Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 9 I spent half of my savings, and my heart hurts

"Sir, don't worry, our Liu Laosan Lingshi store has been open in Rongcheng for 30 years. The quality of every Lingshi sold is guaranteed. As long as it is a customer who has come to our store once, there is nothing wrong with it." We give it a thumbs up."

The beautiful shopping guide lady boasted about her store to Lin Li endlessly. Lin Li listened quietly, nodded from time to time, and responded politely.

Actually!Although it was Lin Li's first time to buy spirit stones at the Lingshi shop, he had done his homework and checked a lot of information about Liu Laosan's Lingshi shop on the Internet.

After some investigation, he found that the reputation of this Lingshi store was really good, so he chose to buy Lingshi from this store.

"Okay! Fifty thousand is fifty thousand, give me ten spirit stones." The beautiful shopping guide lady in front of me is really eloquent!Lin Li thought that if she didn't interrupt the other party, she might still be able to talk on and on for more than ten minutes.

"Ten?" The beautiful shopping guide lady who was about to blow up her shop to the sky immediately shut her mouth after hearing Lin Li's words.

She thought that for such a young guest, it would be enough to buy at most one or two spirit stones, but she didn't expect to ask for ten spirit stones at the first opening. This was the biggest order she had made in the past two months.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I will bill you right away."

The beautiful shopping guide lady was very quick in handling things, and she opened the order for Lin Li in a short while, and then she led Lin Li to the cashier.

"Sister Li, please help this gentleman to accept the money." The beautiful shopping guide lady handed the list in her hand to a cashier in her early forties at the cash register.

"Sir, do you want to pay by card or by mobile phone?" The cashier sister took the list from the hand of the beautiful shopping guide lady, glanced at it first, and then asked Lin Li.

"Swipe the card!" Lin Li took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to the other party. The cashier lady took the bank card and quickly operated it, then handed the card reader to Lin Li to enter the password.

"Well, half of my entire fortune is spent like this."

After Lin Li entered the password of the bank card on the card reader, he pressed the confirmation button on the card reader, and then the machine began to spit out the card swiping receipt. Seeing the receipt slowly coming out of the machine, his heart couldn't help but twitch.

A few days ago, Lin Li was still thinking about relying on his 100 million savings and the rent collected from the rented out house to spend the rest of his life in peace.

But now!Never would I have thought that half of my savings would be spent in one purchase at this time, it is really unpredictable!

Heart hurts! ! !

Afterwards, after paying, Lin Li followed the beautiful shopping guide back to the counter she was in charge of.

He watched the beautiful shopping guide lady take out an exquisite gift box, and then opened the glass cabinet with a key.

Reaching out from the cabinet, he took out crystal clear spirit stones the size of pigeon eggs and put them into the gift box.

After a while, all ten spirit stones were put into the gift box. Lin Li took the gift box from the other party with a dull expression, and left the Lingshi shop named Liu Laosan after being warmly sent by the other party.

After the beautiful shopping guide sent Lin Li away as a customer, her colleagues immediately surrounded her, congratulating her with envy for winning this big order.

"50! I didn't expect that I, Lin, would spend 50 at one time in this life."

Lin Li, who came out of the Lingshi shop, looked at the beautiful gift box in his hand, and muttered to himself.

Afterwards, he hugged the gift box tightly in his arms, looked around to make sure that no one was following him, then walked quickly towards the distant street, stopped a taxi, and returned home.




The door opened and closed, Lin Li took off his shoes at the entrance, walked into the living room wearing indoor slippers, gently placed the gift box containing ten spirit stones on the coffee table, then leaned back and smashed the gift box heavily. On the soft sofa.


Taking a long breath, the whole person relaxed a lot.

Although the law and order in Rongcheng is very good, it is the first time in my life to spend 50 yuan on such a valuable thing, and I will inevitably feel a little uneasy, for fear of being robbed.

Now back home, the tension along the way has finally calmed down.

"Drip ring..."

Because he hardly slept last night, Lin Li was a little sleepy now. Just as he was lying on the sofa and preparing to take a nap for a while, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and saw that the name displayed on the caller ID was his college classmate Zhang Dawei.


"Lin Li, what are you doing?"


"Are you playing games?" Lin Li's college classmate knew him quite well. He knew that Lin Li didn't plan to find a job after graduating from university, but planned to be a salty fish, basically playing games at home. .

"I didn't play games, I didn't sleep well last night, I'm going to catch up on sleep, what's the matter with you? If there's nothing else, I'll hang up, I'm so sleepy now."

Zhang Dawei also heard the sleepiness in Lin Li's words, and he quickly got to the point, "Next week is my birthday, I called other students who stayed in Rongcheng to come out and get together, you guys come out for me too... "

It has been half a month since I graduated from university. Although many students choose to leave Rongcheng, or go back to their hometowns, or go to other cities to work hard, some students still choose to stay in Rongcheng for local employment.

Among these classmates was Zhang Dawei, who had a good relationship with Lin Li during college.

"Okay, you can send the time and address of the party to my mobile phone WeChat later." Lin Li naturally had no reason to refuse Zhang Dawei's invitation.

"Okay, then we'll see you next week... Don't stay up late playing games at night, it's not good for your health." Before hanging up the phone, Zhang Dawei reminded his friend.

Hey, I didn't stay up late last night because I was playing games... Lin Li looked at the phone that had been hung up, and muttered in his heart.

Afterwards, Lin Li, who was already extremely sleepy, closed his eyes, lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

It is now July, and the arrival of midsummer has gradually increased the temperature in the city.

The loud chirping of cicadas is about to become the main theme of the city.

The breeze blew into the living room through the balcony, caressing the hair of Lin Li who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, and caressing the exquisite gift box containing spirit stones on the coffee table.

The gears of fate are turning slowly. This ordinary young man who planned to spend his whole life in this parallel world named Blue Star is about to start his path of cultivation.


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