The wind is over the sea

Chapter 105 Golden Core Cultivation Explodes

A group of snow-white unicorns discovered the small lake in the Valley of Love at some point, and came to the lake to drink water together early in the morning.The two pairs of mandarin ducks on the lake were frightened by the unicorn, and flew to the peach orchard with a few calls.

The little monkey got the courage to go back to the valley.It cruelly drives away the mandarin ducks that just flew over in the peach orchard.

Mu Yu and Tian Heng walked out of the wooden house and were about to start the first competition of the day.Qin Lan was awakened by the cries of mandarin ducks, and also walked out of the wooden house angrily.Then they all saw an incredible picture.

On the boulder by the small lake, Xiaoyu and Pei Feng sat side by side.That pair of intimate backs seemed to be a pair of young lovers.Mu Yutianheng looked at each other in blank dismay.Qin Lan had something in her heart that she couldn't explain clearly.

Mu Yu wondered, "When did Xiaoyu get so close to Brother Pei Feng?" He clearly remembered that when Xiaoyu was scared to cry yesterday, Pei Feng was still sneering and sarcastic without sympathy.

Tian Heng said helplessly: "Our little valley owner is the same as the brothers Qin Lan, he has no permanent mood or anger."

His words naturally fell into Qin Lan's ears.Qin Lan didn't know where his anger came from, and immediately exploded at Tian Heng.

"If you talk about him, just talk about him. Why did you bring me? When did I become moody!"

Tian Heng was yelled at by Qin Lan, but there was a smile on his mouth.Spreading his hands, he said, "Now!"

Mu Yu laughed.

Qin Lan angrily walked towards the small lake.When Xiaoyu saw Qin Lan approaching, she immediately jumped off the boulder and hugged Qin Lan's arm.When Qin Lan saw her swollen eyes from crying, the anger in her heart disappeared instantly.She gently caressed Xiaoyu's face and said, "Why are you crying like this?"

Xiaoyu bowed her head and remained silent.

Pei Feng also jumped off the boulder, leaning on Qin Lan and said, "You are right, we should keep Xiaoyu in the valley."

Qin Lan squinted at him and said, "It's rare for a person like you to have a little sympathy."

Xiaoyu laughed mischievously.She glanced at Qin Lan meaningfully and said with a smile, "Brother Qin Lan, you have such a good eye." After she finished speaking, she ran towards her wooden house.

Both Pei Feng and Qin Lan felt that this sentence was a bit inexplicable.Qin Lan then understood what Xiaoyu meant, and her face turned red.

Naturally, Pei Feng would never understand what Xiaoyu was talking about!

He said to Qin Lan: "In the future, you should treat Xiaoyu better. This child is too pitiful."

At this time, Mu Yu and Tian Heng also came over.The eyes of the three fell on Pei Feng's body, and Pei Feng was hairy all over when he looked straight at it.

Qin Lan said angrily: "You are still talking nonsense here, these days you are the only one who is always on guard against Xiaoyu."

Pei Feng sneered.The fact is that this is the case...

On this day, Qin Lan was pestered by two elder brothers to teach the second level of swordsmanship.And Pei Feng is still obsessed with Xiaogu's arrangement.And Xiaoyu even abandoned the light and turned to the dark and joined Pei Feng's camp.Under Pei Feng's command, she moved the spirit stones around, as if the two of them were going to come up with some kind of aesthetic design.

At noon, the sun is in the sky.A flock of wild geese flew by, and Pei Feng looked up at the blue sky.The heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.All of a sudden, the little monkey uttered a cry of alarm, then slipped into the wooden house and never dared to show its head again.Then they heard the calls of countless birds in the forest.Soon, a flock of birds flew over Xiaogu in a panic in the sky, their cries became one piece...

Pei Feng's face turned cold instantly: "It came so fast!" He turned to look at Xiaoyu.Xiaoyu's face turned pale.Her whole body was shaking.There was no trace of blood on the lips.

Pei Feng rubbed her shattered hair and smiled, "It's okay. The one who should come will come sooner or later."

Xiaoyu stared blankly at Pei Feng, her eyes were red.She told Pei Feng everything last night.In the end, Pei Feng only gave her four words - "Kill! Take the corpse!" Even though they all knew it well, it would not be easy to kill the withered bone ancestor.But for her sake, Pei Feng didn't hesitate at all.

Mu Yu judged this shocking change in the forest: "Could it be that a powerful spirit beast has appeared?"

