Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 706 The first large land auction

In order to avoid suspicion, Yao Yuan did not contact the few companies participating in the new county government compound. In fact, except for the Botu Tourism Development Company, which was a joint venture company he asked He Xueli to contact, the other companies had received invitations or watched TV. The ad took the initiative to contact me.

These companies were naturally entertained by the two leaders, Secretary Wu and Zhong Guangda.

What Yao Yuan is concerned about is the bidding situation of the bus, because all the money is paid in cash, and the formalities will be completed tomorrow after paying the money tonight. For special matters, he can drive away after all the formalities are completed tomorrow.

However, in order to cooperate with the plan of attracting investment, Yao Yuan asked the vehicle management department to complete the procedures in batches within three days, so as to gain a few more days for attracting investment.

The bosses basically choose to pay overnight. It is really insecure to carry hundreds of thousands of cash with them. The Xinfeng County Government contacted the bank to work overnight. The Public Security Bureau sent three police cars and twelve criminal policemen with guns and ammunition. Protect.

After midnight, the head of the county bureau, Yuan Li, was personally in charge of leading the protection team.

The person in charge of the bank wrote the calculated total on a note and handed it to Yuan Li. Yuan Li took a look, took a deep breath, strode over to Yao Yuan, and handed the note to Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan took a look, "So many?"

Yuan Li said with emotion, "If I had known earlier, I would have sold the car from the Public Security Bureau."

"You don't have enough cars in the Public Security Bureau, so what do you sell?" Yao Yuan smiled, "The result is much better than expected. It seems that the funding problem of County Mayor Zhong's infrastructure plan has been solved."

"Auction is a good way." Yuan Li rolled his eyes, "The vehicle license plate is under the control of our Public Security Bureau, and we can sell good license plates through this method."

Yao Yuan already knew what his plan was, but it was a matter of time.After local governments have tasted the sweetness of auctions, they will almost always choose this way to sell something.Most of them are land auctions.

"A good social security environment is one of the foundations for attracting investment. Director Yuan, I suggest you find a time to report to County Mayor Zhong." Yao Yuan smiled meaningfully.

Yuan Lixin understood, "County Zhong is a rich man now, so we must beat him up."

After the matter here was over, Yuan Li took the criminal policemen to escort the bank's mortgage car away, and Yao Yuan also went back to the dormitory of the Family Planning Bureau to rest.

The highlight is the auction of the new county government compound tomorrow.

The evaluation price given by Luoyou Assets Evaluation Company was 4350 million Huaxia coins. After research and fully considering the suggestion of the taxi auction house, the final starting price was 3500 million Huaxia coins.

Everyone is satisfied with this result.

Five companies participated in the bidding.

Among them, Botu, Kexin, Nanyang Capital, Inradar, and Yongfeng, only Yongfeng Company is a local enterprise, a local state-owned enterprise that has undergone shareholding reform in the provincial capital.

Among the five companies, Portal and Inradar are professional tourism development and hotel management companies, both of which are Hong Kong companies, while Portal is a joint venture of a Hong Kong-funded enterprise in the mainland, and the company is located in the provincial capital.

From a professional point of view, it is best to give it to Botu or Inrida, who have rich experience in tourism development, but the auction rules do not make requirements in this regard, there is only one principle - the highest bidder wins.

The scale of this auction was much smaller, only representatives of the five companies and people from the county government were present at the venue, and the auctioneer was still yesterday's combination of a man and a woman.

This time it was the male auctioneer who presided over the auction.

He said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have organized you to conduct a detailed inspection of the target before, and the relevant materials have also been distributed to you in advance. The target is the office building where we are now and the manor where the office building is located. As well as the crescent moon lake and its surroundings in the south, a total of 500 mu of land and auxiliary buildings on the ground."

He raised his voice, "The starting price is only 3500 million Huaxia coins!"

If you compare it with the land in Hong Kong, the price is almost the same as free gift. Unfortunately, Xinfeng County is a national-level poverty-stricken county.

Is there any business to develop into a tourist resort?

Only 150 kilometers away from the provincial capital, Xinfeng County belongs to the edge of the Pearl River Delta region, which is of course profitable.The five companies are very large. They either conduct market research by themselves or hire professional companies to conduct research, and they have already reached conclusions.

Otherwise, you will not pay a deposit of 100 million yuan to participate in the auction.

The male auctioneer said, "Every round of price increase starts at 100 million yuan, and there is no upper limit. According to the requirements of the Xinfeng County Government, the company that wins the bid needs to pay the full amount within three days and develop within one year. It will be put into operation within three years, otherwise the Xinfeng County government has the right to nationalize the subject matter according to the terms of the contract. If there is no objection, we will start bidding immediately.”

