Comrade Wang Yu is very capable, and it's time for her to shoulder the burden."

With just this sentence, there is no suspense about Wang Yu's regular course. She has only been a deputy subject for a year, and she has been promoted like a rocket.

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