Yao Yuan returned to the department store building, parked his car, and looked up to see Lin Wei huddled against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

The movement of this guy smoking is very strange, the thumb and the first part of the index finger hold the cigarette butt, the three fingers at the back raise the orchid finger, lower his head and take a puff, then look around for a while, then raise his head slightly and blow out the smoke with his puffed cheeks Come.

Obscene to the extreme.

This action is a habit developed in school. When I was in junior high school, I smoked secretly. This action is very covert, and sometimes I will hide in the flower bed or the toilet to smoke.

I didn't expect that it's been several years since I graduated, and this fat boy is still like this wretched bear.

Yao Yuan was so angry that he walked over and kicked, "What the hell are you doing like a thief? Just smoke freely!"

"Ayuan, you are here." Lin Weihun didn't care, took two puffs and threw down the cigarette butt, crushed it vigorously with his feet and pulled it aside, then continued, "Why did you call me here in such a hurry? What's the matter?" Can't we talk on the phone?"

Yao Yuan was taken aback, and suddenly remembered that there was a very popular buck-tooth guy in a certain music in later generations, and his catchphrase was "If there is anything you can't talk on the phone".

He looked again, hey, this fat boy is holding the big brother with his elbow!

"How does Big Brother work?" Yao Yuan asked with a smile.

Lin Wei laughed and said, "It's pretty good, it's much more convenient than a bb machine."

"Then what are you doing with the bb camera?" Yao Yuan asked with a smile.

Lin Wei said, "If someone calls me, I can use my mobile phone to call back!"

This is the reason why Yao Yuan is unwilling to use a mobile phone, it is laborious and bulky, which makes it unbearable for him who is used to using a smartphone with a large screen.

Lin Wei smiled and said, "Ah Yuan, thank you, I didn't expect you to match me with a big brother, I really didn't expect it."

"How does it feel to have a dream come true?" Yao Yuan asked with a smile.

Lin Wei puffed up his stomach and said, "It's pretty good! In the past two days, I used my mobile phone to call our former classmates and Xiaomei. It's convenient and I don't have to worry about being in arrears."

"That's good, I pay the phone bill by myself, and I can't go to the company's account." Yao Yuan's face suddenly turned cold.

"Ah? Isn't this allocated to me by the company? I should use the company account!" Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, and was immediately dumbfounded. He knew how expensive the phone bill was, and the people at Telecom said that it was normal to spend more than [-] yuan a month.

Even if you sell him, you can't afford a month's phone bill.

Yao Yuan scolded, "Damn it, I assigned you a big brother to facilitate your work, not for you to chat and pick up girls! Hey, wait, who is Xiaomei?"

"Xiaomei, hehe." A trace of happiness flashed across Lin Wei's face.

"Are you happy?" Yao Yuan asked.

Lin Wei said suspiciously, "My surname is Lin, why do you ask such a strange question?"

The corners of Yao Yuan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't get liver pain from holding his breath. He looked up to the sky and sighed, "Why no one can catch my burden, why no one can catch my stalk, this era is... too cute !"

"A Yuan, what are you talking about?" Lin Wei reached out to touch Yao Yuan's forehead.

Yao Yuan slapped it off, "Go away! You just burned your head!"

Lin Wei saw that nothing was wrong, and said, "Why did you call me over in such a hurry? I have a lot of work over there. There are more and more auto repair businesses. I have to watch every minute now."

"Hey, isn't it hundreds of thousands every minute?" Yao Yuan laughed.

Lin Wei snorted, "You're a fool, you can brag."

Yao Yuan patted Lin Wei on the shoulder and said, "Brother, you will worry about having too much money. Let's go, get down to business."

He took out the key and opened the door.

Lin Wei was stunned, his mouth opened wide, "This, this?"

Yao Yuan pointed his hand, "I have rented all five stores. I rented them in the name of Nanfang Industrial. Later, Nanfang Industrial and Yuanda Trading will sign a lease agreement. These five stores will be handed over to Yuanda Trading. Now I will Let’s talk about the decoration style, I’ll just say it once, if you can’t handle it well, I’ll have to smoke you!”

"Don't worry, my memory is much better than yours." Lin Wei said.

This is the truth. Lin Wei, a fat man, can be said to have flaws everywhere, but there are two things that are stronger than ordinary people. One is his excellent memory, and the other is his natural sensitivity to numbers and his natural accounting skills.

Yao Yuan handed over the account to Lin Wei, firstly because this dead fat boy is his most trusted brother, and secondly because this dead fat boy is a natural accountant.

"Ayuan, what are you doing renting such a large store? Didn't you say that our channel mainly relies on people to distribute layer by layer, and we do regional wholesale, such a way?" Lin Wei asked strangely.

Yao Yuan said, "Small items are fine. If it's TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc., you can't drive a truck around to sell them, right? Besides, the key is the brand. We don't produce goods, we only do goods movers, but if we Make the sales channel into a brand, like the Jiefang brand Zhonghua brand, when people buy things, will they give priority to buying from me?"

Lin Wei stared blankly at Yao Yuan, obviously, his brain capacity was not enough to immediately digest the sales concept of later generations.

Whoever controls the terminal of the channel will control the future, and whoever controls the terminal of the channel will be the king of the market.

The so-called channel is king.

Does Xing, X, Mei produce any products by themselves, does X, Bao, X, Dong produce any products, no, but they control the channel between manufacturers and consumers!

