Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 24 Lin Xiaohu

"Don't go, I'm afraid."

Bai Ling burst into tears as he spoke.

Yao Yuan gently broke away from her hand and said, "Can you deal with things calmly now?"

Bai Ling looked at Yao Yuan's serious and ruthless face, and nodded slowly.

Yao Yuan said, "This matter must be reported to the police. In fact, you don't have to worry too much. After all, the worst thing did not happen. However, if this group of criminals is not severely punished, someone will be murdered by them in the future."

Bai Ling fell silent.

"I remember you brought a small bag, where is the small bag?" Yao Yuan asked.

Bai Ling shook his head and said, "They snatched it away."

Yao Yuan said, "Then this is robbery."

Bai Ling immediately understood what Yao Yuan meant, that the act of robbery really existed.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Bai Ling agreed.

Yao Yuan said, "My opinion is to tell the security department about this matter. Those people are still in the botanical garden. Let the security department control them first, and then send them to the police station tomorrow."

"Okay, then you tonight..."

"Bai Ling, of course I can't stay here." Yao Yuan interrupted her with a smile, "I'll go find Zhang Xiaoqi and ask her to come and accompany you. Besides, my friend and I will go to the police station tomorrow to testify for you."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Not long after, Zhang Xiaoqi came over with her clothes, and Yao Yuan took people from the security department to the scene, and arrested Zhang Qiang and his group.Yao Yuan also kindly told the security department not to tell Bai Ling's parents for the time being, otherwise tonight would definitely be a wild ride, and with Bai Ling's character, he might really seek death and life.

After Zhang Xiaoqi found out what had happened, she sighed and said, "You almost died, and you really are, why did you go to the botanical garden at night, haven't you heard that there have been many murders in the botanical garden before."

"It's all nonsense." Bai Ling shook his head and said, "I thought Yao Yuan would follow, but I didn't expect him to fall behind. Fortunately, he appeared in time."

Zhang Xiaoqi's attention suddenly shifted, "By the way, I still want to ask you, why did you suddenly become interested in this nerd, this is not your Miss Bai's style."

Bai Ling asked back, "Don't you think he has changed a lot? I think he is hiding something deep. He is obviously excellent, but he never shows it."

"Don't be ridiculous, picking clothes from the garbage dump, is that called excellence?" Zhang Xiaoqi sneered.

Bai Ling said suddenly, "I remember you liked him."

Zhang Xiaoqi shook her head and waved her hands as if her tail had been stepped on, "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't mean that at all, it was because he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination, and his Chinese score was the highest in their class, I just wanted to discuss poetry with him .”

"You really have nothing to do with him?" Bai Ling asked.

Zhang Xiaoqi wished she could swear to the sky, "Absolutely not! This girl has kept herself clean and has never dated or had a boyfriend!"

"Then I'm relieved." Bai Ling smiled immediately, and asked again, "Then what's going on with Chen Jiahao?"

"He?" Zhang Xiaoqi sneered, "Do you think I can fall in love with him like a half-grown child? It's all just to hang out together once in a while. Someone pays for watching movies, eating, shopping and buying clothes. Why not do it?"

If Yao Yuan was present, he would definitely give Zhang Xiaoqi a label - green tea!

While chatting, Zhang Xiaoqi forgot to ask Bai Ling why he suddenly became interested in Yao Yuan, and why he boldly started chasing men.

Yao Yuan was busy working until after ten o'clock, and then he found a place to sit down and talk with Lin Xiaohu.Lin Xiaohu bought a few bottles of cold beer, and the two of them sat drinking and smoking on the side of the flower garden outside the school gate.

"How is your sister?" Yao Yuan asked.

Lin Xiaohu said, "I was discharged from the hospital, and the doctor said everything is fine. You saved my sister, and my life will be yours from now on."

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "I'm a college student, not an outsider, so you follow me."

"I'll do whatever you ask me to do." Lin Xiaohu was not good at words, raised his beer and drank it down.

Yao Yuan said, "How did you find it?"

"I asked the nurse and went to your house. Uncle said that you are studying here." Lin Xiaohu said.

Lin Xiaohu arranged for his younger sister, sent her to school, and then searched for her all the way.This is a person who accepts death, he and his sister depend on each other for their lives, and regard her as more important than his own life. Yao Yuan saved his sister, and Yao Yuan is his benefactor for the rest of his life.

Yao Yuan didn't resist Lin Xiaohu's following him. He had done a lot of things in the past few days, but Lin Wei was the only man under his command at the moment, and it was the time when he was in urgent need of manpower.

"What are you doing now?" Yao Yuan asked.

Lin Xiaohu said, "Handling at the grain station."

"Follow me in the future." Yao Yuan said, "I want to import a batch of electronic watches and clothing from the provincial capital. It's a thousand kilometers back and forth. The situation on the road is very complicated, and I need a few people to follow the car."

Lin Xiaohu said, "I used to be in the provincial team and took a bus. The roads were messy."

"Find two reliable and clever people to follow the car with you, not criminals." Yao Yuan said, thought for a while, and said, "It's better to have someone who can drive."

"Okay." Lin Xiaohu nodded.

Yao Yuan didn't say any more requirements, and he didn't ask Lin Xiaohu what plan he had. He could roughly guess what Lin Xiaohu would do.

He took out a business card and handed it to Lin Xiaohu, "Tomorrow you go to Lin Wei, just tell me that I let you go, you are ready, bring your car and come to me before you leave."

"Okay." Lin Xiaohu took the business card, glanced at it and kicked it into his trouser pocket.

"Okay, you go back."

Yao Yuan got up, patted his buttocks and left.

Lin Xiaohu packed up the empty bottles and threw them in the trash, and walked away.He doesn't even have a bicycle, and now he has no car to sit in. Now he has to walk when he goes back.

As soon as he entered the school gate, he saw Su Qingming from the security department walking towards him.

"Officer Su." Yao Yuan greeted with a smile.

Su Qingming smiled and said, "Yao Yuan, you are amazing. You have subdued four gangsters by yourself. Have you ever practiced?"

"My grandfather used to be a martial arts instructor in the army, and I learned a few things from him." Yao Yuan said.

Su Qingming was quite surprised, "So it's like this, it's very good."

"Officer Su, I'll treat you to a drink another day."

Yao Yuan smiled and said that this Su Qingming is usually very friendly to the students and has no airs. As long as some things do not violate the principles, he will turn a blind eye and close his eyes. The students support him very much. The section chief is even taller.

However, Yao Yuan remembered that it was during this period that his family was going to have a major incident, and the school also called on everyone to donate money, but he couldn't remember the specific reason.

"You are still a student, so you should drink less alcohol." Su Qingming said with a smile.

After chatting for a few words, the two waved goodbye.

As a result, just after class the next afternoon, the counselor talked about the donation.

Su Qingming's son suffered a serious illness and was being rescued in the hospital.

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