Tian Heng nodded and said: "It seems that some kind of flying bird has cultivated spiritual power. Otherwise, these fierce beasts in the sky wouldn't be so scared. Let's avoid it first." After he finished speaking, he looked at Pei Feng.

Pei Feng's eyes were unusually dignified at the moment, his breathing was heavy, and his eyes swept over everyone.But he didn't say a word.

Qin Lan saw that Pei Feng and Xiaoyu's faces were not right, and felt that the situation was very serious, and asked, "What happened? Did it come for us?"

Pei Feng nodded slowly.


"Come here for us? Who is it?"

Tears welled up in Xiaoyu's eyes.Looking at Qin Lan, he said, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry everyone!"

"What?" Qin Lan was about to ask something more.

Pei Feng interrupted: "From today onwards, you are my person in the Valley of Love. Don't say those superfluous words anymore!"

A loud and long song of a bird pierced the sky.A huge red bird circled over the Valley of Love.

"Fire Sparrow!" Mu Yu yelled.

Tian Heng looked at the giant beast.He screamed: "Jin, Jindan's cultivation base?"

The men of Luzhou City are naturally familiar with the beasts.The fire sparrow can grow to this size, obviously it has the golden core cultivation base.

The fire sparrow in the air suddenly swooped down.The violent wind blown by the huge wings actually stirred up waves in the calm small lake.Everyone was completely shocked by this scene.

"Is this fire sparrow here to seek revenge?"

The fire sparrow landed on the other side of the lake and jumped off a person from its back.This person is covered with animal patterns all over his body.Obviously also a monk from the Beast Control Sect.It's just that this person can control the Huo Mingque, who has always been at the golden elixir stage, so it can be seen that his cultivation is at least at the golden elixir stage.

in a moment.Everyone is heartbroken.

Mu Yu was startled and said, "It's the people who control the Beast Sect looking for revenge. Run away!"

After his words fell, Qin Lan had already sacrificed the Horcrux Colorful Blood Lotus.There is only one word in her mind at the moment - escape!

Even if she could use the Xuanbao to hold back a beast master with a golden core cultivation, but with the stronger Fire Sparrow, she would have no chance of winning.

Mu Yu, Tian Heng, and Qin Lan jumped onto the colorful blood lotus almost at the same instant.

"Brother Peifeng, Xiaoyu, let's go! What are you waiting for?" Qin Lan said anxiously.

Pei Feng glanced at her and said: "How long can your spiritual power keep the soul treasure flying? We can't escape."

"Then you can't stay and wait to die!" Qin Lan roared anxiously: "Go quickly. There may be a glimmer of hope in escaping into the depths of the forest." At this moment, the only hope she can see is to escape to the depths and meet her own Two uncles.

Pei Feng smiled at her and shook his head. "We won't escape this time!" He turned to Xiaoyu and said, "Why didn't that old ghost come?"

Xiaoyu paused and said: "He has always acted cautiously. He guessed that we have Xuanbao, but he didn't know our strength. So he probably didn't dare to take risks in person."

"It's not easy to kill him!"

Another person jumped off the fire sparrow.No, that's not a person, but a corpse that has rotted all over.They are all martial arts masters, with amazing eyesight, they can clearly see the white bones protruding from the chest of the corpse on the other side of the lake.And he only has one eye.On the other side, only the black eye sockets remained rotten.Seeing this scene, everyone's face changed drastically.

Mu Yu was surprised: "What is this! A corpse?"

Although Qin Lan is the young master of a cult.But I have never seen such a horrible thing.

"Go, go, Pei Feng!" After a roar, she saw joy on Pei Feng's face again. "Is he scared stupid?"

Pei Feng smiled and asked Xiao Yu beside him, "Is that your corpse puppet?"

Xiaoyu nodded.

"No matter where you are, the corpse puppet can find you, right?"

"Yes, I have merged with the corpse of the puppet. The beast master used the puppet to find this place."

Pei Feng laughed loudly and said, "That's great! This is much easier than snatching the corpse puppet from that old ghost's hands."

Xiaoyu had been beating drums in her heart, but she saw that Pei Feng was full of confidence.He couldn't help believing what Pei Feng said last night. "Xiaoyu, you are not the only monks in the ghost domain in this world who have the ability to hide their cultivation."

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of the people behind them.The three were completely stunned.Just a few sentences of dialogue, the amount of information is too much.They can't digest it at all.

Qin Lan said: "What, is it a corpse puppet?"

