The wind is over the sea

Chapter 104 Tell Your Story

The candles in the log cabin were about to burn out, the flames became smaller and smaller, and finally extinguished slowly.A wisp of pungent green smoke floated above the wick.Xiaoyu squeezed the slightly hot wick with her hands.At this time, the night is deep, the wick is out, the heart is out, it is time for her to leave.In the darkness her eyes became unusually firm.She slowly opened the door of the wooden house and walked out. She walked all the way to the edge of the shining small lake.

There are spiritual stones around the small lake and the bottom of the lake in the Valley of Love, so even in the middle of the night, it is very bright here.The light reflected from the small lake hit Xiaoyu's delicate face, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

The little monkey that Pei Feng had worked so hard to find saw Xiaoyu's figure from a distance, called out to her, and fled out of the valley.Xiaoyu smiled wryly, she knew that little guy must have smelled the smell of her body, so even though the scars on her face were now covered by makeup, it was still so afraid of her.

Xiaoyu leaned into the lake and saw her own reflection in the lake.What a pretty girlish face it was!She looked at the face that belonged to her, but she couldn't bear to look away.Her hand brushed lightly across her face.The touch of the hand is delicate and smooth.The corners of Xiaoyu's mouth curled up slightly.

Sister Qin Lan drew this beautiful face for her, and she couldn't get enough of it.It was this face that made her completely find herself again.She is not a ghost from the Undead Corpse Land, she is Lan Xiaoyu from the Mosang tribe!

At this moment, Xiaoyu's determination has been made.She thought that instead of idling along in front of that old ghost, living like a ghost or a human, it would be better to die, so that she would not have to suffer from that hellish torture again.Her heart was very calm, and at this moment, she no longer had the fear of death, but only a little bit of reluctance to her relatives and friends.She smiled at the lake, and shed a few tears in the lake.Then slowly stood up.

She whispered: "Mother, Xiaoyu can't go back to find you."

She raised her eyes to look at the wooden houses in the distance and said, "Thank you everyone for being able to meet you at the end of my life. I, Lan Xiaoyu, are content."

Xiaoyu lifted her foot and walked out of the valley.She was determined to find a secret place to end her miserable life.In the darkness, she walked forward by the moonlight, and before she had gone far, a voice came from directly in front of her.

"Xiaoyu, why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

Xiaoyu was startled, she heard the sound and looked around, but saw a young man leaning on a big tree looking at her with a smile.That boy was none other than Pei Feng.


Pei Feng said: "Go back. It is easy to get lost when walking in the forest late at night. Once a person loses his way, it is not easy to find it again."

"I can't stay here."

"Oh? Why? Let's hear it."

Xiaoyu remained silent.

Pei Feng said again: "Two days ago, you were the one who wanted to stay here crying. Today you want to leave without saying goodbye? You should give me, the owner of the Valley, an explanation. Where do you think the Valley of Love is? You can come and go whenever you want go?"

Xiaoyu bit her lip, but still said nothing.The two stood in a stalemate for a moment.Xiaoyu finally opened her mouth and said: "It seems that Brother Pei Feng guessed that I was not a good person."

Pei Feng smiled lightly and said, "Do you think that little trick of yours can fool everyone? Tell me, what is your purpose for coming here?"

After another brief silence, Xiaoyu had a plan in mind.She turned around suddenly and quickly fled into the darkness.

"Where are you going?" Pei Feng rushed after him.

The two walked quickly through the forest, one behind the other.After chasing for about a stick of incense, the two had already run more than ten miles away.Xiaoyu stopped by a small stream.

"Why didn't you run away?"

Xiaoyu turned around and said, "Since you can't run away, why waste your energy!"

Pei Feng sneered: "It seems that you plan to fight me?"

"So what about the battle, can you beat me?"

"Then you can try."

There was a trace of ridicule at the corner of Xiaoyu's mouth. "You underestimate me!" she shouted.Suddenly rushed towards Pei Feng.And she held a dagger in her hand that she didn't know where it came from.Under the dim moonlit night, the dagger was radiantly cold.

Pei Feng also quickly took out his real weapon dagger from his arms.Fighting with Xiaoyu.I also couldn't see how the two figures were moving, only heard countless crisp sounds of "Ding. Ding".It was two slender daggers that quickly collided several times in the darkness.

In a round of fighting, the two sides can be regarded as testing each other's cultivation, and then quickly separated.

Xiaoyu said: "Brother Peifeng, you are so quick."

"Each to each other. You hide deeply enough."

Xiaoyu said coldly: "If you only have this strength, then don't blame me for being ruthless." She took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes slightly.She bit her lower lip tightly with her white teeth.I said in my heart, "My time has come!"

