Yao Yuan lived in a business suite with a typical layout of outer halls and inner rooms. The living room can be used to discuss matters, and the area is quite large, but the atmosphere seems a bit ambiguous at this time.

Taking a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and opening it, Yao Yuan poured it directly into the glass.

He Xueli said with a smile, "It tastes better after 10 to [-] minutes of sobering up."

"Time at night is too precious, I don't want to waste it because of the taste of two sips of wine." Yao Yuan handed He Xueli a glass, touched her, and drank a third in one gulp.

He Xueli didn't know what to think of, her face was red.

Yao Yuan turned and walked into the room, He Xueli's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, thinking in her heart, what is he going to do, is this going into the room to change clothes or make the bed?What should I do if he hints at that?Although he is young and rich, and has a fascinating temperament, I am at least six or seven years older than him, and it is only the first day we meet...

However, when Yao Yuan came out, he didn't change his clothes at all, but he had an extra bundle of banknotes in his hand.

He put the money in front of He Xueli and said, "Manager He, you have helped me a lot, and this amount of money is hard work."

A full 1 yuan is not "this little money". Moreover, He Xueli knows that what she does does not require so much compensation, so there is only one possibility, he does have other ideas!

Instead, He Xueli calmed down, shook her head with a smile and said, "Mr. Yao, there's really no need, it's just a little effort, and it's my job to solve problems for customers."

"Don't get me wrong." Yao Yuan waved his hands with a smile, looked into He Xueli's charming eyes, and said, "I have something else I want to discuss with you."

He Xueli met Yao Yuan's gaze, fighting fiercely in her heart, but she was very calm on the surface. If he proposed, should she agree? She didn't even look at the 1 yuan. She was not short of money, let alone for money. A woman who betrayed herself.

It's just that the young man in front of him exudes an irresistible charm.

"Mr. Yao, I will help if I can. As for other matters, there is really no need." He Xueli made up her mind and said.

Yao Yuan didn't know that He Xueli had already thought about that. He nodded and said, "Okay, Manager He is a straightforward person. Do you still remember that I asked you to help contact Mitsubishi?"

"Of course I remember." He Xueli was stunned. Could it be that she had misunderstood, and she didn't mean that at all. She stabilized her mind and said, "The reason why I came to disturb you so late is because I have already contacted Mitsubishi Motors Yuecheng. Mr. Sanme Jitaro from the office, I have sent an invitation according to your instructions, and he will meet you at the Swan Hotel tomorrow."

"Very good." Yao Yuan patted his thigh lightly, raised his glass, "Manager He, I must respect you with this glass, you have helped me a lot."

He Xueli also took a big sip, drinking it like beer, and it seemed to be good.

Contacting Mitsubishi Motors' offices in China is the top priority. The brake defect of the second-generation Pajero is a technical handle in Yao Yuan's hands that can be exchanged for major benefits.The problem is that with Yao Yuan's situation in Nangang, even if he gets in touch with Mitsubishi Motors, they may not be able to talk to him.

A few days ago, when I booked a room at the Swan Hotel, I learned that He Xueli was a middle-level hotel cadre from Hong Kong, so I asked He Xueli to help quickly. As the secretary of the general manager of Yuanda Trading, her Hong Kong identity is more likely to win the trust of people from Mitsubishi Motors.

Yao Yuan said, "Grand Trading is going to set up a branch in Yuecheng. I think you are very suitable to take the lead in this matter. I wonder if you are interested in working for our company?"

"Ah?" He Xueli was very surprised, she didn't expect this to happen at all.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "The salary is based on the senior management of Hong Kong-funded enterprises, and it will only be higher than that offered by the Swan Hotel. After working for one year, the company will give you a house and a car."

"This..." He Xueli was a little dazed and didn't react for a while.

"You can think about it first." Yao Yuan said, "But there will be many things that will require your help in the next few days, so please don't refuse."

He Xueli nodded, and said distractedly, "I can ask for a few days off to help."

"That would be the best, yes, can you drive?" Yao Yuan asked.

He Xueli nodded, "My driver's license can be used in both places."