These are all pre-determined requirements, and everyone will naturally have no objections.

However, the representative of Nanyang Capital raised his hand and raised a new question, "Will there be any restrictions on the use of this land?"

The auctioneer cannot answer this question.

As a government representative, Yao Yuan came out and explained, "According to the terms of the contract, the current contract terms do not restrict the use of this land. In other words, you can even demolish the buildings on the ground and build factories and warehouses."

It was originally for commercial use, and no one would be foolish enough to change the use to industrial land.Of course, Nanyang Capital may not want to do tourism development, but apart from this direction, there is almost no choice.

The representative of Nanyang Capital nodded with satisfaction.

Yao Yuan signaled the auctioneer to continue.

The male auctioneer immediately announced the start of bidding.

The representative of Botu Company was the first to raise a placard: "4000 million."

As soon as the voice fell, it caused restlessness, and the price was raised by 500 million, and this is just the beginning!

The reporters on the scene were even more shocked. They paid 500 million more for just one sentence. This is more exciting than any gambling. The provincial and Taiwan reporters who were live broadcasting the live broadcast were even more excited. It seems that setting a new record in today's ratings is a certainty.

The ghostwriters of the other four companies quickly discussed in low voices. Each company has several representatives, and the representative team of Botu is the strongest, with a total of five people. Considering their current price increase strategy, it reflects that What is determined to win.

The male auctioneer immediately said, "Botu Company is 4000 million! Botu Company is a well-known tourism development company with strong strength and enjoys a high reputation in Hong Kong. It is the first time to increase the price by 500 million. It is worthy of being an established company!"

The starting price is underestimated, 4000 million is nothing, this office building alone is more than this price, there is still a lot of room for price increase.

Yao Yuan guessed that Botu Company probably hoped to use the strategy of rushing and fighting, and raised the price sharply at the beginning to catch competitors by surprise. Don't be intimidated.

Sure enough, the representative of the new company raised a placard, "4100 million."

Undoubtedly, the representative of the company hopes to bring the bidding price increase back to the normal state.Kexin Company is also a Hong Kong company. Its main business is the production of electronic products. After the explosive growth in the 80s, with a large amount of cash in hand, it is time to actively seek diversified development.

The performance of Kexin Electronics in the Hong Kong stock market has been very strong, with steady growth.

Botu Company is obviously well prepared, and their representatives quickly raised their placards, "4600 million!"

Another direct price increase of 500 million!

Before the male auctioneer could speak, he got excited when he heard this blockbuster call, and said loudly, "Botu has raised the price by 500 million again, and the current price is 4600 million! It seems that the company is determined to win, okay, 4600 million for the first time!"

"4700 million." But the representative of the new company was as if I would stand still regardless of your storm. No matter how much you add, I will add 100 million on top of yours. I'll see how long you can carry it.

This time, before the male auctioneer could speak, the representative of Botu Company held up a placard without hesitation, "5200 million!"

The third price increase is 500 million!

According to this method, it won't take long to break through 1 million Huaxia coins. The two well-informed auctioneers were surprised by Botu Company's rush to fight for the amount of funds.

But the representatives of the new company suddenly found out that they had fallen into the trap of Botu Company. They simply wanted to raise the price up to a position where they could start to eliminate companies with weak strength, and then gradually figure it out.Even if I only increase the price by 100 million each time, I am helping Botu company to raise the price.

The female auctioneer couldn't bear it anymore, and said excitedly, "Botu has bid 5200 million yuan. Is there a higher price? Five hundred acres of land, a White House-style building costing 5000 million yuan, and a European-style manor. It is an extremely rare opportunity.”

After waiting for a few seconds, the female auctioneer said, "Is there any higher bid? 5200 million for the first time..."

"5300 million." But after the representatives of the new company had an urgent discussion, their boss held up a placard and said, and glanced at the representative and general manager of Botu Company.

The general manager of Botu Company smiled slightly, held up the placard again, and said with a smile, "5800 million."

"5800 million! Botu Company bid 5800 million!" The male auctioneer said loudly. Obviously, they focused on Botu Company. As long as this company raises the price a few more times, there is no suspense that the price will double. The higher the rate, the higher their commission.

Less than 10 minutes had passed, and Botu Company's aggressive approach began to show results. The representatives of the other companies all looked solemn, probably because they did not expect that Botu Company would do this.

Bidding is a war, and there is not so much time to think about it.

At this time, Nanyang Capital raised its placard, "We will pay 6000 million."

As if there was some kind of tacit understanding, the representative of Inrita immediately held up a placard, "6100 million."

Bidding exceeded 6000 million.

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