Climax right away.

The No. 30 car of the county government and the car of the county magistrate were bid by several private business owners.The starting price was 5000 yuan in Huaxia coins, and the minimum price increase was 50 yuan each time. After more than ten rounds of bidding, the price reached more than [-] yuan!

The female auctioneer has rich experience. After some guidance, the male auctioneer handed her a note. This is a pre-arranged trick.

She looked at the note, but there was nothing written on the note, and then she threw out some good news. She smiled and said loudly, "I just got some good news. In order to thank you for attending the auction, the Xinfeng County Government has decided to Comes with a license plate, the license plate number of this No. 00001 county government car is Canton F[-], it comes with the car as a gift, and the transfer procedures are free of charge."

As soon as she finished speaking, a fat boss immediately raised a sign: "I'll offer 60!"

It's worth it just for the small license plate.

"61!" Immediately someone bid.

A 8000% brand new Crown 155 with only driven more than 3.0 kilometers and a 6v80 top configuration. It costs at least 70 yuan to buy a regular imported car through the relationship with someone. If you can find someone to buy a Damao car, it will cost 00001 yuan Wan, now this car was used by the county magistrate, and it also gave a "[-]" license plate, it's worth the price!

The female auctioneer grinned from ear to ear and continued to stimulate the bidders.

In the corridor on the second floor, Zhong Guangda was stunned and said, "Xiao Yao, did you arrange this?"

"Well, some tricks for auctions." Yao Yuan nodded with a smile.

Zhong Guangda was very surprised and almost drooled, "The license plate numbers can be sold for money, so why not put all the good license plate numbers up for auction."

Yao Yuan gave a thumbs up and said, "County Zhong, this is a good idea."

In the future, everything can be auctioned, such as "88888" and "66666", which are very in line with the expectations of the old Guangzhou people, can easily sell hundreds of thousands of license plates.

Zhong Guangda didn't care what license plate his special car was on, he didn't care about it.

It stands to reason that the number plate Guangzhou f00001 should be hung on the special car of the secretary of the municipal party committee, but Quan Liuyou managed to get such a number plate representing the greatest power in Yinguan City and hang it on his own car. How power-hungry people are.

The hammer fell, and the No. 78 car in the county government was actually sold at a price of [-]. The buyer was a private owner from Shenzhen City who was engaged in trading.

Once the shot was fired, Zhong Guangda had nothing to worry about.

The female auctioneer's ability to control the rhythm is very strong, in short, the ability to control the field is very powerful. More than 100 cars, if they all came to the auction like the No. [-] car, it would take a few days to finish, but today is only one day.

The bidding for the second car was very fast, less than 5 minutes before and after. At this time, the bidder came to his senses, and if he hesitated as before, he would not be able to buy a car.

The rhythm suddenly picked up.

Small license plates were auctioned along with the cars, all of which were Audi 100s owned by county leaders and top bureaucrats. After all these cars were auctioned, Santana, which had the largest number, came to the auction.Most people come here for these cars. After all, there are only a few people who can spend hundreds of thousands to buy luxury cars.

More people suffer from the fact that they cannot buy cars because they do not have a car purchase index. Due to the limited production capacity, the Santana produced by SAIC Volkswagen has been internally digested before it hit the market.

For the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises who need a car to show their status and strength, it is undoubtedly very attractive to spend less money to auction off the Santana bus used by government agencies.

The warm atmosphere and fierce competition in the auction house even exceeded Yao Yuan's expectation.

He said, "In our mainland, auction is a new transaction method. I thought it would take some time for everyone to accept it. It seems that the bosses in Guangdong Province have underestimated their ability to accept it."

Zhong Guangda was so happy that his nose was bubbling, he said, "Yes, the schedule is so tight and the task is so heavy. According to the Hong Kong Taxi Auction House, preparations for such a large-scale auction should be made at least half a month in advance. We only have a few days. To be able to do this is pretty good.”

Seeing that the public car auction was coming to an end, many bosses who had already photographed their favorite vehicles did not leave, but stayed to watch the fun, as if they had won money from a gamble and were unwilling to leave.

Yao Yuan reminded, "Major Zhong, most of these bidders are business owners, so the county isn't prepared for anything else?"

"Other preparations? Oh, the dinner is ready. Tonight, we will entertain those who participated in the bus auction. Tomorrow, when the Xinxian government compound is auctioned off, we will hold another grand reception dinner in the banquet hall of the Xin county government compound. It will be held." Zhong Guangda said confidently, "Don't worry, we will let them feel the enthusiasm of millions of people in Xinfeng County."

Yao Yuan was very speechless, he said, "To attract investment, we used to spend money to attract investment to other places, to places with relatively developed economy, but now so many bosses gather together, right in front of us, this is an excellent opportunity to attract investment what!"

Zhong Guangda blinked his eyes, and suddenly slapped himself, regretful, "Why didn't I think of this, Xiao Yao, didn't you remind me earlier."

He panicked immediately.

There are nearly 200 people here, most of them are business owners, even if they are small owners, the scale of the number is very scary.

Not to mention small bosses, even if he is a self-employed person in a small business, Zhong Guangda is "thirsty for talents", and mosquitoes have meat in their legs!

"There is still time. I suggest that the cadres be organized into several groups immediately, and those who have won the auction of the Crown and Audi 100 should be watched first. They will provide 24-hour all-round services. The ultimate goal is to let them invest in Xinfeng County and have the strength to buy these cars. The strength of the boss is not much worse." Yao Yuan reminded.

Zhong Guangda said in his heart that he is really a pig. There are so many bosses under his nose, and through the auction, the strength of these bosses has been reflected. Isn't this a merchant sent to the door?

"Major Zhong, you have to personally keep an eye on the big companies that will participate in the auction for the new county government compound tomorrow, and other people will organize people from various departments to do it." Yao Yuan was afraid that Zhong Guangda would miss the point when he was excited or anxious, so A few big companies are the main course.

Zhong Guangda wiped off his sweat, and quickly said, "Understood, I made an agreement with Secretary Wu, and I will personally watch those big companies. I, I will arrange it now, and arrange it now!"

He went in a hurry.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the bus auction ends.

Who said that the efficiency of the Huaxia government agencies is low? In less than half an hour, Zhong Guangda organized a huge hospitality team with China Merchants as the mainstay and recruited personnel from other departments. Cadres receive reception, and all others provide one-on-one service.

These cadres rushed into the venue and went straight to their goals. They invited the bosses to the banquet hall with the enthusiasm of millions of people in Xinfeng County, smiling and humble, and with the boldness of some locals, even though some bosses were disgusted. , will not show up.

How to persuade the bosses to invest, Yao Yuan didn't need to teach them in person. Zhong Guangda was also a cadre from Nangang, so he knew exactly what to do.

When they arrived at the banquet hall, many cadres were already very familiar with the bosses. After the banquet started, more and more people began to call each other brothers after a few glasses of wine.

Looking at the bustling banquet hall with hundreds of people, Yao Yuan felt very comfortable. Even if only one tenth of the people are willing to invest in Xinfeng County, it is a very objective total investment.

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