Mu Yu said: "Xiaoyu, you lured them here?"

Tian Heng said: "That thing belongs to Xiaoyu?"

The Jindan Beast Master on the opposite side laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Xiaoyu, you did a good job. You actually found the treasure. Go back to the ancestors and you will be rewarded."

There is one place for this remark.The eyes of the three on Lian Shang were all fixed on Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, what did he mean? You..."

"You want to harm us?"

Xiaoyu avoided everyone's gaze.Subconsciously took a step back.Pei Feng's palm rested on her back. "After killing that person, I will explain clearly to everyone."

"Old Bone Ancestor really expected well. It seems that you killed my junior brother with the treasure. Your highest level is nothing more than spiritual transformation, mere ants, what qualifications do you have to own the soul treasure. Hand it over obediently, and I will give it to you Leave a whole body."

Several people on the colorful blood lotus are now stunned.There are too many questions in their hearts, too many puzzles.The eyes of the three seemed to swallow Xiaoyu.

Pei Feng interjected: "Why didn't that old bony ghost pick up the heavy treasure by himself? Will it be left to you?"

Pei Feng's question really caught the beast master on the other side of the lake.He continued: "He asked you to die."

After all, the Beast Master is the eldest disciple under the head of the Beast Control Sect, so how could he be bluffed by a hairy kid at the Houtian Realm.

He sneered and said, "With you ants, who can stop me?"

"It's not blocking you, it's killing you."

After saying this sentence, a murderous aura began to pervade Pei Feng's body.His long hair fluttered without the wind, and rose behind him like countless sharp swords that threatened his life.

Suddenly snowflakes floated in the clear sky.Love Valley - It's Snowing!


Qin Lan reached out to touch the slowly falling snowflakes.The snowflakes turned into drops of cold water in her hands.

"Is it really snowing? How can it snow this season?"

It almost never snows in the barren forest, let alone in this sunny day.But the white mist evaporated above the small lake, and the sky quickly turned white.

The beast master on the other side of the lake felt a chill.His whole body was completely surrounded by killing intent.The Fire Sparrow beside him was also restless in the snowflakes.Apparently the crisis was also felt.

"Who? Haven't shown up yet?" The beast master shouted.

I saw the young man on the other side slowly walking towards him step by step.Pei Feng stepped out in a straight line towards him.His feet stepped directly into the small lake.And his people were actually floating on the water.

Countless snowflakes avoided Pei Feng's body when they fell one foot away.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Every time Pei Feng took a step down, he released some of his aura.Until he took the tenth step.The mist under his feet was completely pushed away by his foot.The golden halo under his feet was revealed.

At this moment, no one had time to react.

Mu Yu was completely stunned.Subconsciously said in the mouth: "What is that..."

Pei Feng continued to walk forward.Pale golden streaks of light also began to appear on the back.

Until he reached the middle of the lake.The whole body is constantly emitting pale golden light.His whole being became a luminous body.On the emerald green lake, a dazzling golden light dazzled.

The spiritual power sealed in his body finally burst out at this moment.They have been dormant for too long, and now they are seeing the sun again.Tossed in his body.Raising teeth and claws outside his body.Like a potential dragon soaring into the sky.Like a phoenix nirvana.

"Golden! Gold core cultivation base!" Tian Heng shouted.I feel my brain is a little deprived of oxygen.

Seeing all this, Xiaoyu finally understood where Pei Feng's confidence came from.Staring at Pei Feng's golden back.

She murmured to herself: "Brother Pei Feng, can you really help me get my corpse puppet?" Xiaoyu suddenly had an endless desire to survive.

"I want to live..."

The simple four words fell into Pei Feng's ears.There was a thunder in his heart. "I want you to live!"

At this moment, Pei Feng untied the last seal.There was a loud noise inside.Suddenly, a dazzling golden light exploded.Reflect the small lake into a piece of gold.

Wait until the golden color slowly recedes.Qin Lan's eyes became a little blurred.It's like being in a fantasy.

"He has been hiding, he, he is a Golden Core cultivator..."

Although Pei Feng is only at the early stage of Golden Core cultivation.But the spiritual power in his body has been sealed for a long time.At the moment when the seal was completely released, the visual impact that erupted was too dazzling.

The moment he stepped out of the lake, the snowflakes all over the sky began to stir.The snowflakes around his body rolled rapidly and condensed.After a while, a long sword made of condensed snowflakes appeared in his hand.

"This sword is called Can Xue Sword!"

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