Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 726 A good cadre is Yao Yuan

The advantages of the whole-nation system are clearly visible. As long as the government wants to do something, it will definitely be able to do it, and it will be able to do it well, and it will often be able to do it in advance.

The top and bottom work together, the land acquisition compensation is in place in time, and the land acquisition work is completed half a month earlier than planned. At the same time, the progress of the construction unit Centennial Road and Bridge Company is also half a month earlier, and everyone is speeding up the construction.

On the contrary, another section of about 50 kilometers belonging to Huawen City, the provincial capital, has not yet completed the land acquisition work, while construction has already been completed on the Xinfeng County side.

As a last resort, Huawen City learned from Xinfeng County and copied the model of the Xinfeng County Land Acquisition Team.In order to assist the brother cities and counties in land acquisition, Yao Yuan asked Wang Yu to bring a few people there, and he led the land acquisition team into a construction mobilization team on the spot.

Leveling the field requires a lot of manpower and time, and it is most suitable for crowd tactics.

At this time, the work team has been out for almost three months. From around the beginning of autumn to now in the beginning of winter, from wearing short-sleeved to long-sleeved, the cadres of the work team all have long hair and beards, and the lesbians are even more so. Like ten years older.

I thought that after the land acquisition was completed, I could go home and have a good rest, but Director Yao gave an order to transfer to the mobilization team to continue working outside.

There must be complaints, especially for cadres with families who are very homesick after being out for such a long time.According to the specific situation, Yao Yuan arranged for everyone to take turns to rest, and at the same time determined the subsidy standard to improve the standard of living security in the wild.

Several measures stabilized the morale of the army, and the work was able to advance smoothly.

The foundation stone was laid for Yong'an Group's Xinfeng Garment Manufacturing Industrial Park project, and the contractor was the construction company designated by Yong'an Group, that is, Centennial Construction.

Both speed and quality are required, and Yu Yongan can trust his brother companies.

According to the plan, when the first phase of Yong'an Group's Xinfeng Garment Manufacturing Industrial Park was completed and put into operation, it was the opening of Xinxing Expressway.

This is an established thing. The original intention of building this expressway was originally to support the Xinfeng Garment Manufacturing Industrial Park of Yongan Group. The change from a dedicated expressway to an expressway is only a difference in level. Of course, the investment is naturally very large.

In other countries, the implementation of infrastructure projects needs to meet various conditions. For example, a 20-kilometer expressway will not work in two or three years. If it is [-] years later, it is not uncommon to build a [-]-kilometer expressway in ten years. things.

But in Huaxia, as long as the money is in place, you can go as fast as you want.

What is Shenzhen Speed?

In the past few years, high-rise buildings were built in Shenzhen City, and one floor was built every three days. This is the speed of Shenzhen City.

The Century Road and Bridge went all out, mobilized most of the construction force, multi-point flowering, and segmented construction, that is, the entire road was divided into several tender sections, and several project departments were responsible for organizing the implementation of the project.This method is generally adopted in future engineering construction.

The difference is that for large projects, sub-section bidding is required.After some roads have been used for a period of time, some road sections have quality defects, which have something to do with this method.Later, we tried to find a way in quality management and supervision, and all of them were unified, so the situation improved.

This is also one of the reasons why construction companies with the national prefix only focus on technical quality and no longer have construction teams. Most of the construction workers on the front line are subcontractors or migrant workers dispatched through labor services.

Century-old buildings and century-old roads and bridges are different. Yao Yuan has seen the blood and sweat of too many migrant workers, and saw that their efforts are not proportional to their gains. Human cost and difficult pace.

All the personnel of these two construction engineering companies are full-time employees, and they can all enjoy perfect treatment. Of course, the reward and punishment system is also stricter than that of state-owned enterprises.

It is very difficult for a state-owned enterprise to fire an employee. The worker is the owner of the factory. How can you fire the owner? Moreover, the factory is owned by the state and is owned by the whole people. The leaders are just working for the state. A set of procedures is enough. Workers have to go through the Labor Bureau, and cadres have to go through the Personnel Bureau. It’s not something that your factory leaders can open whenever they want.

However, Centennial Construction and Centennial Road and Bridge are private enterprises after all. To put it bluntly, they are private enterprises.

Under this system, the enthusiasm of the employees is very high, and there is no state-owned enterprise's mentality that it doesn't matter if they do well or not, and they don't finish their work.

Time went to November of 1995, and good news from Xinfeng County came out one after another.

First, the Huilong Highway was fully connected, and then the tea master beverage company was officially put into operation. Then, Botu Lvkai Company completed the renovation of the new county government compound. The tourist resort took shape and was ready for operation.

At the end of December, the New Provincial Expressway passed the acceptance test, and a grand opening ceremony was held on New Year's Day in 12.

The first phase of the Xinfeng Garment Manufacturing Industrial Park of Yongan Group was put into operation. More than a dozen trucks loaded with raw materials from the provincial capital drove to Xinfeng County along the spacious and straight expressway. The leaders of the four teams in Xinfeng County took a minibus The car accompanied the merchants who invested in Xinfeng County to the provincial capital to experience the convenience brought by the expressway.

In Yao Yuan's view, Xinfeng County, a national-level poverty-stricken county, has entered the one-hour living circle of the provincial capital at this moment, and its future development is promising.

Xinfeng County will take off the title of poverty-stricken county after the new year. After the Spring Festival, the research team above will officially announce that Xinfeng County has lifted itself out of poverty.But when it comes to each village and each family, there is still a long way to go before all poverty alleviation.

At the same time, the city's family planning work research team came to investigate how the family planning work in Xinfeng County, which fell to the last place in the city, was carried out.

With the support of Secretary Wu and County Mayor Zhong, they dealt with the city's research team by concealing reports, not reporting, and falsifying data. The situation dissipates.

Among the folks, the name "Yao Yuan" has become a household name, and even three-year-old children know it, and they even made up a jingle-a good cadre came, built roads and schools, did not steal houses or cattle, and a good cadre was Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan has only worked in Xinfeng County for one year, and he has become a good cadre loved by the people of the county. He has a very high prestige among the people, and he has even been enshrined in a memorial tablet.

It's just that compared with his achievements in business, these achievements are still not enough. However, under such an environment, it is still very, very remarkable that he can make the current achievements.

The word of mouth of the common people is a proof.

The Spring Festival of 1996 is about to come, and the next two years are very, very important years. From a more macro perspective, the years until 2003 are very, very critical years for China.

Before the Spring Festival in 1996, there was a major event that required Yao Yuan to take action in person, and that was the matter of Kazakhstan's oil and gas field resources.

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