Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 54 is basically finalized

He Xueli took over the contract, and even she wondered, how can these things be done so naturally, is it that she is more suitable to be a secretary?

After initialing the contract, Yao Yuan and Miss Dong shook hands and bid farewell.

Ye Minfeng was going to follow.

Yao Yuan said, "Boss Ye, please stop."

Miss Dong smiled and left first.

Ye Minfeng was quite puzzled, he felt that he was a soy saucer, and he didn't know what Yao Yuan wanted to do by leaving him alone.He sat down again, and thanked He Xueli who brought him some tea, but his eyes did not dare to stay on He Xueli's exquisite face.

The opposite Yao Yuan is so young, he looks only in his twenties, but he can give people a lot of psychological pressure.Ye Minfeng knew that this was a person's aura and aura.

Therefore, Ye Minfeng did not dare to look at He Xueli, because this woman is Yao Yuan's secretary.

"Mr. Yao, what orders do you have?" Ye Minfeng unknowingly used honorifics and lowered his posture.

He knew he was a soy sauce maker, and he had no products in hand, so he could only drool while looking at Yuanda Trading's super purchase order.

Yao Yuan said to He Xueli, "Secretary He, go and contact the hotel and arrange accommodation for representatives of other manufacturers. I can meet with them alone tonight."

"Okay, boss." He Xueli hurried over.

Lin Xiaohu understood, and left with Lu Sen and Zhou Fei.

There were four or five factory representatives waiting outside, all of whom wanted to have a private interview with Yao Yuan. These people had received clear instructions from the factory, and they worked hard to get as many orders as possible.

Yao Yuan has an absolute advantage in information, and the results of the massive preparatory work done before are slowly manifesting now.

The major manufacturers are having a hard time!

This is why Yao Yuan dared to propose to them "pay for goods first, and pay for one month"!

For major manufacturers, as long as there is an order, everything else can be negotiated!

Yao Yuan talked with Ye Minfeng for more than half an hour. No one knew what they talked about. Those who were interested noticed that when Ye Minfeng came out, his expression was very complicated. There were excitement, doubts, heaviness, and more thoughtful.

After leaving the Swan Hotel, Ye Minfeng rushed back to the Shenzhen office overnight, and didn't even participate in the exhibition.

In the conference room, Yao Yuan met with the representatives of the manufacturers respectively. The contract was initially signed by Meiling Factory and Rongsheng Factory. Accept faster.

The so-called suspected goods are the real buyers.

At around eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Jiang Baoguo came late, and he invited Yao Yuan to the hotel lounge for a drink.For Chinese people, the executive lounge is an unfamiliar place for a hotel designed according to foreign experience. Jiang Baoguo and Ni Hong had stayed in the Swan Hotel before, and knew there was such a quiet and secret place where he could drink a little wine.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Baoguo said straight to the point, "Mr. Yao is young and promising, and Yuanda Trading has strong financial resources. No matter how you look at it, he is a very good partner. Our Changhong Factory is sincere in cooperating with your company. We can agree to any conditions.”

He changed the subject with a smile and said, "But we also have one condition."

Yao Yuan smiled and nodded, signaling Jiang Baoguo to continue.

Yao Yuan was right when he heard the words "strong financial resources".His total sum of money is only more than 100 million. Facing a behemoth like Changhong Factory, it can't be said that he has strong financial resources.

In Yao Yuan's supplier list, Changhong Factory is the most important. The Changhong brand color TV produced by this factory must be the main product of Yuanda Electric for a long time to come.

It was precisely because of this that Yao Yuan couldn't show how much he valued the Changhong Factory. Instead, he deliberately left it open, so that it would be easier for the next negotiation.

Jiang Baoguo must have received Shangfang's sword, and Yao Yuan judged it accurately.

"Mr. Yao, how many of the [-] electrical appliances purchased by Yuanda Trading in the next six months are color TVs?" Jiang Baoguo asked.

This time Yao Yuan was not ambiguous, and answered directly, "At least 50.00%, it may reach 60.00% or even seventy."

Jiang Baoguo frowned, and subconsciously sat up straight, "Then we are talking about the business of at least [-] color TVs."

"Not necessarily." Yao Yuan smiled.

Jiang Baoguo nodded slightly, "I understand what you mean, Mr. Yao. The condition of our Changhong Factory is that we need [-] sets. In the next six months, we will supply [-] sets of color TVs to Yuanda Trading every month. According to the conditions of Yuanda Trading Come."

Sure enough, it seems that his analysis is correct. No matter in this life or the previous life, what Ni Hong values ​​most is still the shipment volume, Yao Yuan thought to himself.

He took a sip of his wine and said, "[-] units is impossible, and I don't even think we have reached the point of discussing the specific quantity. Manager Jiang, I don't know your quotation yet."

Speaking of the key.

Following Ni Hong's instructions, Jiang Baoguo quickly cut through the mess and said bluntly, "It's 5.00% lower than theirs. Among the 21-inch color TVs, our price is the lowest."