Whether it is a manufacturer or a consumer, it will eventually become a vulnerable group!

Moumei has been established for three years, Boss Huang is rectifying the franchise store, and Mouning was also established last year, and has gradually found the way.

Although the Nangang area belongs to the southern coastal cities of the "Shangao Emperoryuan" series, neither of them will be able to enter within ten years. Day and night must fight!

"Ayuan, you want to sell electrical appliances?" Lin Wei reacted.

Yao Yuan smiled, "Congratulations, you have learned to answer quickly."

"Then...we are out of stock." Lin Wei said sadly.

Yao Yuan said, "Did you forget the few factories I asked you to contact when I went to the provincial capital last time? I will go there on Saturday the day after tomorrow to solve the problem of the supply of goods. If there is no accident, the goods will be ready within a week at most." will be in place. So, do you know what you're going to do?"

"When the time comes, I'll go pick up the goods." Lin Wei nodded and said of course, "Although Hua Zhenghao can drive, he drives too wildly and is unreliable."

Yao Yuan kicked over, "Can you be a little bit of a f*ck? Don't tell me you still want to be the captain of the team now!"

"I, I didn't think about it, so what do you think I'm going to do." Lin Wei rubbed his buttocks and said.

Yao Yuan walked into the store with his arms around Lin Wei's shoulders, pointed and said, "Fat Wei, I asked you to come over to look at the store and tell you that the goods will be ready within a week. I will do these things, so at the same time you want What are you doing? Why are you here?"

Blinking his eyes and thinking for a while, Lin Wei suddenly realized, "I see, you want me to be in charge of the decoration, right! And you want to finish the decoration within a week, right!?"

"Wow, Fei Wei, you are so smart!" Yao Yuan said exaggeratedly, his face turned cold, and he cursed, "Can you use your brain? You didn't do this before! Tell me! Who is Xiaomei!"

"What does it have to do with Xiaomei? They don't care about you, so don't label yourself like a bastard." Lin Wei said dissatisfied.

Yao Yuan became more and more interested, and rolled his eyes, but instead of continuing on this topic, he said, "Let's talk about business. We only have seven days if we are busy. Find a reliable decoration team and strictly follow my requirements." Come to carry out the decoration. I have drawn the blueprints for you, and you can follow suit."

Lin Wei hesitated, and said, "Ah Yuan, can you change someone? I have too many things on my hands. You see, auto repair, clothing sales, and accounts. I'm already too busy .”

"You hand over the clothes to Hua Zhenghao, and someone in the sales team is in charge. There are not enough people at the moment, so you should do more. The electrical appliance store is very important, so I don't feel relieved to hand it over to others," Yao Yuan said.

It's not that there are not enough manpower, but that Yao Yuan's development is too fast, and the construction of the talent team can't keep up, so there will always be a shortage of manpower.

"An electrical appliance store? The name is weird." Lin Wei said, "But it sounds very powerful."

"You think it's amazing, let alone the others, they are just amazing." Yao Yuan pointed to the store and said, "The layout of the five stores is the same. I've seen the blueprints. All the partition walls can be knocked down and connected into one piece." It is [-] square meters, and the area of ​​the second floor is the same."

"The second floor is temporarily used as a warehouse, and the first floor is open for business. However, in the early days, the electrical appliance store didn't use so much space, so a space was reserved for a lounge, where small commodities such as electronic watches, radios, tape recorders, and desk lamps were placed. "

These things were included in the goods brought back last time, and there were not many scattered ones. They were originally intended to be used to enrich the variety of goods in the store.

Lin Wei said in surprise, "The last time you asked me to buy electronic watches in the provincial capital, you decided to open a shop? Did you decide to resell electronic watches after you contacted Xilin Farm?"

"I'll answer your first question. Of course, it must have been planned long ago." Yao Yuan said with a smile, "As for the second question, I admit that I have a gamble..."

Lin Wei's eyes were about to pop out, "I always thought you and Xilin Farm had already talked about it... A Yuan, you are too courageous! That's a 10,000+ product!"

"10,000+ becomes 120 million, how is this business?" Yao Yuan smiled triumphantly.

Lin Wei said angrily, "You need to be more calm when you are a person and do things. You are not calm at all."

"I bought a watch last year, I'm a millionaire, you think I'm not steady?" Yao Yuan scolded.

"When did you buy a watch last year?" Lin Wei asked.

Yao Yuan was taken aback, and waved his hand, feeling very tired, "Stop talking nonsense, since you have already arrived in the urban area, you should go to the decoration team, you need quality and speed."

"Okay, by the way, what about the white sugar at the pier? Five hundred tons of white sugar has pressed too much money. According to your way of doing things, the money is almost immobile, although the auto repair area has two to three thousand dollars a day The profits will be credited." Lin Wei said with a frown.

Yao Yuan was very surprised, this fat boy started to have a capital chain thinking, and he saw the crux of the matter very keenly.Five hundred tons of white sugar takes up hundreds of thousands of funds, and the money must be circulated to create benefits, and there is only one place to make money if it does not move—the bank.

"I have it in my mind."

Yao Yuan said that he has no way to explain the sudden rise in the price of edible sugar, which is a sudden market rule.

"It's good that you haven't forgotten, then I'm leaving."

Yao Yuan gave him the keys and drove to school.

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