"Take your life!" Xiaoyu roared, and rushed towards Pei Feng again.This time she was faster.But the dagger in her hand slipped unknowingly.A bright spot appeared in Xiaoyu's eyes, and the bright spot quickly moved towards her throat.She knew that Brother Pei Feng's dagger had arrived.She slowly closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.A cold feeling fell on her neck.Afterwards, the world fell into a deathly silence.

"Is this what death feels like? It doesn't seem to be as painful as imagined."

Time seems to have stopped at this moment, and this moment is as long as eternity.In fact, it was only a moment, but Xiaoyu felt that it had been a long, long time.Countless images popped up in her mind.But all the pictures happened before she was five years old.After the age of five, her mind became a blank.The rushing sound of the stream didn't stop for a long time, Xiaoyu slowly opened her eyes.But he saw that Pei Feng's finger was pressing against her throat with one hand.There was no expression on his face, he just looked into her eyes quietly.

"Brother Pei Feng, why don't you kill me?"

Pei Feng withdrew his finger and asked back, "Why do you want to die?"

Xiaoyu was told by Pei Feng.I was slightly surprised.

"How did you guess that I..."

Pei Feng said: "You have the cultivation level of transforming spirits, but you didn't use your spiritual power when you escaped, so you deliberately let me catch up with you. And you still didn't use spiritual power at the last moment of life and death. That can only show that you Not trying to kill me, but wanting to die."

Xiaoyu took a step back unconsciously.

"Brother Pei Feng, since you have already guessed my cultivation, why did you let me enter the valley? You know that I have no good intentions for everyone, why do you want to show mercy to me now?"

"It's because of your tears!"

"My tears?"

Pei Feng did not answer Xiaoyu's question.Naturally, he would not reveal his invisibility to a ghost domain monk.In the past two days, Pei Feng seemed indifferent to Xiaoyu, but his eyes never left her.Pei Feng could clearly see every tear she shed.He had already seen her involuntary.

Xiaoyu smiled bitterly.In this world, someone will kill her because of her tears, and someone will let her go because of her tears.It's just that now, her fate is a foregone conclusion, tears are already the most useless thing for her.

Pei Feng sighed and said, "Tell me your story."

Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "My story...Brother Pei Feng, you don't want to hear it. I just want to die. Rather than dying in the hands of my enemies, I would rather die in your hands."

Pei Feng's heart trembled violently.

He asked: "If I let you go. Will you still die?"



"Because I won't tell anyone that there is a place in this world called 'Valley of Love'."

Pei Feng was shocked.His eyes finally became gentle.Xiaoyu's short sentence is enough for him to guess a lot of information.She doesn't want to betray everyone, but she needs to pay the price with her life.Xiaoyu's decision made Pei Feng fully approve of her.Even though she is a cultivator from Huangquan, Pei Feng doesn't have the slightest grudge against her at this moment.He has regarded Xiaoyu as his most sincere friend.

Pei Feng said slowly: "I have some enemies in this world, they are very powerful. They have been looking for me for many years and want to kill me. But I am still alive and well now."

Pei Feng glanced at Xiaoyu at this point.Xiaoyu didn't know what it meant, and didn't answer the words.

Pei Feng continued: "I want you to know that my enemies are much, much stronger than yours. So I'm not that easy to kill."

Pei Feng slowly walked up to Xiaoyu.He gently put his hands on Xiaoyu's broken hair and rubbed it.Said: "Come back with me. Let your enemies find it. If I can't even kill him, how can I survive the pursuit of my enemies?"

Xiaoyu's heart suddenly missed a beat.Tears welled up in her eyes again.She hugged Pei Feng in her arms.He swallowed even more: "Thank you, Brother Pei Feng. But it's useless. My can't kill him. And my life is in his hands. It is impossible for me to resist him. Brother Pei Feng, I can't go back and get hurt Everyone. He has a way of finding my location. So, I beg you to kill me here. I don't want to be caught by him again."

Pei Feng's eyes were also red.He couldn't imagine what kind of crying the little girl in his arms was enduring.The scene of the massacre of the tribe appeared in his mind again.And in those scenes, his clansman used the golden core cultivation base, and used the mysterious formation to cooperate with the "Prime Ancient Heaven's Solution" to keep many soul monks in Tongyou Valley forever.That battle was also the glory of the god-descendants.And as a descendant of the gods, how could he not dare to leapfrog the ranks?

"If you don't try, how do you know that I can't kill him!" Pei Feng's eyes showed a cold light, and he said fiercely: "It's just a ghost realm monk who hides his head and shows his tail, and can't see the light! Soul realm cultivation? Six corpses carry the coffin ? I want to see if he has the ability to take your Xiaoyu's life from me!"

When Xiaoyu heard this, she exclaimed!She broke free from Pei Feng's arms, and stared into Pei Feng's eyes in disbelief.

"Brother Pei Feng, you, who are you..."

Pei Feng's eyes at this moment are extremely determined.He said softly: "Xiaoyu, tell me your story now!"

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