Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 23 Bai Ling

The botanical garden is on the edge of Xigong University. It is a park planted with many tropical plants and belongs to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences.

Let alone the night, even in the daytime, if the people from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences don't come to work, it will be quiet and inaccessible.

The scenery is very beautiful, and it is very cool in hot summer.

After Yao Yuan left the hotel, he looked left and right, but he didn't see the few social youths who were with Chen Jiahao, thinking that they had already left.When I followed Bai Ling, I met a classmate who was returning to school and chatted with him on the road. When he turned his head, Bai Ling was gone.

He hurriedly stepped into the botanical garden, and under the faint moonlight, he looked at the dense plants.

"Bai Ling!" Yao Yuan shouted.

no respond.

He secretly blamed in his heart, this girl is too ignorant, why is she playing petty temper.

The botanical garden is very large, and the route is winding and complicated, and the plants are dense. Yao Yuan searched around but couldn't find anyone, so he was a little anxious.

He couldn't help frowning.

Occasionally, a breeze blows over, and there is a faint call in the wind.

He was startled suddenly, and hurriedly followed the voice to find it.

There seemed to be a few figures in the banana grove in front of him, his heart sank, and he ran over!

He was stunned by what he saw.

Several men pinned a woman to the ground. That woman was Bai Ling. At this time, the clothes on her body had been torn into strips!

Who are those men if not Zhang Qiang's gang!

At this moment, Yao Yuan suddenly remembered the vicious case that made all the girls in the school terrified in his previous life.A girl was raped by gangsters in the botanical garden next to her school. There have been many vicious cases in the 90s. The reason why this case is memorable is because the girl committed suicide by jumping off a building, and she committed suicide by jumping off a building in school.

At this moment, all relevant memories of Yao Yuan came out.

Later, the murderer was caught, and the court held a public trial meeting. At that time, the school organized students to participate in the public trial meeting. The murderer was Zhang Qiang!

No wonder it looks familiar!

No wonder I didn't have any impression of Bai Ling in my previous life. It turned out that she passed away within three months of Yao Yuan's class!

Without the slightest hesitation, Yao Yuan rushed over with a roar, kicked Zhang Qiang who was about to commit violence with his help.

Zhang Qiang had already taken off his pants and was about to be raped, but Yao Yuan kicked him right where the kidney was, and he fell out with a scream.

Seeing this, his three boys immediately let go of Bai Ling and rushed towards Yao Yuan.

However, Yao Yuan's movements didn't stop at all, he stretched out his arms out of inertia, each wrapped his arms around the necks of the two boys, and then pulled his arms forward vigorously!How could a boy who looked like a skinny monkey stand up to Yao Yuan, who was strong and strong?

The two heads collided with each other and made a muffled sound, and the two boys stumbled to the ground with their heads in their arms.

Another horse boy took out his dagger and stabbed it, shouting, Yao Yuan flashed, clasped the horse boy's wrist holding the knife with both hands, and broke it hard!


With a scream and a crisp sound, the dagger in the hand of the knife-wielding horseman fell, and his wrist was broken.

Yao Yuan didn't stop, he knew very well that he was alone and weak, if he gave the opponent a chance to counterattack, even if he had learned Sanda, it would be difficult to guarantee Bai Ling's safety!

He rushed over and punched the horse boy with the knife on the temple, the horse boy with the knife fell limply to the end without saying a word, and passed out.

Yao Yuan did the same thing, knocking the other two dazed boys to the ground with one punch.Just as he was about to rush towards Zhang Qiang, Zhang Qiang, who had come to his senses, saw Yao Yuan's bravery, and was so frightened that he pulled up his trousers and ran away.

At this moment, a figure rushed out, and only heard a muffled sound. Yao Yuan saw Zhang Qiang flying backward seven or eight meters like a broken sack, and he was stunned!

"Lin Xiaohu?" Yao Yuan asked in surprise after seeing the person coming.

Lin Xiaohu nodded, said nothing, dragged Zhang Qiang and the others together, untied their shoelaces, and began to tie them up.

Yao Yuan took off his round neck and short sleeves and put them on Bai Ling, and helped her up, only to find that her tights and the bottom of the trousers had been taken off to the bend of her knees. If he was a step late, Bai Ling would probably be caught Defiled.

Ignoring other things, Yao Yuan pulled up Bai Ling's trousers, and found that the front had been torn, exposing his white inner thighs.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Yao Yuan comforted the terrified Bai Ling.

Bai Ling suddenly threw himself into Yao Yuan's arms and cried loudly. After Yao Yuan checked to make sure that she would not be exposed, he was relieved.For a woman, encountering such a thing is more uncomfortable than dying.

Lin Xiaohu walked over after finishing the treatment. Yao Yuan saw that he was wearing a work coat, and said, "Give me the coat."

Lin Xiaohu quickly took it off and handed it over, while the man walked a few steps away and turned his face away.

Yao Yuan wrapped his coat around Bai Ling's waist, just covering the damaged part of the leggings.

"Go, call the police." Yao Yuan helped Bai Ling to go out.

Bai Ling was incomparable, the experience just now was a nightmare, she was already in despair, until she saw Yao Yuan appear.She slowly regained her ability to think, and said excitedly, "No! Don't call the police!"

"Look for the school security department."

"Don't! Don't look for it! I'd rather die than look for it!"

Yao Yuan immediately understood that this was a very hot-tempered girl, and she obviously didn't want anyone to know what happened to her tonight.

He didn't insist anymore, Bai Ling's mood was very unstable at this time, calling the police might aggravate her psychological shadow.Even after 30 or 90 years, there are still many women who have encountered such violations who are too ashamed to speak up and choose to remain silent, let alone the [-]s.

But Zhang Qiang and his group must be severely punished!

When he was about to reach the gate of the botanical garden, Yao Yuan stopped, pulled Lin Xiaohu aside and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

"I came to look for you. I heard that those guys were going to deal with you. I followed them quietly to see what they were going to do. Then they entered here through the side door. I followed in. There are too many trees in this place, I can't keep up. I just heard the sound I just found it." Lin Xiaohu said.

Although he couldn't say clearly, Yao Yuan roughly knew what was going on.Most likely, Lin Xiaohu was right next to Zhang Qiang and the others and heard their conversation.

"Go to a hotel near the school to get a room, give me the key, and wait for me outside the hotel." Yao Yuan took out 100 yuan and handed it over.

Lin Xiaohu took the money and left without saying a word.

Yao Yuan helped Bai Ling to one side and sat down. Bai Ling, who survived the catastrophe, cried silently and leaned against Yao Yuan weakly.Yao Yuan had no choice but to let her lean on her, not daring to look at her body.

After a while, Lin Xiaohu came back with a shirt.

Yao Yuan is now shirtless, if he goes out with Bai Ling like this, he will definitely be treated as a hooligan and sent to the police station.

After Lin Xiaohu gave Yao Yuan the keys and shirt, he turned around and left.

Yao Yuan put on his shirt and said, "It's definitely not good for you to go back to the dormitory with your appearance like this. You will stay in the hotel tonight. I will bring you a message and ask your roommate to bring you clothes and stay with you for the night."

"No! I don't want them to know!" Bai Ling gradually recovered, wiped away his tears, shook his head and said, "You help me get it, but don't let them know."

Yao Yuan didn't say anything more, and took her to the hotel.

The hotel owner didn't suspect anything. It was nothing new for male and female students to rent a room with him, and he only regarded it as a young couple.

After Bai Ling settled down, Yao Yuan was about to leave, but was held back by Bai Ling.

Bai Ling begged pitifully, "Don't go..."

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