Yao Yuan said, "Go and find two cars, preferably a sedan and an off-road vehicle. The better ones are, and you have to travel to several places in the past few days."

"Okay, Mr. Yao, don't worry, do you need a Hong Kong license plate car?" He Xueli said.

"It would be better if there was one," Yao Yuan said.

After talking about the business, the two started chatting, and quickly drank a bottle of red wine.Yao Yuan sent He Xueli to the door and said goodbye to each other.

He Xueli left with a little disappointment, worried about what happened, but also seemed to expect something to happen, quite entangled.

And Yao Yuan proposed to hire her as the manager of the Guangdong City branch, which seemed to give her another path of career development that might be better.

Back then when she moved to Hong Kong with her family, thanks to her relatively rich family property, she did not live in Kowloon City like other people who used to live in the Mainland, but directly moved in near Central. The family opened a gold shop, and the business grew rapidly grow bigger.

In Hong Kong, she, He Xueli, was a rich girl who was neither too big nor too young.

It's just that my personal ideal is not to be a husband and a child, so until I turned 30 this year, I still didn't get married, and I didn't take over the family business. Instead, I entered the Huo family's business and started from scratch.

After the establishment of the Swan Hotel, He Xueli came to Guangdong City as the first batch of employees, and she is a veritable veteran of the Swan Hotel.

However, in the past one or two years, she gradually found that this road could no longer be walked, and she gradually lost confidence because she no longer felt challenged.

She had a cameo role as a secretary tonight, and she found that she seemed to be very good at doing it, and she did it with ease.Now that Yuanda Trading has offered an olive branch, should we seriously consider changing career plans?

Career planning is still a new term for mainlanders, but it is a group of professional words that Hong Kong professionals cannot do without.

This night, Yao Yuan's first night in Guangdong City, was destined to be restless.

As soon as He Xueli left, Lin Xiaohu came over, bringing Lu Sen and Zhou Fei with him.

Yao Yuan noticed that their expressions were solemn, so he asked them to sit down, opened another bottle of red wine, and poured them.During this process, Lin Xiaohu and Zhou Fei behaved fairly normally, but Lu Sen scratched his head and fidgeted.

"The sky can't be stepped down." Yao Yuan raised his glass and said.

The three toasted quickly.

Taking a sip, Yao Yuan looked at Lin Xiaohu.

Lin Xiaohu would only speak at this time, if Yao Yuan didn't intend to let him speak, even if his innocence had collapsed, he would not open his mouth.He is a warrior, but it doesn't mean he has no brains.Yao Yuan saved his sister's life. From that day on, his life was sold to Yao Yuan. No matter what Yao Yuan thinks, his mind will not change.

"Six gangs mobilize the whole gang to surround us at the train station." Lin Xiaohu said, and he looked at Lu Sen.

Then Lu Sen couldn't wait to say, "Boss, the Six Gang is the biggest force in Guangdong City Railway Station. A group of pickpockets came from the north in the early years and took root in the railway station. What about them, They used to do pickpocketing at first, but somehow they joined forces with another group of snatchers. They were able to do flower work and fight, and they became famous all at once. The south side of the square in front of the station is their foundation, and their power is overwhelming. The entire station square."

Looking at it this way, you may not be able to see the strength of this gang, but when the square in front of the station can accommodate 30 people, the power can cover the entire square. One can imagine how deep and wide the power of the six gangs is.

Lu Sen said, "The person who is going to do it today is a veteran. He assured that the bag you are carrying, boss, contains at least 50 in cash, and the entire gang of six has caused a sensation..."

Yao Yuan sighed slightly, but asked Lin Xiaohu, "Xiaohu, why didn't you break that guy's hand and snap his eyeballs off?"

Seeing Yao Yuan's indifferent attitude and uttering such cruel words, both Lu Sen and Zhou Fei were a little surprised and frightened.The influence of the Gang of Six is ​​not limited to the square in front of the station, their people are all squatting at the entrance of the Swan Hotel!

This group of people is extremely insane, stealing if they can't steal it, and killing people if they can't steal it, they have already become a gang of unscrupulous criminal organizations!

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