"It's high." Yao Yuan shook his head with a smile, "If Changhong Factory wants to win one-third of Yuanda's purchase order, it must show true sincerity. 5.00% is nothing."

Jiang Baoguo's smile was a bit stiff, and he said, "Mr. Yao, this price is the lowest price ever, and our sincerity is very high. Moreover, we fully accept the one-month deposit time, which is very important for you Yuanda Trading Co., Ltd. , almost no financial pressure."

"There is no financial pressure on Yuanda Trading." Yao Yuan said calmly, "Manager Jiang, I can sell [-] household appliances in six months. Do you think Yuanda Trading is under financial pressure?"

Jiang Baoguo nodded quickly, "That's right. I don't know what channel Mr. Yao plans to sell. On average, he sells [-] units a month, which is a very large amount."

Yao Yuan looked at Jiang Baoguo, blinked, suddenly smiled, and said, "Manager Jiang, each manufacturer will send technicians to the store at that time, and you can ask your stationed personnel to learn more about it."

"That's right, that's right, hehe." Jiang Baoguo didn't feel embarrassed, took a sip of his wine, and said in a deep thought, "Boss Yao, it's really hard to lower this price."

Yao Yuan waved his hand and said, "The main business of Yuanda Trading is import and export trade. We have channels to get a lot of color TVs of foreign brands, mainly Japanese ones. Although the price is a little higher, the market favors Japanese brands. Color TVs have a high acceptance rate, I believe Manager Jiang knows this better than me."

He raised his glass and said, "I have to go to the exhibition tomorrow, so let's talk about it tonight."

Jiang Baoguo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said, "Mr. Yao, please stop, please wait, let's talk again. Our factory is very sincere in cooperating with Yuanda Trading."

He was anxious, he couldn't continue the conversation tonight, and he didn't expect to be able to do so tomorrow. The point is, if we talk about it tomorrow, I'm afraid there will only be those three melons and two dates left.

"Mr. Yao, Changhong Factory is willing to reduce the price by another [-]%. I sincerely hope that our two companies can cooperate." Jiang Baoguo said.

Yao Yuan shook his head and said, "I can only give you 21 yuan for the unit price of a 2100-inch color TV, and 19 yuan for a 1800-inch TV. I can't give you [-] sets. I can give you a share of [-] sets at most."

He smiled and shook his head, "To be honest, there are not many shares left, and I can't give them even if I want to."

Jiang Baoguo thought for a while, the most worrying situation still appeared, he did not expect other manufacturers to move much faster than he expected.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate anymore, and said, "Okay, just follow what Mr. Yao said, our Changhong Factory will go all out, and we will do it at a loss!"

Yao Yuan raised his glass with a smile and touched Jiang Baoguo, and Jiang Baoguo let go of a big stone in his heart.

It is impossible to lose money, but small profits are certain.

Regarding the price proposed by Yao Yuan, Jiang Baoguo knew very well that the profit of the factory was very, very thin, but the advantage lies in the large quantity!

The supply contract of Changhong Factory was finalized, and the supply problem was solved.

The current color TV, taking a 21-inch TV as an example, costs more than [-] yuan, and if it is imported, it can be as high as [-] to [-] yuan, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can own.

Color TV, air conditioner, and washing machine are three major items, which are luxury items in this era.

Even Lin Wei, Lin Xiaohu and others don't know how Yao Yuan can sell 30 units of the three major items within half a year.Even after [-] or [-] years, this number will still be a huge number.

After collecting relevant intelligence information through multiple channels, we learned about the situation of several major manufacturers from the side, and then carried out high-quality packaging for Yuanda Trading, and then used a dinner party in the best hotel to implement it, taking advantage of the competitive relationship among various manufacturers. Yao Yuan completed a seemingly impossible "empty glove white wolf".

In other words, the Nangang flagship store of Yuanda Trading has not even finished the decoration, and [-] units of goods have been obtained without spending a penny.

After initialing the contract with Gree, Yao Yuan only needs to show the contract and say, look, Gree has already signed, what are you waiting for?

He Xueli was waiting outside Yao Yuan's room. She changed her work clothes and put on her usual slim-fit cropped pants and a short-sleeved shirt. She replaced her high-heeled shoes with flat shoes, which was very different from the daily wear of most mainland women. .

"Manager He." Seeing this, Yao Yuan quickened his pace and looked at He Xueli, "Get off work?"

When wearing business attire, there is a bit of a queen in her sex appeal. After changing into ordinary clothes, she suddenly becomes the big sister next door who works in the library.This woman really looks good in anything. Of course, she might also look good in nothing.

"Actually, I got off work a long time ago. In order to cooperate with your acting, I didn't change my work clothes. Fortunately, my work clothes are different from those of ordinary employees, otherwise I should wear them." He Xueli said with a smile.

Yao Yuan opened the door, "Thank you for your hard work tonight, please come in."

He Xueli hesitated for a moment, but finally smiled and followed Yao Yuan into the room.

It's almost one o'clock in the morning...

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