Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 46 Scumbag

Qi Nan stepped into the small courtyard, and when he turned around to close the iron gate, he looked around vigilantly a few times, so scared that Yao Yuan quickly retracted his head.

Yao Yuan frowned and thought for a while. He realized that Fang Xiaohui's visit to the gynecology department of the affiliated hospital was very strange. It didn't look like she was sick, but she seemed to be faking it.

He immediately returned to the affiliated hospital.

This suddenly trapped two people in their dormitory, and there may be three people, he had to pay attention to it.And judging from the expressions of Fang Xiaohui and Chen Jiahao, these two people must have a relationship between men and women.

In the rental house, Fang Xiaohui seemed to be a different person, with a smile on her face, "Come here, try my craft."

"I didn't expect you to be able to cook." Qi Nan was very happy, watching Fang Xiaohui bring out the dishes, he felt like he couldn't ask for more.

Fang Xiaohui brought out the food that was brought in just now, "I can cook, but I don't cook lightly."

As he spoke, Ruo looked at Qi Nan meaningfully.

Qi Nan felt sweet, put the red wine on the table, and said, "I found it after running for a few blocks, and the boss said it was a very good red wine."

"Very expensive, right?" Fang Xiaohui glanced at the words "Great Wall Dry Red", knowing that this kind of red wine sells for 36 yuan a bottle, which is not much cheaper than Maotai.

Qi Nan shook his head and said, "It's only a few tens of dollars. You say you want to have a drink or two, but you're not used to drinking white wine. In fact, it's good to have some beer in this weather."

His family is not bad, but a bottle of wine costs 36 yuan, which still makes his heart ache.

"Drinking beer will swell your stomach, but you won't be able to eat."

Fang Xiaohui took off her apron and hung it up, washed her hands and walked out of the kitchen, sat down face to face with Qi Nan, and said, "Let's go, I'm going to invite you to dinner tonight."

"That won't work. How can a woman invite a man to dinner? How much does it cost me to buy food?" Qi Nan said, waving his hands.

If Yao Yuan had been present, he would have exclaimed: Damn, this is the actor!

Fang Xiaohui lowered her head slightly, shyly said, "How much can a meal cost, 30 yuan is not as expensive as the red wine you bought, mainly because this is the first time I cook for a strange man."

"Xiaohui..." Qi Nan's heart was hit, he controlled his excitement, sighed, picked up the red wine and opened it, "Forget it, I won't say anything more, I know you really don't I like Lin Beibei, but this kid has a thick skin and always pesters you."

"Qi Nan, I know you can understand my difficulties. I'm a girl, what can I do?" Fang Xiaohui turned her head slightly and said sentimentally.

It's not my fault, I'm innocent, I'm that trembling little white rabbit.

Qi Nan was angry and distressed, and said excitedly, "You should tell him clearly, so that his misunderstanding doesn't get worse. Now this situation, I am also very distressed. I and he are in the same class and live in the same dormitory. ,Hey."

Fang Xiaohui said in a daze, "Do you think I didn't say it, but he always said that I would give him a chance, saying that it's his business if he loves me, and it's my business if he doesn't accept him, but I have no right to stop it." He loves me. In fact, when I think about it sometimes, he is right. Who am I, who does he like, do I have the right to stop him?"

Her eyes were blurred and in a trance, and she passed Qi Nan's face vaguely, and said slowly, "I love you, and it has nothing to do with you."

Qi Nan was stunned for a while, then shook his head and smiled wryly, "Goethe's I love you has nothing to do with you."

"Come on, let's drink to love." Fang Xiaohui raised her glass.

Qi Nan said awkwardly, "I don't know how to drive..."

Fang Xiaohui took it over, quickly pulled out the cork with a wine opener, and poured the wine skillfully.

"By the way, Yao Yuan seems to have gotten rich recently." Fang Xiaohui asked casually.

Qi Nan's experience in Xihai County appeared in front of his eyes, and he was a little panicked for a moment. Thinking of Yao Yuan's explanation, he shook his head and said, "That's not true, I just sold some things and made some money, it's nothing."

"Oh." Fang Xiaohui looked at Qi Nan, knowing that he was not telling the truth.

She suddenly said, "Bai Ling likes Yao Yuan, do you know that?"

Qi Nan's movements froze, his expression unnatural.

He liked Bai Ling, and he fell in love with him at the dinner party that day, but Bai Ling's eyes were all on Yao Yuan that night, so he didn't show it.

He knew that everyone knew that he liked Bai Ling, but Yao Yuan didn't know.

Yao Yuan was not in the dormitory yesterday, and the three of them had a fierce quarrel.Qi Nan accused Lin Northwest of overestimating Fang Xiaohui's stalking, and Zhang Yuanchao accused Qi Nan of liking Bai Ling because he was poaching Yao Yuan's corner and disregarding the friendship of his classmates.

The three broke up unhappy, each with their own reasons, and they all thought that the other party could not understand themselves.

These things are only kept from Yao Yuan.

Bai Ling likes Yao Yuan...Even if he didn't hear Bai Ling say it himself, Qi Nan could tell it. He could tell it from that night. If he knew that Bai Ling was almost defiled because Yao Yuan saved her, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get along with her. Yao Yuan continued to maintain the relationship between his classmates.

Fang Xiaohui made these contexts very clear in her heart. She has the ability to participate in it, and she can get out of it at any time, and she can only benefit in the end.

"I didn't expect a meal to make our relationship like this." Qi Nan sighed and said, "I thought about it seriously last night. At most, I have a good impression of Bai Ling. He is beautiful, knowledgeable and polite. It’s normal for people to have good feelings.”

Fang Xiaohui said in her heart, don't, you can't give up. If you give up, I won't have anyone to compare with, and then I won't be able to control you, because I know that Bai Ling can't like you.

"Who can tell clearly about the relationship between a man and a woman. Now that you think this way, you may have a different idea after a while." Fang Xiaohui smiled and took a sip of her wine. "If you like it, go for it boldly. Although I am very annoying Lin Xibei , but I also admire his courage."

The implication: Although Lin Xibei is a fool licking the dog, he is still a courageous fool licking the dog. His mind is simple and easy to control, and he is an excellent fish.

Qi Nan was very irritable, shook his head, and raised his glass, "Stop talking about it, I respect you, thank you for telling me about Bai Ling, at least I know her better."


When Yao Yuan came back here again, he thought that Qi Nan had already left, and planned to inquire about the situation of Fang Xiaohui's renting house here with the people nearby, but just as he walked out of the street corner, he saw Qi Nan coming out of the yard with a flushed face.

This guy was obviously drunk.

He hid aside, watched Qi Nan walk towards the school, and stared at the spot for a while, and after he found no one coming to look for Fang Xiaohui, he hurried over and drove to catch up with Qi Nan.

"Second brother? What are you doing here? Hey! Have you been drinking?" Yao Yuan pretended to meet him by chance, and stopped the car to greet Qi Nan.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Qi Nan's face, and he said casually, "I have an appointment with a fellow villager, and I had some drinks at noon."

"Get in the car." Yao Yuan said.

Qi Nan waved his hand and said, "No, I'm going back, just in time to sober up."

Yao Yuan looked at the time, and it was indeed too late, so he said immediately, "That's all right, you tell the boss and the fourth brother, I will treat everyone to dinner tonight, Fatty Restaurant."

Not giving Qi Nan a chance to refuse, he kicked the gas pedal and left.

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